Alguien se conecto a mi pc sin saberlo

Iniciado por J_mn77, 20 Junio 2017, 23:38 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


hola, hoy llegue a mi casa, y me encontre q en mi pc se habia abierto el teamviewer, me imagine que alguien se conecto, pero yo no entiendo mucho del log de teamviewer, alguien me ayuda?
2017/06/20 01:06:58.333  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=2, statusCode=WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT
2017/06/20 01:07:06.838  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF
2017/06/20 01:07:08.119  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT
2017/06/20 01:07:08.166  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=2, statusCode=WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT
2017/06/20 01:07:08.166  3472  3476 S0!  Retry later to switch to console from old session id: 2 to console id: 4294967295. Retries left: 4
2017/06/20 01:07:08.369  3472  4152 S0!  Retry later to switch to console from old session id: 2 to console id: 4294967295. Retries left: 3
2017/06/20 01:07:08.744  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=2, statusCode=WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0!! CToken::WTSQueryUserToken(): Querying token failed with error code 1008, Errorcode=1008
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0   CToken::LogAllLocalSessions(): Session id 0, name Services, state Disconnected
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0   CToken::LogAllLocalSessions(): Session id 1, name , state Down
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0   CToken::LogAllLocalSessions(): Session id 2, name Console, state Connected
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0!  CToken::GetUserToken(): Exception caught when querying user token for session 2 (WTSQueryUserToken() failed!, Errorcode=0)
2017/06/20 01:07:08.776  3472  3476 S0   CToken::GetUserToken(): Attempting to fallback and obtain user token from session process
2017/06/20 01:07:08.807  3472  3476 S0   CTerminalServer::RepeatedlyCheckForUserLogin() Don't start GUI for session 2
2017/06/20 01:07:08.823  3472  3476 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 4
2017/06/20 01:07:08.823  3472  3476 S0   NetWatchdog: OnStandby going to sleep
2017/06/20 01:07:08.823  3472  3476 S0   NetWatchdog: Completely disconnected. Going offline.
2017/06/20 10:30:34.104  3612  4724  0   Logger started.
2017/06/20 10:30:40.760  3612  4724  0!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/06/20 10:30:40.760  3612  4724  0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/06/20 10:30:40.760  3612  4724  0!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/06/20 10:30:40.995  3612  4724  0   QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Configuration' (14) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
2017/06/20 10:30:40.995  3612  4724  0   QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Properties' (15) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
2017/06/20 10:30:41.120  3612  4724 S0   DesiredServices: waiting for service winmgmt

Start:              2017/06/20 10:30:56.151 (UTC-3:00)
Version:            12.0.77242
ID:                 284214250
Loglevel:           Info (100)
License:            10000
IC:                 -2028136257
CPU:                Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions:     h9
OS:                 Win_10.0.15063_W (64-bit)
MID:                vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006
MIDv:               2
Proxy-Settings:     Type=1 IP= User=
IE:                 11.413.15063.0
AppPath:            C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe
UserAccount:        SYSTEM

2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  4736 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 0
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  4724 S0   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsStore: Cleanup all policies.
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  4724 S0   RemoteSettingsStoreListener: Establish connection.
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_TVClientSetting_Policy empty
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Antivirus_Policy empty
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Backup_Policy empty
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_RemoteManagement_Policy empty
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  5840 S0   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  4724 S0   Using IPC-Port 5939
2017/06/20 10:30:56.417  3612  4724 S0   SHMR: Initializing shared memory.
2017/06/20 10:30:56.433  3612  4724 S0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/06/20 10:30:56.589  3612  4724 S0   ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
2017/06/20 10:31:00.089  3612  3616 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_LOGON
2017/06/20 10:31:00.089  3612  3616 S0   CTerminalServer::RepeatedlyCheckForUserLogin() Don't start GUI for session 1
2017/06/20 12:56:59.551  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Completely disconnected. Going offline.
2017/06/20 12:56:59.551  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now disconnected
2017/06/20 12:56:59.615  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now disconnected
2017/06/20 12:58:02.623  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now connected
2017/06/20 12:58:02.623  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 12:58:08.561  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 12:58:08.561  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 12:58:08.847  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:03.075  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Completely disconnected. Going offline.
2017/06/20 13:33:03.076  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now disconnected
2017/06/20 13:33:03.076  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now disconnected
2017/06/20 13:33:06.390  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now connected
2017/06/20 13:33:06.390  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:08.213  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 13:33:08.213  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:09.960  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now disconnected
2017/06/20 13:33:09.961  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:10.086  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:11.071  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 13:33:11.071  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:12.201  3612  4736 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 13:33:13.196  3612  4736 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 14:00:04.286  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Completely disconnected. Going offline.
2017/06/20 14:00:04.286  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now disconnected
2017/06/20 14:00:04.286  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now disconnected
2017/06/20 14:00:07.221  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: LAN is now connected
2017/06/20 14:00:07.222  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 14:00:11.439  3612  5832 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 14:00:11.440  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 14:00:12.813  3612  4736 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 14:00:15.970  3612  4736 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 2
2017/06/20 17:07:58.390  3612  4736 S0   CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2017/06/20 17:07:58.391  3612  4740 S0   TerminalServer: ProcessConnected PID 8836 user session 1 process type 2
2017/06/20 17:07:58.401  3612  4736 S0   CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=284214250 session=1 ptype=2
2017/06/20 17:07:58.401  3612  4736 S0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.402  3612  8108 S0   TeamViewer is going online!
