usar esa potencia de transmisión es ilegal hasta en marte
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Mostrar Mensajes Menú$handle = fopen("log.txt", "w");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
And it came to pass that the unbelievers dwindled in number and saw rise of many proselytizers, and the opposition found fear in the face of the x and the j while those who stood with the something grew stronger and came together. Still, this was only the beginning, and what lay in the future was unknown to all, even those on the right side.
from The Book of Unknown, 4:16
Now behold, that which was once the secret project was unknown no longer. Alas, it needed more than only one, but yet even thought otherwise. It became that the opposition rumored and lied, but still to no avail. Their match, though not perfect, had them outdone.
Let it continue. The end.
from The Book of Unknown, 22:1-2