Libro: HardCore Visual Basic 5.0 By McKinney [Descarga]

Iniciado por x64core, 10 Septiembre 2011, 07:16 AM

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señores y señoras ;D para los que pensaron que eran imposible traer este gran libro aqui y de gratis aqui se los dejo, tratare de hacer un post que se merezca este libro ;D bueno la gente que sabe que tipo es este libro sabe que esto es una reliquia
para mi es el mejor de todos lo libros respecto a VB 6 ;D
que lo disfruten asi como yo lo hago

Hardcore Visual Basic By McKinney

File type:     PDF
Paperback:  769 pages +1 by Raul100
File size:      2.98 MB
Publisher:    Microsoft Press; 2 Sub edition (July 7, 1997)
Idioma:       English

Si le gusta Visual Basic, pero no los límites, este es su libro. La potencia de Visual Basic está creciendo a un ritmo constante, acercándose al territorio que en un tiempo fue feudo exclusivo de C/C++. Ahora, la nueva edición de este aclamado libro le muestra cómo ir más allá de los límites de la última versión Microsoft Visual Basic. Este es el libro en el que se abordan temas como la codificación inteligente, herramientas y análisis prácticos, y todo ello con un estilo desinhibido. El CD-ROM adjunto le ofrece multitud de ejemplos de código, herramientas y utilidades: miles de líneas de código de ejemplo, biblioteca de tipos API de Windows, biblioteca de funciones VBCore, asistentes Bug y Collection, windows watcher, time it y servidor de notificación de archivos.

Unleash the power of Microsoft Visual Basic with Hardcore Visual Basic! Software development for Windows can be easy with Visual Basic, yet few developers and aspiring programmers know how to tap the under-the-hood power of the Windows API to give their programs sought-after performance. Visual Basic wizard Bruce McKinney shows how to blast through the so-called limits of Visual Basic to reach the powerful object-oriented development tool that lurks within. The result is applications with better performance and more functionality. Hardcore Visual Basic provides developers with the coding techniques and finesse to take control of Windows - calling the Windows API, understanding C in Basic, and mastering messages and processes; program objects, Basic style - classes and objects, the form class, collecting objects, and creating new controls by delegating to classes; paint pictures - the Basic way of drawing, painting, and animating; create reusable code - modular packages for sorting, shuffling, searching, and parsing; reusable search, replace, about, and color select forms; classes for editing, animating, managing the keyboard, handling menus, and sharing memory between programs; write portable code - port old 16-bit programs to the 32-bit environment; write new programs that port easily; and push the limits of 32-bit code - break the barriers in Visual Basic to exploit Windows 95 to the fullest. If you want to push Visual Basic to the max, Hardcore Visual Basic is your guide - it's essential for any serious Visual Basic programmer's library.

The first edition has been a big hit with programmers who are serious about Visual Basic. And in this second edition, they'll find more help for expanding what Visual Basic can do, including clear direction on exploiting this language's object-oriented character to code features and behavior that once seemed to be the sole province of C/C++ professionals. Like the first edition, this one tackles tough issues with smart coding, practical tools and analysis, and an unblinking style. As Visual Basic continues to evolve, it delivers more power (and complexity) to its audience-and this book is a valuable way for programmers to keep up with that evolution. HARDCORE VISUAL BASIC, SECOND EDITION, will be promoted via the World Wide Web and is expected to continue the sales success of the previous edition.

Table of Contents

1. The Spirit of Basic
2. The Second Level of Basic Enlightenment
3. An Object Way of Basic
4. Collecting Objects
5. Functional Programming's Last Gasp
6. Taking Control of Windows
7. Painting Pictures
8. A Handle on Data
9. Writing Code for the Ages
10. COM Behind the Curtain
11. Stir-Fry

que lo disfruteis espero comentarios por el esfuerzo :P
( bueno me imagino que este post va a tener algunas criticas :P )