2017/06/20 17:07:57.717  8836 11228 G1   Logger started.
2017/06/20 17:07:57.729  8836 11228 G1   StringCompare locale: Spanish_Argentina.1252
2017/06/20 17:07:58.247  8836 11228 G1   Monitors: SyncMaster T260,SyncMaster Magic T260(Analog), \\.\DISPLAY1, 1920x1200 (0,0), flags=3, dpi=96
2017/06/20 17:07:58.373  8836 11228 G1   CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2017/06/20 17:07:58.374  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created
2017/06/20 17:07:58.376  8836 11228 G1   AutoLogin::Login: enabled: 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.376  8836 11228 G1   Account::SetLoginState: new state: 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.378  8836 11228 G1   tvshared::WindowsSessionStateManager::WindowsSessionStateManager(05A39C80) state 0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.378  8836 11228 G1   VoIP: VoIPCentral: Set capturing-device = "INVALID_DEVICE", rendering-device = "INVALID_DEVICE"
2017/06/20 17:07:58.384  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
2017/06/20 17:07:58.384  8836 11228 G1   Opening local TCP connection to
2017/06/20 17:07:58.389  8836 11228 G1   Local TCP connection established
2017/06/20 17:07:58.401  8836 11228 G1   SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
2017/06/20 17:07:58.402  8836 11228 G1   Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.402  8836 11228 G1   Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2017/06/20 17:07:58.402  8836 11228 G1   Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2017/06/20 17:07:58.402  8836 11228 G1   TAF::Handler::ctor: TAF initialized. MM=40
2017/06/20 17:07:58.403  3612  8108 S0   CAntiMalwareController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2017/06/20 17:07:58.403  3612  4728 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::DoReconnectInternal: doing nothing, state = 0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.403  3612  8108 S0   CBackupController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2017/06/20 17:07:58.403  3612  4736 S0   Activating Router carrier
2017/06/20 17:07:58.540  8836  5292 G1   ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2017/06/20 17:07:58.540  8836  5292 G1   ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2017/06/20 17:07:58.558  8836 11228 G1   MsHtmlVersionInfo: 11.0.15063.413
2017/06/20 17:07:58.559  8836 11228 G1   ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from None to NotReady_LoginPending
2017/06/20 17:07:58.559  8836 12236 G1   ChatManager::ChatManager: created
2017/06/20 17:07:58.559  8836 12236 G1   ChatManager::Factory: ChatManager created
2017/06/20 17:07:58.559  8836 12236 G1   IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
2017/06/20 17:07:58.559  8836 12236 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Start: registering for ready state properties
2017/06/20 17:07:58.562  3612  5908 S0   BonjourDiscoveryWin::DNSServiceHandleEvents: Reloading interfaces.
2017/06/20 17:07:58.584  8836 11228 G1   UpdateBase::StartUpdate(): Start minor update... (UpdateType=4) (TargetModule=1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.584  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.584  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.586  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.587  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.587  8836 11228 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::IsTeamViewerOnlineObserver: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
2017/06/20 17:07:58.588  8836 11228 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::IsTeamViewerOnlineObserver: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
2017/06/20 17:07:58.588  8836 11228 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::IsTeamViewerOnlineObserver: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to offline
2017/06/20 17:07:58.588  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.590  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.590  8836 11228 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: x64 Machine detected
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: x64 Loader is starting
2017/06/20 17:07:58.613  3612  4728 S0   CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.637  3612  4728 S0   InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 2040
2017/06/20 17:07:58.643  3612  4740 S0   CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
2017/06/20 17:07:58.647  2040 10960 L32  Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks  --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log 
2017/06/20 17:07:58.659  3612  4740 S0   InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 11012
2017/06/20 17:07:58.664 11012  9192 L64  Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_x64.exe" --action hooks  --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log 
2017/06/20 17:07:58.743 11012  9192 L64  Starting Loader
2017/06/20 17:07:58.760  8836 11228 G1   ITbrainWizardController::Init(): Initialisation started
2017/06/20 17:07:58.779  8836 11228 G1   Tray created!
