Cita de: warcry. en 27 Diciembre 2016, 11:53 AMEstimado gracias por tu respuesta. Lo que no lograba era explicar en Ingles lo que queria buscar, ahora encontre lo que buscaba (con tu ayuda claro!).
yo tengo hecho un script para eso, creo que no lo subí a sw antes de irme.
Wamodewire: Warcry Mobile Devices WiFi Request
pero no deja de ser airodump parseado y presentado en bonito.
pagina web =>
Fairly easy to be honest, all you need is to do is listen for Probe Requests. There is a nice blog explaining how to go about setting up a computer with BT5 to listen for them here.
With a networking card that supports "Monitor mode", you are able to pick up so called "Probe requests". Once the networking card is set up to be in monitor mode you can use something like aircrack, wireshark or hoover to capture the probe requests.
For example when using ubuntu and wireshark, set the network card in monitor mode:
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
Now start wireshark and set the filter for "wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 4".
That's it, now you can see all the SSIDs being probed for around you.
Y en esta pagina tambien dan bastante explicacion del tema =>
Y otra pagina que da bastante info =>
Un saludo y gracias por la ayuda!