Hola amigos!
I'm trying to use the CallAPIByHash by Karcrack but I can't get it working... Can anyone tell me what's wrong in my code? I've used Karcrack's Hash Generator to generate the hashes.
Public Function GetResDataBytes(ByVal ResType As Long, ByVal ResName As Long) As Byte()
Dim hRsrc As Long
Dim hGlobal As Long
Dim lpData As Long
Dim Size As Long
Dim hMod As Long
Dim B() As Byte
hMod = App.hInstance
hRsrc = Invoke(("KERNEL32"), (&H3BD09A6B), hMod, ResName, ResType)
If hRsrc > 0 Then
hGlobal = Invoke(("KERNEL32"), (&H934E1F7B), hMod, hRsrc)
lpData = Invoke(("KERNEL32"), (&H9A4E2F7B), hGlobal)
Size = Invoke(("KERNEL32"), (&H3F2A9609), hMod, hRsrc)
If Size > 0 Then
ReDim B(0 To Size) As Byte
Invoke ("KERNEL32"), (&HCF14E85B), VarPtr(B(0)), lpData, Size
Invoke ("KERNEL32"), (&H54423F7C), hGlobal
GetResDataBytes = B()
End If
Invoke ("KERNEL32"), (&H4DC9D5A0), hMod
End If
End Function
CallAPIByHash Code:
Option Explicit
Private Type DWORD_L
D1 As Long
End Type
Private Type DWORD_B
B1 As Byte: B2 As Byte: B3 As Byte: B4 As Byte
End Type
Public Declare Function CWPW Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcW" (ByVal Address As Any, Optional ByVal Param1 As Long, Optional ByVal Param2 As Long, Optional ByVal Param3 As Long, Optional ByVal Param4 As Long) As Long
Private bInitialized_Inv As Boolean
Private ASM_gAPIPTR(0 To 170) As Byte
Private ASM_cCODE(0 To 255) As Byte
Public Function Invoke(ByVal sDLL As String, ByVal hHash As Long, ParamArray vParams() As Variant) As Long
Dim vItem As Variant
Dim bsTmp As DWORD_B
Dim lAPI As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim w As Long
If Not bInitialized_Inv Then
For Each vItem In Array(&HE8, &H22, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H68, &HA4, &H4E, &HE, &HEC, &H50, &HE8, &H43, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H83, &HC4, &H8, &HFF, &H74, &H24, &H4, &HFF, &HD0, &HFF, &H74, &H24, &H8, &H50, &HE8, &H30, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H83, &HC4, &H8, &HC3, &H56, &H55, &H31, &HC0, &H64, &H8B, &H70, &H30, &H8B, &H76, &HC, &H8B, &H76, &H1C, &H8B, &H6E, &H8, &H8B, &H7E, &H20, &H8B, &H36, &H38, &H47, &H18, &H75, &HF3, &H80, &H3F, &H6B, &H74, &H7, &H80, &H3F, &H4B, &H74, &H2, &HEB, &HE7, &H89, &HE8, &H5D, &H5E, &HC3, &H55, &H52, &H51, _
&H53, &H56, &H57, &H8B, &H6C, &H24, &H1C, &H85, &HED, &H74, &H43, &H8B, &H45, &H3C, &H8B, &H54, &H5, &H78, &H1, &HEA, &H8B, &H4A, &H18, &H8B, &H5A, &H20, &H1, &HEB, &HE3, &H30, &H49, &H8B, &H34, &H8B, &H1, &HEE, &H31, &HFF, &H31, &HC0, &HFC, &HAC, &H84, &HC0, &H74, &H7, &HC1, &HCF, &HD, &H1, &HC7, &HEB, &HF4, &H3B, &H7C, &H24, &H20, &H75, &HE1, &H8B, &H5A, &H24, &H1, &HEB, &H66, &H8B, &HC, &H4B, &H8B, &H5A, &H1C, &H1, &HEB, &H8B, &H4, &H8B, &H1, &HE8, &H5F, &H5E, &H5B, &H59, &H5A, &H5D, &HC3)
ASM_gAPIPTR(i) = CByte(vItem)
i = i + 1
Next vItem
i = 0
bInitialized_Inv = True
End If
lAPI = CWPW(VarPtr(ASM_gAPIPTR(0)), StrPtr(sDLL), hHash)
If lAPI Then
For w = UBound(vParams) To LBound(vParams) Step -1
vItem = vParams(w)
bsTmp = SliceLong(CLng(vItem))
ASM_cCODE(i) = &H68: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B1: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B2: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B3: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B4: i = i + 1
Next w
bsTmp = SliceLong(lAPI)
ASM_cCODE(i) = &HB8: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B1: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B2: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B3: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = bsTmp.B4: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = &HFF: i = i + 1
ASM_cCODE(i) = &HD0: i = i + 1
'// RET
ASM_cCODE(i) = &HC3: i = i + 1
Invoke = CWPW(VarPtr(ASM_cCODE(0)))
Invoke = -1
'Err.Raise -1, , "Bad Hash or wrong DLL"
End If
End Function
Private Function SliceLong(ByVal lLong As Long) As DWORD_B
tL.D1 = lLong
LSet SliceLong = tL
End Function
Gracias ;D
tu hash esta malo
Cita de: RHL en 11 Diciembre 2011, 18:52 PM
tu hash esta malo
porque? I've used the Karcrack Generator and only added "&H" before every generated, anything else must be done?