2017/06/20 17:07:58.779  8836 11228 G1   CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2017/06/20 17:07:58.779  8836  7820 G1   IDLabelContent::UpdateImpl() IDs changed: SessionID "284214250", TSUserID "0", ServerID "0"
2017/06/20 17:07:58.780  8836  2500 G1   UpdateBase::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...(Version : 3.0, Channel: 1 )
2017/06/20 17:07:58.781  8836 11972 G1   ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/06/20 17:07:58.837  2040 10960 L32  Starting Loader
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 H32  Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x7250000, refcnt = 1)
2017/06/20 17:07:58.599  8836 11228 H32  teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x7250000, refcnt = 2)
2017/06/20 17:07:58.745 11012  9192 H64  Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x71f50000, refcnt = 1)
2017/06/20 17:07:58.746 11012  9192 H64  tv_x64.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x71f50000, refcnt = 2)
2017/06/20 17:07:58.755  8836 11228 H32  teamviewer.exe: SharedMem_SetLogLevel: 0 -> 200
2017/06/20 17:07:58.848  8836 11228 G1   ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
2017/06/20 17:07:58.875  8836 10948 G1   LateBindingDirectSound: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2017/06/20 17:07:58.879  8836 10180 G1   AudioDriver: Thread Running
2017/06/20 17:07:58.879  8836 10948 G1   AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2017/06/20 17:07:58.959  3612  4740 S0   NetWatchdog: Ping successful! Port: 5938
2017/06/20 17:07:58.961  3612  4740 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandlePing(): success
2017/06/20 17:07:58.961  3612  4740 S0   Non-Commercial use
2017/06/20 17:07:58.961  3612  4740 S0   Resource-Language: es
2017/06/20 17:07:58.962  3612  4740 S0   Activating Router carrier
2017/06/20 17:07:58.962  3612  4740 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[2]::CreateMasterConnect():, Connection 2, proxy=''
2017/06/20 17:08:02.266  3612  4732 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[2]::HandleMasterConnect(): Sending MasterCommand addonchannels=0&client=TV&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=-2028136257&id=284214250&iguid={d1151520-f151-40ce-a912-d4b758e6fded}&language=es&licensetype=10000&mid=vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midf=1&midhistory=0x74d02b7c9358_1d2a02b17bfc901_1914437314|ud1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd|vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midv=2&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=Win_10.0.15063_W&port443out=0&rhash={bd9e2206-ced7-5eda-984f-ffd65096fa96}&runtime=0&smidv=2&sro=0&supportedfeatures=938474461&tcpout=1&usednsnames=1&v=12.0.77242
2017/06/20 17:08:02.527  3612  4732 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[2]::ReceivedMasterResponse(): Received MasterCommand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,server50901.teamviewer.com_ef/bc0goAA==_
2017/06/20 17:08:02.529  3612  4732 S0!  CKeepAliveClient::HandleLoginUserAnswer(): KeepAliveServer
2017/06/20 17:08:02.529  3612  4732 S0   Activating Router carrier
2017/06/20 17:08:05.851  3612  4736 S0   KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectSuccessHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to successful
2017/06/20 17:08:06.313  3612  4732 S0   KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAliveConnection to initialized
2017/06/20 17:08:06.313  3612  4732 S0!! KeepAliveSession::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAlive-Connection initialized with ID 532001788 (IP: 2a03:8180:1501:5f::6), SendQueue 0 (0 Bytes), SendIndex 0, AckIndex 0, RemoteSessionID 3
2017/06/20 17:08:06.313  3612  4732 S0!  KeepAliveSession::SendCompleteQueue(): SendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), RemoteSession 3 (ClientID 532001788), Time: 0 ms
2017/06/20 17:08:06.577  3612  4732 S0   SyncManagersFunction::Start: current managerlist size: 0
2017/06/20 17:08:06.577  3612  4732 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2017/06/20 17:08:06.577  3612  4732 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2017/06/20 17:08:06.577  3612  4728 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  8836  2500 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::IsTeamViewerOnlineObserver: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to online
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  8836  2500 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 5620206f-f29c-42cf-bd15-e12969fe8f0e)
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  8836  2500 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Register: Registered successfully for incoming commands (after 0 retries)
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  3612  4740 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 25, RegistrationID: 5620206f-f29c-42cf-bd15-e12969fe8f0e, DyngateID: 284214250, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  8836  3736 G1   Account::UpdateState: KA = 1, active = 1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.580  8836 11228 G1   CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.581  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.581  8836  2500 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 16d72ec8-8070-4292-a466-bdf313d93007)
2017/06/20 17:08:06.581  3612  4728 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 30, RegistrationID: 16d72ec8-8070-4292-a466-bdf313d93007, DyngateID: 284214250, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.581  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 14, CT: 5, CallbackID: {5ce0407e-4c2d-4fe9-bd86-4cb22b5b19f7}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.581  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 34, RegistrationID: d26f01f1-3fa4-4319-bacc-f0ff790b48d2, DyngateID: 284214250, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  8836  2500 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: d26f01f1-3fa4-4319-bacc-f0ff790b48d2)
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 14, CT: 7, CallbackID: {3acdb871-5ed0-4fd8-919c-5acfbc830e9d}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 14, CT: 13, CallbackID: {0305fce7-ed9c-49d0-ba9d-3264f32a08b7}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  8836  2500 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=1
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4736 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.582  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:06.583  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 14, CT: 15, CallbackID: {16987dd9-8a11-4aa7-b91a-ce96d8bbe4a1}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.583  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 14, CT: 53, CallbackID: {c58a8f00-dd74-48a9-985a-4f8bd2fc2e79}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.584  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 1, CallbackID: {451436e6-c00a-47a4-a18d-1474b29f2fb0}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.584  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 23, CallbackID: {6eb9f16d-25c0-4fbc-b7c9-4230fefcd7bf}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.585  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 25, CallbackID: {00916bad-6b68-465b-8e72-c0271a6284fa}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.585  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 24, CallbackID: {f465f9a4-78b0-453c-9557-5996b87dcc38}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.586  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 63, CallbackID: {bc0e529c-38e9-49ca-8362-ee5fd05407a0}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.586  8836  3736 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 18, CT: 70, CallbackID: {df01b5ab-c504-4704-9a84-f063c764749b}
