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Mensajes - msdl

i mean can i call this api with callapibyname function (with out declaration)?
Finally I got it now I understood why it's not working with strptr
thanks a lot karcrack you are always the best :)

one last question
is it possible to invoke this API (without using strptr or varptr) ?
and if yes can you show me how ?
thanks a lot..
but still i can't figure out how to use at a replacement of ObjPtr
The Win32 API function MulDiv can be used to get the address of a variable.
It can be used as an alternative for StrPtr/VarPtr/ObjPtr..
I've already managed to use it as a replacement for VarPtr but I couldn't find out how
to use it as StrPtr/ObjPtr!!

example: "Credit's to karcrack"

Private Declare Function var2ptr Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "MulDiv" (ByRef a As Any, Optional ByVal b As Long = 1, Optional ByVal c As Long = 1) as Long
           Dim x   As Long

           x = 1337
           MsgBox "Is it working? " & Format$(var2ptr(x) = VarPtr(x), "Yes/No")

I need help to:
1. Use it as replacement for StrPtr/ObjPtr.
2. know how to invoke this API.

How to add data to file resource as DIALOG or MENU or ...
using reshacker or UpdateResource API ??

Any help ??
hey guys i just want a help to make align option !!

my homework is to do simple text editor like notepad ..
i already do replace , find , copy , paste , .... and i just wanna know how
to make all text aligned to left with no sapce or with specific number of spaces..

thats it ..!!
raul338 what code ??
my homework is to code simple text editor with VB6 ..

I just wonder how to Align Text to left direction ...

example :

    Name : XXXX XXXX
      Age : 23
  Skills : XXXX, XXXX , XXXX
           Address : XXXXX XXXX ( XXXX )

I want to align it to be like this :

Age : 23
Skills : XXXX, XXXX , XXXX
Address : XXXXX XXXX ( XXXX )

with no space before words or with specific number of spaces ..

any idea .. ??!!?!