Reaver Pro [Reaver-WPS Pro Edition Live DVD]

Iniciado por P4nd3m0n1um, 30 Julio 2012, 05:04 AM

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soy nuebo en esta comunidad y me gustaria saber de donde puedo descargar el REAVER Pro,me gustaria descargarlo con torren,porfavor si sois muy amables enviarmelo para poder descargarlo,gracias antemano..


porfavor porque no encuentro para descargarme el reaver pro,enviarmelo para descargarlo,yo utilizo el backtrack 5 r3 y me gustaria saber si este que es el ultimo que a salio si se le podria poner el reaver pro,ya se que tiene el reaver pero me gustaria utilizar este,tengo una pregunta,estado viendo un programa que me tiene muy intigrado es el wpscrack,estado viendo un video y es para sacar el pin de los router,y es mucho mas rapido que el reaver,si alguna persona save algo de este programa porfavor me podria decir si se puede intalar en backtrack 5 r3,muchas gracias chicos,un saludo...


Cita de: Martin-Ph03n1X en 20 Agosto 2012, 05:32 AM

Download Reaver Pro: (Mac + PC + Linux)

What does It Do?
In a nutshell it cracks WPS WPA/WPA2-PSK Wireless (Wi-Fi) Networks

How Good Is It?
Good, but could be better, and there is something better :). You are better off with Xiaopan OS 0.4.3 (has expert GUI for Reaver called 'Inflator') which I have tested and it is amazing. It will be released soon :)

We will be making a huge effort to make more cards compatible and help you as much as we can with prompt service. Please join us in the forums and check the link above for additional information.

Windows + Mac Compatible [VMware / Parallels Desktop / Workstation / Virtualbox / Live CD / Live USB]

What is Reaver Pro? (From Tactical Network Solutions Website)
Reaver is a WPA attack tool developed by Tactical Network Solutions that exploits a protocol design flaw in WiFi Protected Setup (WPS). This vulnerability exposes a side-channel attack against Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) versions 1 and 2 allowing the extraction of the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) used to secure the network. With a well-chosen PSK, the WPA and WPA2 security protocols are assumed to be secure by a majority of the 802.11 security community.

WPS allows users to enter an 8 digit PIN to connect to a secured network without having to enter a passphrase. When a user supplies the correct PIN the access point essentially gives the user the WPA/WPA2 PSK that is needed to connect to the network. Reaver will determine an access point's PIN and then extract the PSK and give it to the attacker.

Current attacks against WPA networks involve the computation of rainbow tables based on a dictionary of potential keys and the name (SSID) of the network being attacked. Rainbow tables must be re-generated for each network encountered and are only successful if the PSK is a dictionary word. However, Reaver is not restricted by the limitations of traditional dictionary-based attacks. Reaver is able to extract the WPA PSK from the access point within 4 - 10 hours and roughly 95% of modern consumer-grade access points ship with WPS enabled by default.

Get Reaver Pro
You can find the free, open source version of Reaver at Google Code

Tactical Network Solutions is now pleased to offer a commercial version of Reaver called Reaver Pro. Reaver Pro is a dedicated hardware kit that allows operators to effortlessly conduct WPS attacks via a graphcial web interface. The hardware is preconfigured and tested for field use, operators only have to plug it and start the attack. Simply connect the bootable USB and provided wireless card into a laptop and boot to the Reaver Pro distribution. Browse to the localhost in a web browser, and select the network you want to attack, it's that easy!

Boot from the Reaver Pro USB.

1. Plug in your USB stick
2. Plug in your Reaver Pro receiver
3. Restart or reboot your Windows or Linux computer
4. Access your BIOS settings to change the boot devices and the order in which they boot from. You need to boot to USB first before your hard disk with your native operating system.

• To access your BIOS you generally have to push a function key such as F1 or F2

5. Save your settings then reboot your BIOS
6. After Reaver GUI boots you will be able to plug and play

Run Reaver Pro GUI in Virtual Machine (VM) Environment in your Native Operating System

This enables Reaver Pro to be fully compatible with Mac and Windows. You will need some sort of virtualisation software like Parallels (paid), VMware (paid) or VirtualBox (free). You will also need to copy the files from your Reaver Pro USB and use Plop Boot Manager (plbpt.iso) to create an iso image file which you can boot into if you want to use a Live CD or USB on a Mac.

The downside of running a VM is that your system resources will be shared between your native OS, Reaver OS and the VM software you are running. This is the only option on a Mac because they have EFI boot. Do not bother trying to boot Reaver via USB.

Buy the Reaver Pro Kit:
  No eres tu trabajo, no eres cuanto tienes en el banco, no eres el auto que conduces, ni el contenido en tu billetera, no eres tus malditos cakis, eres el bailarin cantante del mundo...!!!"



Pantalla en negro... Con Live dvd o con usb... Muy mal

al tener 2 pantallas conectadas de ese problema...
Alguien k explique un poco como usar el software?


Parecere un poco tonto pero me he descargado el reaver pro y lo he quemado en un dvd pero no me lo coge el ordenata.Solo he quemado la iso que pone reaver pro ¿hay que quemar el lote completo o solo la iso del reaver pro?


lo he probado con windows+vmware y bien, prefiero wifislax o backtrack

Solo debes quemar la iso a velocidad lenta.


Cita de: NEXUS978 en  2 Agosto 2012, 20:00 PM
si pero como te digo no me deja escribir ninguna contraseña ni nada de nada y alli me he quedado

Aquí tienes la solución para poder loguearte com tech:


Ya lo he puesto a andar,pero lo que quiero hacer ahora es guardar la sesion en un pendrive, y no se que archivo tengo que guardar, y tampoco donde tengo que ponerlo despues cuando quiera volver a ponerlo a funcionar.
Ayuda please.