2017/06/20 17:08:06.586  8836  3736 G1   AccountLogin::Start: Trying account authentication
2017/06/20 17:08:06.588  8836 11228 G1   Account::SetLoginState: new state: 3
2017/06/20 17:08:06.596  3612  4736 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=4
2017/06/20 17:08:06.840  3612  4728 S0   TVRouterClock: received router time: 20170620T200806.573628
2017/06/20 17:08:06.840  3612  4728 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds
2017/06/20 17:08:06.840  8836  2500 G1   IpcRouterClock: received router time: 20170620T200806.573628
2017/06/20 17:08:07.132  8836  3956 G1   TAF::Hander::ListRequestThreadRun: Active LT=10000
2017/06/20 17:08:07.132  8836  2500 G1   AccountLogin::HandleChallenge: Try V2Login
2017/06/20 17:08:07.142  3612  4736 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=4
2017/06/20 17:08:07.508  8836 12236 G1   AccountLogin::HandleLoginFinished: Authentication successful
2017/06/20 17:08:07.576  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 17, CallbackID: {e979752f-4d03-44e9-95eb-8e33b61c2630}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.577  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 19, CallbackID: {82012933-c72e-473b-8fff-6d8a2b2f75d2}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.577  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 31, CallbackID: {b0971575-e27b-4921-b9eb-939ea85856b9}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.577  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 20, CallbackID: {1717ffed-55be-4aa4-9a13-1df942066b11}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.578  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 21, CallbackID: {af5c225e-e444-402d-90a1-3f20247480f4}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.578  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 25, CallbackID: {289520e5-64a6-47b9-886c-3bab1a4ef96e}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.579  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 27, CallbackID: {c8af693a-0a5d-49f4-a1d7-b841f8c7178f}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.579  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 28, CT: 18, CallbackID: {6da1ae86-e303-4827-b758-a3432f52a44d}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.580  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 28, CT: 12, CallbackID: {28befb5f-4eb4-4a4a-8a52-4096f4a2421d}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.580  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 28, CT: 44, CallbackID: {c40a674d-b3b3-4743-832c-530bdce115cd}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.580  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 28, CT: 45, CallbackID: {e583d13d-cd20-4b71-b231-5286ef67f870}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.581  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 28, CT: 49, CallbackID: {90f4cb07-ea52-4842-a12d-8136ffcbfa36}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.581  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 17, CallbackID: {e5fd88d7-91d9-4c35-bcda-cd2c99402d2e}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.582  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 19, CallbackID: {762bac88-299d-4497-b07c-983c8687146f}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.582  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 31, CallbackID: {7c5aef90-dbf8-4fe7-9d11-c86c0555395e}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.583  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 20, CallbackID: {f6337409-e913-4446-915a-d0af5bdb3fec}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.583  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 21, CallbackID: {deec5443-5a46-4fb1-bde7-395c956a6d04}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.584  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 25, CallbackID: {92a3cef3-c576-4af9-8091-535abf80de8a}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.584  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 27, CallbackID: {cb663da9-ddf6-4264-88ce-2c4f743c3ad9}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.584  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 41, CT: 34, CallbackID: {fb1840f6-9e2a-495a-baf0-286d8f8144a6}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.585  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 17, CallbackID: {12168e48-fc00-4530-89d2-6d9282c9ea71}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.585  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 19, CallbackID: {6626c6ef-4447-459d-9531-ddb8c2197281}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.586  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 31, CallbackID: {31115864-a601-416d-b1c8-0ff167a5ddf4}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.586  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 20, CallbackID: {8d542ee8-6c55-4cb9-945c-5980984b3edd}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.587  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 21, CallbackID: {960a7786-936f-4cd0-b88d-07ad2f92e06f}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.587  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 25, CallbackID: {ab6acff4-e424-44e8-ba1a-efeb5d9857ba}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.587  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 27, CallbackID: {c496e5ab-c61c-4064-9ff3-bc066037ba1a}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.588  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 17, CallbackID: {4683ad18-23bf-43e8-a52a-bae76782be12}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.588  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 19, CallbackID: {c811f886-afe2-41fc-9be4-481fc4cd914f}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.589  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 31, CallbackID: {610eaeda-33c4-474b-8a2c-0a9ffab4f890}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.589  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 20, CallbackID: {1407e4ad-0824-478e-898f-a5aa20caecb2}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.589  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 21, CallbackID: {f6e4cae0-2bbd-48b4-b5ed-bc84f0c8ba54}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.590  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 25, CallbackID: {95b2394c-78c7-4156-9b52-b7e59bdb81f5}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.590  8836 12236 G1   ControlCenterIPCImplementation::RegisterPacketCallback(): CC: 23, CT: 27, CallbackID: {125e05b0-2dcd-4088-b2fe-7271e3a636cc}
2017/06/20 17:08:07.594  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=138
2017/06/20 17:08:07.595  8836 12236 G1   ManagedDeviceInformationHelper::NotifyManagedDeviceInit(): All ManagedDevice information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:07.596  8836 12236 G1   AntiMalwareInformationHelper::NotifyAntiMalwareInit(): All AntiMalware information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:07.596  8836 12236 G1   BackupInformationHelper::NotifyBackupInit(): All Backup information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:07.596  8836 12236 G1   AccountStorageConnector: Created.
