how to refresh the ping

Iniciado por ntaryl, 18 Noviembre 2010, 01:32 AM

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Good  evening   
Lot  of  rain  outside  and  sit here and  play  a  litle   
i  make a  small example with alistview  and use  a ping  module  to ping  any item(ip)from the list 
My  question is  how  to  make  the item from(ping)refresh it 
when  add  a  new ip  and  try  to ping again the first ping  items be  the same  with the last   .
thanks  for  the time   
have a good  night 

p.s  no  want to  ping  all  time  .any ideas  welcome   


I'm sorry, maybe I didn't understand well what you mean. And maybe you wont understand me because my English it's kind a weird English :xD

Are you trying to ping two or more ip's at the same time? You will have to use threads or some trick to do it at the same time.
Or maybe you're saying that when you do a ping from the last ip and try to ping the first ip (for example) the result it's exactly equal than the result of the last ip. That's because you're getting the wrong item.

It's late here, maybe i didn't understand you :xD



Hi  man  thanks  for  ur Reply  .
I have a  listview and add a ip  and  want  to ping  this  ip.
I ping  it  only  one time the  first time but  sometimes  i saw the  (ms) change..Want  to  can see  the  change  and  not ping all items  in  listview (like a  dos attack)
Want  only  to  refresh  the row with  ping (miliseconds)
thanks  for the time 

p.s  sorry  for   my  english  my  english  is  also  bad 


:O Ahh.... now i know what you mean.

How do you "ping" ? using ping command? using a socket module ?

If you're using ping command from batch, you must do a (i thinks it calls..) pipe between cmd and your app. To filter de line and refresh the value in the listview. To an infinite ping you must do "ping (ip) -t" and send Control + C to terminate it

Otherwise, it depends on what are you using. If you don't have a module and you don't use ping command. You should search about ICMP paquets (ping protocol)


Thanks man 
no  problem  with the  way for  pinging   
My problem is   have a  a timer   with  internal 1000ms 
when  timer  start refresh  the  data  in  item  and  give  to  all of  them   the  same item   
and  some times  is  difrent   
attach my  example