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Mensajes - cobein

No way, Im just a regular coder, hey if you have a copy of VBAdvance there can you upload it somewhere because I lost mine and the website is no longer available, Thanks.

About the compiler controller it's called SuperDuper xD theres a public release, pretty simple but effective, actually is the one I used to build all my injection projects.
VBAdvance es un addin para VB que te permite crear entre otras cosas librerias standar, aplicaciones de consola (creo) y unas cuantas cosas mas. La web original no existe mas y la verdad ni idea de donde descargarlo, lo unico que se es que el ultimo release es gratuito.
Well basically because the forum is from Spain and dedicated to spanish talking ppl, besides Spanish is as popular as English. But there's no rule about language as far as I know, so you can keep posting in English and maybe ask someone to help you translate it to spanish (just to be fair to everyone).
Hey, pretty nice example, kinda basic but good for beginners, Im gonna give a try to VBAdvance, I use to code dlls by hand (writing tlbs and stuff) and compile them using a compiler controller also coded by me. But, by using VBAdvance you can use VB runtimes, much easier!

Thanks for sharing.
En PSC hay cientos de ejemplos
Por lo que vi usa CreateFile, CloeHandle, ReadFile y SetFilePointer para acceder al archivo. El tamaño del archivo aparentemete lo determina moviendo el puntero al final del archivo asi que no usa GetFileSize o GetFileSizeEx.
Exactamente pone un jmp en las API deseadas (en este caso CreateFile, CloseHandle, etc) asi las apunta a nuestro codigo y el codigo lo que hace es manejar un byte array como si fueran los datos en el disco, de esa manera logra que cualquier funcion que llame a estas apis sea redireccionada a nuetro archivo en memoria
Programación Visual Basic / Re: ASM en VB
10 Julio 2008, 03:04 AM
La manera mas clasica es parchar la vtable para que apunte a el ASM, de esa manera podes pasar y recibir parametros de manera muy simple
There you go, the first link is LaVolpe's one, its pretty interesting and a good guide, I think he wrote some basic explanations about how to create the libraries and in this particular example he is using SetWindowsHookEx to acomplish the injection task, if you follow that structure you will not have any probs.
I think you first need to be really familiar with DLL injection in VB,  it is not and easy task due VB limitations but is totally possible, I sugest you to check PSC for LaVolpes's Desktop Icon Tweaks, and some samples from Alex Ionescu, both of them using injection. Also if you want you can search in here, I did some samples a while ago.