Intento compilar el wippien, pero me da errores. (Una ayudita me vendria bien)

Iniciado por 70N1, 22 Julio 2010, 12:41 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


Intento compilar el codigo fuente echo en visual c++ del wippien.

Me tira estos errores.

--------------------Configuration: Wippien - Win32 LibRelease--------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\Toni\Escritorio\Wippien_src\Wippien\Wippien.rc(1436): Could not find the file \WeOnlyDo\wodAppUpdate\Code\Component\Component.rc.
Compiling resources...
C:\Documents and Settings\Toni\Escritorio\Wippien_src\Wippien\Wippien.rc(6) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'include'.
Error executing rc.exe.

Wippien.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Y estas son las instrucciones que trae el codigo fuente:

How to build.txt

You must have VC6 and WTL installed on your system. We have provided source code for everything
we were allowed to do so. Some of the features or packages used by Wippien have been licensed
for binary use only, so they don't contain the source.

Prerequirements: download and install

* WeOnlyDo wodVPN Component - used for P2P

* WeOnlyDo wodXMPP Component - used for XMPP/Jabber protocol

* WeOnlyDo wodAppUpdate Component - used for auto-update

* Skinmagic - for skins

If you have purchased above components, then in Wippien\Stdafx.h file enter your license keys
so they are used with your "branded!!" copy of Wippien. Otherwise, DEMO version of above
components will do just fine for your initial tests.

Installation steps:

1. Open CxImage project, go to Build>Batch Build->Rebuild All
2. Open EmoticonsSmall project, go to Build>Batch Build->Rebuild All
3. Open EmoticonsBig project, go to Build>Batch Build->Rebuild All
4. Open Wippien, select 'Win32 Debug' and Build->Rebuild All

That's it. In Bin folder you should see Wippien.exe ready to run!

Lh: No hagas doble post, utiliza el botón modificar.

Arregle los problemas anteriores. paro ahora me da nosecuantos errores en WTL...

--------------------Configuration: Wippien - Win32 LibRelease--------------------
NOTE: WINVER has been defined as 0x0500 or greater which enables
Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98 features. When these headers were released,
Windows NT 5.0 beta 1 and Windows 98 beta 2.1 were the current versions.
For this release when WINVER is defined as 0x0500 or greater, you can only
build beta or test applications.  To build a retail application,
set WINVER to 0x0400 or visit
to see if retail Windows NT 5.0 or Windows 98 headers are available.
See the SDK release notes for more information.
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(396) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(397) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(595) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(599) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(600) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(603) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlapp.h(844) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(39) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(39) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(57) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(82) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(205) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atluser.h(490) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CMenuT<t_bManaged>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlgdi.h(78) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlgdi.h(86) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlgdi.h(88) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlgdi.h(528) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlgdi.h(682) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CBitmapT<t_bManaged>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(380) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'lpnm'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2501: 'LPNMREBARCHEVRON' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2501: 'lpnm' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(429) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(429) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1176) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1183) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1301) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1198) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1301) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(379) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(379) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(380) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'lpnm'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2501: 'LPNMREBARCHEVRON' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(412) : error C2501: 'lpnm' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(429) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(429) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1312) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CFrameWindowImplBase<class ATL::CWindow,class ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1327) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1468) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1717) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CMDIFrameWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1484) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1717) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CMDIFrameWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1731) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1971) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CMDIChildWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1781) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(1971) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CMDIChildWindowImpl<T,TBase,TWinTraits>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(2150) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(2902) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlframe.h(3228) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CDialogResize<T>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(126) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(188) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CStaticT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(128) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(188) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CStaticT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(190) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(210) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(323) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CButtonT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(212) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(323) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CButtonT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(292) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PBUTTON_IMAGELIST'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(323) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CButtonT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(298) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PBUTTON_IMAGELIST'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(323) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CButtonT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(325) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(345) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(695) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListBoxT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(347) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(695) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListBoxT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(697) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(717) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1045) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CComboBoxT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(719) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1045) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CComboBoxT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1047) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1067) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1443) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CEditT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1069) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1443) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CEditT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1400) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PEDITBALLOONTIP'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1443) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CEditT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1445) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1588) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1680) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CScrollBarT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1590) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1680) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CScrollBarT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1682) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1799) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(1810) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2101) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2404) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolTipCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2103) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2404) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolTipCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2259) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PTTGETTITLE'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2404) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolTipCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2285) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2404) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolTipCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2348) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2404) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolTipCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2406) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2428) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2585) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CHeaderCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2430) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2585) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CHeaderCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2587) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2607) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(2609) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3205) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVGROUP'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3211) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVGROUP'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3217) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVGROUPMETRICS'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3223) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVGROUPMETRICS'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3229) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVTILEVIEWINFO'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3235) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVTILEVIEWINFO'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3241) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVTILEINFO'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3247) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVTILEINFO'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3253) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPLVINSERTMARK'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3259) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPLVINSERTMARK'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3511) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVGROUP'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3541) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3547) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVINSERTGROUPSORTED'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3565) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPLVINSERTMARK'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3571) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'PLVSETINFOTIP'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3607) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CListViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3609) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3629) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4241) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CTreeViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(3631) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4241) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CTreeViewCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4243) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4350) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4512) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4826) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5485) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(4828) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5485) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5264) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPTBMETRICS'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5485) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5270) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPTBMETRICS'
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5485) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CToolBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5487) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5507) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5687) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CStatusBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5509) : error C2872: 'ATL' : ambiguous symbol
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5687) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CStatusBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5509) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
        C:\WTL71\INCLUDE\atlctrls.h(5687) : see reference to class template instantiation 'WTL::CStatusBarCtrlT<TBase>' being compiled
Error executing cl.exe.

Wippien.exe - 102 error(s), 0 warning(s)



«Si quieres la paz prepárate para la guerra» Flavius Vegetius

[Taller]Instalación/Configuración y Teoría de Servicios en Red


Acavo de intentar compilar con gcc, de esta forma:

G++ Wippien_src\Wippien\StdAfx.cpp

Y me aparece estos errores:

Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:24: atlbase.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:25: atlapp.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:29: atlcom.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:30: atlhost.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:31: atlwin.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:32: atlctl.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:34: atlframe.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:35: atlctrls.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:36: atldlgs.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:37: atlctrlw.h: No such file or directory
Wippien_src/Wippien/stdafx.h:38: atlmisc.h: No such file or directory

Creo que es por lo del WTL...


Si tienes los archivos de cabecera en la MISMA carpeta que el main.cpp entonces deberías incluirlas de la siguiente forma:

#include "atlbase.h"
#include "atlapp.h"

En otro caso deberías especificar la ruta de los archivos de cabecera.


Puse las rutas en los include pero nada. Me temo que tendre que rendirme....
Bueno, si consigo algo de informacion al respecto la posteare para futuros newbies sobre el wippien.