Necesito ayuda con multiconexion

Iniciado por Isótopo, 30 Octubre 2009, 21:05 PM

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Hola. Estoy intentado hacer un messenger y necesito poder tener varias conexiones al mismo tiempo. He buscado bastante y veo que se puede hacer con winsock mediante array pero lo ideal es con csocketplus. He visto ejemplos y demas pero no se porque no lo consigo siempre me tira errores del tipo "adress already in use" o que no tengo definido el indice de la matriz y estoy bastante perdido. No e conseguido poner a la escucha un puerto mucho menos aceptar conexiones y recibir/enviar datos. Me podeis orientar un poco?? Gracias.

-Asus Crosshair IV Formula            
-AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.94Ghz @1.38V
-Corsair H70
-Sapphire Radeon HD 6970 2GB Dual-Fan
-G.Skill PIS PC3-17066 4GB 1900MHz 7-9-7-20 @1.65V
-WD Caviar Black 500GB
-Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB x2
-Antec TruePower New 750W Modular
-Cooler Master Dominator CM-690


Adress already in use

Lo que pasa es que no descargas las instancias del cSocketPlus, para eso usa

Código (vb) [Seleccionar]

set ObjetoPrincipalcSopcketPlus = nothing

Con esa simple linea se cierran las coneciones y escuchas (Si detienes el proceso a la mitad, entonces no se descargaran las instancia y seguira ese error aun cuando ayas puesto la linea que te puse arriba)

Dulces Lunas!¡.
The Dark Shadow is my passion.


Para que no te compleque tanto la vida con el CSocketPlus usa el CSocketMaster y solo agregas un usercontrol con el siguiente codigo:

con esto lo manejaras como si fuese el WinSock mismo. solo que sin la dependencia del OCX.

Código (vb) [Seleccionar]

'This code is an example for CSocketMaster
'by Emiliano Scavuzzo

Option Explicit

'Don't forget to change CSocketMaster class
'instancing property to PublicNotCreatable

'These are the same events CSocketMaster has
Public Event CloseSck()
Public Event Connect()
Public Event ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestid As Long)
Public Event DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Public Event Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal sCode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
Public Event SendComplete()
Public Event SendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long)

'Our socket
Private WithEvents cmSocket As CSocketMaster

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
'create an instance of CSocketMaster
Set cmSocket = New CSocketMaster
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
'destroy instance of CSocketMaster
Set cmSocket = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
'this is used to lock control size
UserControl.Width = 420
UserControl.Height = 420
End Sub

'Control properties. Every time the control is built
'the class instance cmSocket is reset, and so the
'control properties. We use these variables to make
'control properties persistent.
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Me.LocalPort = PropBag.ReadProperty("LocalPort", 0)
Me.Protocol = PropBag.ReadProperty("Protocol", 0)
Me.RemoteHost = PropBag.ReadProperty("RemoteHost", "")
Me.RemotePort = PropBag.ReadProperty("RemotePort", 0)
Me.Tag = PropBag.ReadProperty("Tag", "")
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
PropBag.WriteProperty "LocalPort", Me.LocalPort, 0
PropBag.WriteProperty "Protocol", Me.Protocol, 0
PropBag.WriteProperty "RemoteHost", Me.RemoteHost, ""
PropBag.WriteProperty "RemotePort", Me.RemotePort, 0
PropBag.WriteProperty "Tag", Me.Tag, ""
End Sub

'From this point we declare all the 'bridge' functions
'and properties. The idea is very simple, when user
'call a function we call cmSocket function, when
'cmSocket raises an event we raise an event, when user
'set a property we set cmSocket property, when user
'retrieves a property we retrieve cmSocket property
'and pass the result to user.
'Easy, isn't it?