un ejemplo de como se hace:
'ECF0B366 = SetCursorPos
Private Sub Form_Load()
Debug.Print Invoke("user32", &HECF0B366, &H40, &H40)
End Sub
' Module : kInvoke
' Author : Karcrack
' Date : 09/04/2010
' Purpose : Call APIs By Hash
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function CallWindowProcW Lib "USER32" (ByVal lpCode As Long, Optional ByVal lParam1 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam2 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam3 As Long, Optional ByVal lParam4 As Long) As Long
Private Const THUNK_GETAPIPTR As String = "E82200000068A44E0EEC50E84300000083C408FF742404FFD0FF74240850E83000000083C408C3565531C0648B70308B760C8B761C8B6E088B7E208B3638471875F3803F6B7407803F4B7402EBE789E85D5EC35552515356578B6C241C85ED74438B453C8B54057801EA8B4A188B5A2001EBE330498B348B01EE31FF31C0FCAC84C07407C1CF0D01C7EBF43B7C242075E18B5A2401EB668B0C4B8B5A1C01EB8B048B01E85F5E5B595A5DC3"
Private Const THUNK_CALLCODE As String = "<PUSHES>B8<API_PTR>FFD0C3"
Private ASM_GETAPIPTR(0 To 170) As Byte
Private ASM_CALLCODE(0 To 255) As Byte
Public Function Invoke(ByVal sDLL As String, ByVal hHash As Long, ParamArray vParams() As Variant) As Long
Dim vItem As Variant
Dim lAPI As Long
Dim sThunk As String
lAPI = CallWindowProcW(VarPtr(ASM_GETAPIPTR(0)), StrPtr(sDLL), hHash)
If lAPI Then
For Each vItem In vParams
sThunk = "68" & GetLng(CLng(vItem)) & sThunk
Next vItem
sThunk = Replace$(Replace$(THUNK_CALLCODE, "<PUSHES>", sThunk), "<API_PTR>", GetLng(lAPI))
Call PutThunk(sThunk, ASM_CALLCODE)
Invoke = CallWindowProcW(VarPtr(ASM_CALLCODE(0)))
Invoke = -1
Err.Raise -1, , "Bad Hash or wrong DLL"
End If
End Function
Private Function GetLng(ByVal lLng As Long) As String
Dim lTMP As Long
lTMP = (((lLng And &HFF000000) \ &H1000000) And &HFF&) Or ((lLng And &HFF0000) \ &H100&) Or ((lLng And &HFF00&) * &H100&) Or ((lLng And &H7F&) * &H1000000) ' by Mike D Sutton
If (lLng And &H80&) Then lTMP = lTMP Or &H80000000
GetLng = String$(8 - Len(Hex$(lTMP)), "0") & Hex$(lTMP)
End Function
Private Sub PutThunk(ByVal sThunk As String, ByRef bvRet() As Byte)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To Len(sThunk) - 1 Step 2
bvRet((i / 2)) = CByte("&H" & Mid$(sThunk, i + 1, 2))
Next i
End Sub
tambien recordar que para generar el hash debe ser el propio nombre de la api por ejemplo
copymemory seria la "rtlmovememory" y bien escrita
Gracias for your help man but I found the problem. The problem is because of RtlMoveMemory, if I don't invoke RtlMoveMemory then it's working. What must be changed on that line to make it working with Invoke by Hash?
'RtlMoveMemory | &HCF14E85B
Invoke ("kernel32"), (&HCF14E85B), VarPtr(B(0)), lpData, Size
definitivamente hay algo malo :P no se si es con la API :P
si hay suerte espero que venga karcrack a resolverlo o alguien mas :P
yo lo intente por un buen tiempo y no pude :P el hash esta bien, los parametros se pasan correctamente mi conclusion es que
hay problema con la API :P
Cita de: RHL en 15 Diciembre 2011, 04:55 AM
definitivamente hay algo malo :P no se si es con la API :P
si hay suerte espero que venga karcrack a resolverlo o alguien mas :P
yo lo intente por un buen tiempo y no pude :P el hash esta bien, los parametros se pasan correctamente mi conclusion es que
hay problema con la API :P
I am now 100% sure it was because of RtlMoveMemory or it must be invoked differently for CallAPIByHash but I found a way to get this working, simply by using vbaCopyBytes =)
I've not checked the hashes... I guess they're fine if you've used the full API name...
Now I need the API declaration of each API from the working code to see if you're passing the pointer right...