2017/06/20 17:08:07.614  8836 11228 G1   Account::SetLoginState: new state: 4
2017/06/20 17:08:07.614  2040 10960 H32  tv_w32.exe: Starting Title Bar Buttons
2017/06/20 17:08:07.614 11012  9192 H64  tv_x64.exe: Starting Title Bar Buttons
2017/06/20 17:08:07.647  8836 11228 G1   ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from NotReady_LoginPending to LoggedIn
2017/06/20 17:08:07.668  3612  4732 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:07.672  8836 12236 G1   ChatProviderRegistration::BuildPayloadAndSendProviderCommand: registering with [Type=Account, Id=52100866]
2017/06/20 17:08:07.672  8836 12236 G1   ChatProviderRegistrationManager::RegisterAsAccount: AccountId = 52100866
2017/06/20 17:08:07.672  8836 12236 G1   QueryRoomsOperation::Execute: Executing QueryRooms for first page of rooms (MaxNumberOfResults = 10)
2017/06/20 17:08:07.675  8836 11228 G1   TAF::Handler::SetUserInfo: Requesting new data, Account LT=10000
2017/06/20 17:08:07.675  3612  4732 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2017/06/20 17:08:08.209  8836  3536 G1   TAF::Hander::ListRequestThreadRun: Active LT=10000
2017/06/20 17:08:08.474  3612  4740 S0   AsyncMessaging::UnregisterAtAsyncMessageProvider(): Unregister successful
2017/06/20 17:08:09.043  8836 11228 G1   ManagedDeviceInformationHelper::NotifyManagedDeviceInit(): All ManagedDevice information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:09.043  8836  2500 G1   RequestAllPolicies::Start(): Requesting policies
2017/06/20 17:08:09.043  8836 11228 G1   AntiMalwareInformationHelper::NotifyAntiMalwareInit(): All AntiMalware information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:09.044  8836 11228 G1   BackupInformationHelper::NotifyBackupInit(): All Backup information received.
2017/06/20 17:08:09.044  8836  2500 G1   PListRequestPolicyAssignmentsAsyncCommand::Start(): Requesting policy assignments
2017/06/20 17:08:09.102  3612  4728 S0   [RemoteSettings] ProviderRegistrationAdministration: Subscribe manager to provider [Address: 21]
2017/06/20 17:08:09.103  8836  2500 G1   QueryRooms::Execute[queryChatRoomsResponseCb]: No rooms received
2017/06/20 17:08:09.266  8836 11228 G1   ITbrainWizardController::ConfigCallback(): new configuration
2017/06/20 17:08:09.266  8836 11228 G1!  ITbrainWizardConfigurationAdapter::GetPackage(): did not get configuration successfully
2017/06/20 17:08:09.282  8836 11572 G1   AudioDriver: Thread Running
2017/06/20 17:08:09.282  8836 12268 G1   AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2017/06/20 17:08:09.461  3612  4740 S0   [RemoteSettings] ProviderRegistrationAdministration: Registration at provider [21] was successful
2017/06/20 17:08:09.540  8836 11228 G1   ITbrainWizardController::ConfigCallback(): new configuration
2017/06/20 17:08:09.540  8836 11228 G1!  ITbrainWizardConfigurationAdapter::GetPackage(): did not get configuration successfully
2017/06/20 17:08:10.394  8836  3736 G1   PListRemoteSettingsPolicyRequester::HandleRequestAllPoliciesResponse(): 0 policies, Provider: 21
2017/06/20 17:08:10.395  8836  2500 G1   PListRemoteSettingsPolicyRequester::HandleRequestAssigmentsResponse(): 0 device assignments, 0 group assignments, Provider: 21
2017/06/20 17:08:10.988  8836 12268 G1   AudioDriver: using rec dev 'Controlador primario de captura de sonido', '' (prim), id -1
2017/06/20 17:08:10.988  8836 12268 G1   AudioDriver: using play dev 'Controlador primario de sonido', '' (prim), id -1
2017/06/20 17:08:15.268  8836 11972 G1   UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() Version file successfully downloaded.
2017/06/20 17:08:15.269  8836 11972 G1   VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "12.0.78313"
2017/06/20 17:08:15.269  8836 11972 G1   VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "/LtMIVp4QT64na0y2M/0CA=="
2017/06/20 17:08:15.269  8836 11972 G1   VersionFileHandler::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() major='' minor='12.0.78313'
2017/06/20 17:09:32.182  3612 10924 S0   EnumComputers.0
2017/06/20 17:12:57.729  8836 11228 G1   AccountVisibilityTracker::CheckIdleState(): [OnlineState] System is idle. TimeUntilIdle: 300 seconds
2017/06/20 17:12:57.730  3612  4728 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=33
2017/06/20 17:12:58.012  8836 11228 G1   AccountVisibilityTracker::SetAccountVisibilityTimer(): [OnlineState] ResultCB, state changed to: 2
2017/06/20 17:12:58.760  8836 11228 G1   CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=302140)
2017/06/20 17:13:58.588  8836  3736 G1   UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=0, AdminRights=1
2017/06/20 17:13:58.590  8836  3736 G1   UpdateBase::StartUpdate: autoUpdateCb: AutoUpdate is available, continuing by downloading new VersionFile
2017/06/20 17:13:58.590  8836  3736 G1   UpdateBase::StartUpdate(): Start minor update... (UpdateType=4) (TargetModule=1
2017/06/20 17:13:58.590  8836  3736 G1   UpdateBase::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...(Version : 3.0, Channel: 1 )
2017/06/20 17:13:58.591  8836  9672 G1   ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/06/20 17:13:59.726  8836  9672 G1   UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() Version file successfully downloaded.