Private Sub cmSocket_CloseSck()
RaiseEvent CloseSck
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_Connect()
RaiseEvent Connect
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestid As Long)
RaiseEvent ConnectionRequest(requestid)
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
RaiseEvent DataArrival(bytesTotal)
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal sCode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
RaiseEvent Error(Number, Description, sCode, Source, HelpFile, HelpContext, CancelDisplay)
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_SendComplete()
RaiseEvent SendComplete
End Sub

Private Sub cmSocket_SendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long)
RaiseEvent SendProgress(bytesSent, bytesRemaining)
End Sub

Public Property Get RemotePort() As Long
RemotePort = cmSocket.RemotePort
End Property

Public Property Let RemotePort(ByVal lngPort As Long)
cmSocket.RemotePort = lngPort
End Property

Public Property Get RemoteHost() As String
RemoteHost = cmSocket.RemoteHost
End Property

Public Property Let RemoteHost(ByVal strHost As String)
cmSocket.RemoteHost = strHost
End Property

Public Property Get RemoteHostIP() As String
RemoteHostIP = cmSocket.RemoteHostIP
End Property

Public Property Get LocalPort() As Long
LocalPort = cmSocket.LocalPort
End Property

Public Property Let LocalPort(ByVal lngPort As Long)
cmSocket.LocalPort = lngPort
End Property

Public Property Get State() As SockState
State = cmSocket.State
End Property

Public Property Get LocalHostName() As String
LocalHostName = cmSocket.LocalHostName
End Property

Public Property Get LocalIP() As String
LocalIP = cmSocket.LocalIP
End Property

Public Property Get BytesReceived() As Long
BytesReceived = cmSocket.BytesReceived
End Property

Public Property Get SocketHandle() As Long
SocketHandle = cmSocket.SocketHandle
End Property

Public Property Get Tag() As String
Tag = cmSocket.Tag
End Property

Public Property Let Tag(ByVal strTag As String)
cmSocket.Tag = strTag
End Property

Public Property Get Protocol() As ProtocolConstants
Protocol = cmSocket.Protocol
End Property

Public Property Let Protocol(ByVal enmProtocol As ProtocolConstants)
cmSocket.Protocol = enmProtocol
End Property

Public Sub Accept(requestid As Long)
cmSocket.Accept requestid
End Sub

Public Sub Bind(Optional LocalPort As Variant, Optional LocalIP As Variant)
cmSocket.Bind LocalPort, LocalIP
End Sub

Public Sub CloseSck()
End Sub

Public Sub Connect(Optional RemoteHost As Variant, Optional RemotePort As Variant)
cmSocket.Connect RemoteHost, RemotePort
End Sub

Public Sub GetData(ByRef data As Variant, Optional varType As Variant, Optional maxLen As Variant)
cmSocket.GetData data, varType, maxLen
End Sub

Public Sub Listen()
End Sub

Public Sub PeekData(ByRef data As Variant, Optional varType As Variant, Optional maxLen As Variant)
cmSocket.PeekData data, varType, maxLen
End Sub

Public Sub SendData(data As Variant)
cmSocket.SendData data
End Sub

Public Property Get ComplementoID() As String
ComplementoID = Complemento_ID
End Property
Public Property Let ComplementoID(vdata As String)
Complemento_ID = vdata
End Property
The Dark Shadow is my passion.


Creo que voy mejorando con el csocketplus. Voy a intentar concretar mas el problema. Tengo este code:

Option Explicit
Public Index1 As Variant
Dim WithEvents carray As CSocketPlus

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set carray = New CSocketPlus
End Sub

Private Sub Listen_Click()
Index1 = 1
carray.ArrayAdd Index1
carray.Bind Index1, txtPort, carray.LocalIP(Index1)
carray.Listen Index1
Label5.Caption = "Escuchando..."
End Sub

Private Sub carray_ConnectionRequest(ByVal Index1 As Variant, ByVal requestID As Long)
carray.CloseSck Index1
carray.Accept Index1, requestID
ListaConexiones.AddItem carray.RemoteHostIP
Index1 = Index1 + Val(1)
carray.ArrayAdd Index1
carray.Bind Index1, txtPuerto, carray.LocalIP(Index1)
carray.Listen Index1
Label5.Caption = "Conectado y Escuchando..."

Debo de haber escrito algun disparate o algo porque la escucha funciona pero no recibe conexiones, o al menos esa parte no va del todo bien. No se si tendra que ver que el otro programa que uso para conectarse utiliza el control winsock. Gracias por las respuestas. Un saludo.

-Asus Crosshair IV Formula            
-AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.94Ghz @1.38V
-Corsair H70
-Sapphire Radeon HD 6970 2GB Dual-Fan
-G.Skill PIS PC3-17066 4GB 1900MHz 7-9-7-20 @1.65V
-WD Caviar Black 500GB
-Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB x2
-Antec TruePower New 750W Modular
-Cooler Master Dominator CM-690