2017/06/20 17:13:59.726  8836  9672 G1   VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "12.0.78313"
2017/06/20 17:13:59.726  8836  9672 G1   VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "/LtMIVp4QT64na0y2M/0CA=="
2017/06/20 17:13:59.726  8836  9672 G1   VersionFileHandler::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() major='' minor='12.0.78313'
2017/06/20 17:13:59.727  8836  2500 G1   UpdateBase::DetermineUpdateType: autoUpdateCb: Update check found new update, performing AutoUpdate
2017/06/20 17:13:59.727  8836  2500 G1   UpdateBase::DetermineUpdateType: autoUpdateCb: no major updates
2017/06/20 17:13:59.728  8836  2980 G1   ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/06/20 17:14:25.389  8836  2980 G1   UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedUpdateFile() Update file C:\Users\Juan\AppData\Local\Temp\TeamViewer\ successfully downloaded.
2017/06/20 17:14:37.321  3612  4732 S0   CInterProcessNetwork::RunTVUpdate(): Start update installer C:\Users\Juan\AppData\Local\Temp\TeamViewer\update.exe...
2017/06/20 17:14:37.693  8836  7820 G1   UpdateBase::ExitDelayedWithSessionRestore() - update successful
2017/06/20 17:14:39.689  8836 11228 G1   CMainWindow::InitCloseTV(): Prepare to close TeamViewer
2017/06/20 17:14:39.689  8836 11228 G1   ChatProviderRegistration::UnregisterAccount: unregistering [Type=Account, Id=52100866]
2017/06/20 17:14:39.689  8836 11228 G1   ChatProviderRegistration::BuildPayloadAndSendProviderCommand: no registration data left, unregistering completely
2017/06/20 17:14:39.689  8836 11228 G1   ChatProviderRegistrationManager::ResetProviderRegistration: RegistrationType_Account
2017/06/20 17:14:39.697  8836 11228 G1   CMainWindow::OnDestroy(): Closing TeamViewer
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   Chat::Stop: Stopping chat
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   ChatManager::UnregisterIncomingCommandRegistration: destroying incomingCommandRegistration
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Stop: disconnecting ready state properties
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::UnregisterIncomingCommands: Unregistering incoming commands
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle destroyed (RegistrationID: 5620206f-f29c-42cf-bd15-e12969fe8f0e)
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   ChatManager::~ChatManager: destroyed
2017/06/20 17:14:39.703  8836 11228 G1   IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: destroyed
2017/06/20 17:14:39.705  8836 11228 G1   ~MachineHooks: refcount = 0
2017/06/20 17:14:39.705  8836 11228 G1   MachineHooks: Stopping Loaders!
2017/06/20 17:14:39.705  3612  4736 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::UnregisterSharedBCmdCallback(): RegistrationID: 5620206f-f29c-42cf-bd15-e12969fe8f0e
2017/06/20 17:14:39.707  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle destroyed (RegistrationID: d26f01f1-3fa4-4319-bacc-f0ff790b48d2)
2017/06/20 17:14:39.708  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle destroyed (RegistrationID: 16d72ec8-8070-4292-a466-bdf313d93007)
2017/06/20 17:14:39.709  8836 11228 G1!! PListRemoteSettingsProviderRegistration::HandleProviderResponse: CallbackResult = 2
2017/06/20 17:14:39.716  3612  4732 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::UnregisterSharedBCmdCallback(): RegistrationID: d26f01f1-3fa4-4319-bacc-f0ff790b48d2
2017/06/20 17:14:39.720  3612  4728 S0   SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::UnregisterSharedBCmdCallback(): RegistrationID: 16d72ec8-8070-4292-a466-bdf313d93007
2017/06/20 17:14:39.722  3612  4728 S0   CInterProcessNetwork: Received DisconnectIPC from processID 8836 (ProcessType: 2 in Session 1) with reason 1
2017/06/20 17:14:39.722  3612  4728 S0   Process 8836 in session 1 has terminated
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  8836  2500 G1   CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=3612)
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  8836  2500 G1   CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=3612
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  8836  2500 G1!  InterProcessBase::EventFunctionInternal(): IPC-Connection Closed
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  8836  2500 G1   CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=3612
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  3612  4728 S0   CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=8836)
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  3612  4728 S0   CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=8836
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  3612  4728 S0   CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ConnectionClosed session=1 ptype=2
2017/06/20 17:14:39.723  3612  4728 S0   UpdateOnlineState m_ManualStop
2017/06/20 17:14:39.724  3612  2236 S0   TeamViewer is going offline!
2017/06/20 17:14:39.724  8836 11228 G1   interprocessbase::SecureNetwork destroyed
2017/06/20 17:14:39.724  3612  2236 S0   RemoteSessionManager::ClearAllRemoteSessions(): RemoteSession Count: 1
2017/06/20 17:14:39.724  8836 11228 G1!! SpecificThreadCallWin::~SpecificThreadCallWin(): m_PostCallbacks not empty
2017/06/20 17:14:39.732  8836 11228 G1   InterProcessConfigurationHub::SendToConfigurationHandler(): IPC not available, could not send command: CC=1 CT=110
2017/06/20 17:14:39.732 11000  5264 H64  applicationframehost.exe: dll can unload now
2017/06/20 17:14:39.733  2040 10960 L32  Exit
2017/06/20 17:14:39.733 11012  9192 L64  Exit
2017/06/20 17:14:39.950  3612  4732 S0!! CInterProcessNetwork::Received_ProviderRegistration_SendResponse(). Response can't be sent, process not connected.
2017/06/20 17:14:39.984  3612  4732 S0!! CInterProcessNetwork::Received_ProviderRegistration_SendResponse(). Response can't be sent, process not connected.
2017/06/20 17:14:40.172  3612  4732 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2017/06/20 17:14:40.172  3612  4732 S0!  KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection with ended
2017/06/20 17:14:42.370  3612  3616 S0   SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4724 S0   SHMR: Destroying shared memory
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4728 S0   CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: socket closed
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4724 S0   SecureNetworkConnection::SendCallbackHandler(): [ remoteID: 30 connection: 2275424595 remoteConnection: 0 ], Error: RCommand (Cancel)
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4724 S0   SecureNetworkConnection::SendCallbackHandler(): [ remoteID: 30 connection: 2275424595 remoteConnection: 0 ] Resetting connection due to error RCommand (Cancel)
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4728 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4740 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4728 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4732 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.381  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4740 S0!! SecureNetworkImplementation::ReceivedNewRevocationCheck: Error: Cancel
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0!! HandshakeClient::Connect: [remote ID: 30, connection ID: 2275424596, remote connection ID: 0] invalid private key
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4732 S0!! SecureNetworkImplementation::ReceivedNewRevocationCheck: Error: Cancel
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4740 S0!! HandshakeClient::Connect: [remote ID: 30, connection ID: 2275424597, remote connection ID: 0] invalid private key
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.382  3612  4736 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, retrying (1 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.383  3612  4732 S0!! SecureNetworkImplementation::ReceivedNewRevocationCheck: Error: Cancel
2017/06/20 17:14:42.383  3612  4740 S0!! HandshakeClient::Connect: [remote ID: 30, connection ID: 2275424598, remote connection ID: 0] invalid private key
2017/06/20 17:14:42.383  3612  4740 S0   RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 30 failed with error SecureNetwork:4, not retrying (0 retries would remain) BCmd: CC=37 CT=1
2017/06/20 17:14:42.386  3612  4724 S0   Service ended
2017/06/20 17:14:43.822 11488  5944 I0   Logger started.
2017/06/20 17:14:43.833 11488  5944 I0   Service install: Param:'-uninstall'
2017/06/20 17:14:43.833 11488  5944 I0!! CService::Stop(): ControlService() failed 1062, Errorcode=1062
2017/06/20 17:14:43.834 11488  5944 I0   Service TeamViewer uninstalled
2017/06/20 17:14:45.382  9092  7328 I0   Logger started.
2017/06/20 17:14:45.424  9092  7328 I0   Service install: Param:'-install'
2017/06/20 17:14:45.476  9092  7328 I0+  GetSimpleDisplayCertNameFromFile: Found cert name: 'TeamViewer GmbH'.
2017/06/20 17:14:45.477  9092  7328 I0+  ServiceConfiguration: Creating service
2017/06/20 17:14:45.478  9092  7328 I0   Service TeamViewer at "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe" installed
2017/06/20 17:14:49.961  8456  8056  0   Logger started.
2017/06/20 17:14:50.184  8456  8056  0!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/06/20 17:14:50.186  8456  8056  0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/06/20 17:14:50.186  8456  8056  0!  AsioSettings::FindExternalIP: found 0 external IPs instead of 1!
2017/06/20 17:14:50.205  8456  8056  0   QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Configuration' (15) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
2017/06/20 17:14:50.205  8456  8056  0   QueryVPNRegKey: Subkey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Properties' (16) has no 'MatchingDeviceID' entry. Continuing...
2017/06/20 17:14:50.357  8456  8056 S0   DesiredServices: waiting for service winmgmt

Start:              2017/06/20 17:14:50.423 (UTC-3:00)
Version:            12.0.78313
ID:                 284214250
Loglevel:           Info (100)
License:            10000
IC:                 -2028136257
CPU:                Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions:     h9
OS:                 Win_10.0.15063_W (64-bit)
MID:                vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006
MIDv:               2
Proxy-Settings:     Type=1 IP= User=
IE:                 11.413.15063.0
AppPath:            C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe
UserAccount:        SYSTEM

2017/06/20 17:14:50.467  8456  7780 S0   NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2017/06/20 17:14:50.467  8456  4060 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, online state = 0
2017/06/20 17:14:50.467  8456  8056 S0   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/06/20 17:14:50.467  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsStore: Cleanup all policies.
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  8056 S0   RemoteSettingsStoreListener: Establish connection.
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_TVClientSetting_Policy empty
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Antivirus_Policy empty
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Backup_Policy empty
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_RemoteManagement_Policy empty
2017/06/20 17:14:50.468  8456  5692 S0   RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2017/06/20 17:14:50.469  8456  8056 S0   Using IPC-Port 5939
2017/06/20 17:14:50.469  8456  8056 S0   SHMR: Initializing shared memory.
2017/06/20 17:14:50.471  8456  8056 S0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2017/06/20 17:14:50.476  8456  8056 S0   Force Autostart GUI for session ID 1
2017/06/20 17:14:50.618  8456  8056 S0   CTerminalServer::getPathToApplicationExe(): Choosing standard filename.
2017/06/20 17:14:50.618  8456  8056 S0   CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Filename for GUI process is C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe
2017/06/20 17:14:51.510  8456  8056 S0   CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() GUI process 3984 started for user desktop-dale9nr\juan in session 1
2017/06/20 17:14:51.510  8456  8056 S0   CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Event 5 sent to GUI.
2017/06/20 17:14:51.511  8456  8056 S0   ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
2017/06/20 17:14:52.496  8456  4060 S0   CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2017/06/20 17:14:52.512  8456  4060 S0   TerminalServer: ProcessConnected PID 3984 user session 1 process type 2
2017/06/20 17:14:52.520  8456  4060 S0   CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=284214250 session=1 ptype=2
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  8456  4060 S0   UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  8456   640 S0   TeamViewer is going online!
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  8456  4060 S0   CKeepAliveClientClient::DoReconnectInternal: doing nothing, state = 0
2017/06/20 17:14:51.591  3984  7392 G1   Logger started.
2017/06/20 17:14:51.597  3984  7392 G1   StringCompare locale: Spanish_Argentina.1252
2017/06/20 17:14:51.830  3984  7392 G1   Monitors: SyncMaster T260,SyncMaster Magic T260(Analog), \\.\DISPLAY1, 1920x1200 (0,0), flags=3, dpi=96
2017/06/20 17:14:51.876  3984  7392 G1   CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2017/06/20 17:14:51.876  3984  7392 G1   InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created
2017/06/20 17:14:51.879  3984  7392 G1   AutoLogin::Login: enabled: 1
2017/06/20 17:14:51.879  3984  7392 G1   Account::SetLoginState: new state: 1
2017/06/20 17:14:51.880  3984  7392 G1   tvshared::WindowsSessionStateManager::WindowsSessionStateManager(05B9FDF8) state 0
2017/06/20 17:14:51.913  3984  7392 G1   InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  8456   640 S0   CAntiMalwareController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2017/06/20 17:14:51.913  3984  7392 G1   Opening local TCP connection to
2017/06/20 17:14:52.496  3984  7392 G1   Local TCP connection established
2017/06/20 17:14:52.520  3984  7392 G1   SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  3984  7392 G1   Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  3984  7392 G1   Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2017/06/20 17:14:52.521  3984  7392 G1   Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2017/06/20 17:14:52.522  3984  7392 G1   TAF::Handler::ctor: TAF initialized. MM=40
2017/06/20 17:14:52.522  8456   640 S0   CBackupController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2017/06/20 17:14:52.522  8456 11156 S0   Activating Router carrier
2017/06/20 17:14:52.527  3984  7392 G1   MsHtmlVersionInfo: 11.0.15063.413
2017/06/20 17:14:52.528  3984  7392 G1   ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from None to NotReady_LoginPending
2017/06/20 17:14:52.528  3984  7268 G1   ChatManager::ChatManager: created
2017/06/20 17:14:52.528  3984  7268 G1   ChatManager::Factory: ChatManager created
2017/06/20 17:14:52.532  3984  4300 G1   ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2017/06/20 17:14:52.532  3984  4300 G1   ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2017/06/20 17:14:52.540  3984  7268 G1   IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
2017/06/20 17:14:52.540  3984  7268 G1   IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Start: registering for ready state properties
2017/06/20 17:14:52.552  8456  6972 S0   BonjourDiscoveryWin::DNSServiceHandleEvents: Reloading interfaces.
2017/06/20 17:14:52.555  3984  7392 G1   PredefinedSessionPassword (reset) ForceId(1) CurrentId(1) ConsoleId(1)
2017/06/20 17:14:52.555  3984  7392 G1   CMain::InitPasswords: using predefined session password
2017/06/20 17:14:52.559  3984  7392 G1   UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1497989638, AdminRights=1
2017/06/20 17:14:52.560  3984  7392 G1   DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=284214250 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lan

engel lex

has vomitado un log... pero que esperas que veamos?

solo hay 2 conexiones que son faciles de distinguir

Start:              2017/06/20 10:30:56.151 (UTC-3:00)
Version:            12.0.77242
ID:                 284214250
Loglevel:           Info (100)
License:            10000
IC:                 -2028136257
CPU:                Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions:     h9
OS:                 Win_10.0.15063_W (64-bit)
MID:                vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006
MIDv:               2
Proxy-Settings:     Type=1 IP= User=
IE:                 11.413.15063.0
AppPath:            C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe
UserAccount:        SYSTEM


CitarStart:              2017/06/20 17:14:50.423 (UTC-3:00)
Version:            12.0.78313
ID:                 284214250
Loglevel:           Info (100)
License:            10000
IC:                 -2028136257
CPU:                Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions:     h9
OS:                 Win_10.0.15063_W (64-bit)
MID:                vd1f1d940d7de11dd978474d02b7c935874d02b7c935857fb3dc34fc786fc891b13d08c5bb2fd<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006
MIDv:               2
Proxy-Settings:     Type=1 IP= User=
IE:                 11.413.15063.0
AppPath:            C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe
UserAccount:        SYSTEM
El problema con la sociedad actualmente radica en que todos creen que tienen el derecho de tener una opinión, y que esa opinión sea validada por todos, cuando lo correcto es que todos tengan derecho a una opinión, siempre y cuando esa opinión pueda ser ignorada, cuestionada, e incluso ser sujeta a burla, particularmente cuando no tiene sentido alguno.