Como podria la URL actual del browser?

Iniciado por k4u7, 27 Agosto 2015, 16:17 PM

0 Miembros y 3 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


Como podria ver la URL del browser por ejemplo yo abro firefox y voy a como podria ver esto en la consola?



Cita de: k4u7 en 27 Agosto 2015, 16:17 PM
Como podria ver la URL del browser por ejemplo yo abro firefox y voy a como podria ver esto en la consola?

¿Buscas como hacerlo directamente desde Terminal o con C/C++?
Amplía tus preguntas para poder entenderte y aportarte dicha ayuda.

Esta página web no está disponible - Google Chrome


Como el subforo es de C/C++ busco hacerlo en C o C++,no encontre casi nada buscandolo en ingles :/,bueno a lo mejor no busque bien, por lo que entendi los metodos de extraer la URL de un browser varian segun el tipo del browser.Intente hacer sniffing con raw sockets para monotorizar el ordenador,tenia tambien un algoritmo de busqueda de URLs "" o "" pero cuando ejecute el programa de sniffing e intentaba conectarme a recibia datos criptados o basura.Lo de la consola lo dije porque no pienso hacer algo como el wireshark con interfaz.

Cita de: seryioo en 27 Agosto 2015, 17:10 PM
subforo equivocado amigo
Estas seguro "amigo" ?


El subforo esta bien.
Muestra el código y prueba con una página que no sea https


Cita de: patilanz en 27 Agosto 2015, 19:21 PM
El subforo esta bien.
Muestra el código y prueba con una página que no sea https

Código (cpp) [Seleccionar]
#include "stdio.h"
#include "winsock2.h"

#define SIO_RCVALL _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR,1) //this removes the need of mstcpip.h

void StartSniffing (SOCKET Sock); //This will sniff here and there

void ProcessPacket (char* , int); //This will show they type of the sniffed packets
void PrintIpHeader (char*);
void PrintIcmpPacket (char* , int);
void PrintUdpPacket (char* , int);
void PrintTcpPacket (char* , int);
void ConvertToHex (char* , unsigned int);
void PrintData (char* , int);

typedef struct ip_hdr
unsigned char ip_header_len:4; // 4-bit header length (in 32-bit words) normally=5 (Means 20 Bytes may be 24 also)
unsigned char ip_version :4; // 4-bit IPv4 version
unsigned char ip_tos; // IP type of service
unsigned short ip_total_length; // Total length
unsigned short ip_id; // Unique identifier

unsigned char ip_frag_offset :5; // Fragment offset field

unsigned char ip_more_fragment :1;
unsigned char ip_dont_fragment :1;
unsigned char ip_reserved_zero :1;

unsigned char ip_frag_offset1; //fragment offset

unsigned char ip_ttl; // Time to live
unsigned char ip_protocol; // Protocol(TCP,UDP etc)
unsigned short ip_checksum; // IP checksum
unsigned int ip_srcaddr; // Source address
unsigned int ip_destaddr; // Source address

typedef struct udp_hdr
unsigned short source_port; // Source port no.
unsigned short dest_port; // Dest. port no.
unsigned short udp_length; // Udp packet length
unsigned short udp_checksum; // Udp checksum (optional)

// TCP header
typedef struct tcp_header
unsigned short source_port; // source port
unsigned short dest_port; // destination port
unsigned int sequence; // sequence number - 32 bits
unsigned int acknowledge; // acknowledgement number - 32 bits

unsigned char ns :1; //Nonce Sum Flag Added in RFC 3540.
unsigned char reserved_part1:3; //according to rfc
unsigned char data_offset:4; /*The number of 32-bit words in the TCP header.
This indicates where the data begins.
The length of the TCP header is always a multiple
of 32 bits.*/

unsigned char fin :1; //Finish Flag
unsigned char syn :1; //Synchronise Flag
unsigned char rst :1; //Reset Flag
unsigned char psh :1; //Push Flag
unsigned char ack :1; //Acknowledgement Flag
unsigned char urg :1; //Urgent Flag

unsigned char ecn :1; //ECN-Echo Flag
unsigned char cwr :1; //Congestion Window Reduced Flag


unsigned short window; // window
unsigned short checksum; // checksum
unsigned short urgent_pointer; // urgent pointer

typedef struct icmp_hdr
BYTE type; // ICMP Error type
BYTE code; // Type sub code
USHORT checksum;

FILE *logfile;
int tcp=0,udp=0,icmp=0,others=0,igmp=0,total=0,i,j;
struct sockaddr_in source,dest;
char hex[2];

//Its free!
IPV4_HDR *iphdr;
TCP_HDR *tcpheader;
UDP_HDR *udpheader;
ICMP_HDR *icmpheader;

int main()
SOCKET sniffer;
struct in_addr addr;
int in;

char hostname[100];
struct hostent *local;

if(logfile == NULL)
printf("Unable to create file.");

//Initialise Winsock
printf("\nInitialising Winsock...");
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsa) != 0)
printf("WSAStartup() failed.\n");
return 1;

//Create a RAW Socket
printf("\nCreating RAW Socket...");
sniffer = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP);
if (sniffer == INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Failed to create raw socket.\n");
return 1;

//Retrive the local hostname
if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("Error : %d",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
printf("\nHost name : %s \n",hostname);

//Retrive the available IPs of the local host
local = gethostbyname(hostname);
printf("\nAvailable Network Interfaces : \n");
if (local == NULL)
printf("Error : %d.\n",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
//Sniffing on all of the interfaces
for (i = 0; local->h_addr_list[i] != 0; ++i)
memcpy(&addr, local->h_addr_list[i], sizeof(struct in_addr));
memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
   dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
   dest.sin_port = 0;

/*printf("Enter the interface number you would like to sniff : ");

printf("\nBinding socket to local system and port 0 ...");
if (bind(sniffer,(struct sockaddr *)&dest,sizeof(dest)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("bind(%s) failed.\n", inet_ntoa(addr));
return 1;
printf("Binding successful");

//Enable this socket with the power to sniff : SIO_RCVALL is the key Receive ALL ;)

printf("\nSetting socket to sniff...");
if (WSAIoctl(sniffer, SIO_RCVALL, &j, sizeof(j), 0, 0, (LPDWORD) &in , 0 , 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("WSAIoctl() failed.\n");
return 1;
printf("Socket set.");

printf("\nStarted Sniffing\n");
printf("Packet Capture Statistics...\n");


return 0;

void StartSniffing(SOCKET sniffer)
char *Buffer = (char *)malloc(65536);
int mangobyte;

if (Buffer == NULL)
printf("malloc() failed.\n");

mangobyte = recvfrom(sniffer , Buffer , 65536 , 0 , 0 , 0);

if(mangobyte > 0)
ProcessPacket(Buffer, mangobyte);
printf( "recvfrom() failed.\n");
while (mangobyte > 0);


void ProcessPacket(char* Buffer, int Size)
iphdr = (IPV4_HDR *)Buffer;

switch (iphdr->ip_protocol) //Check the Protocol and do accordingly...
case 1: //ICMP Protocol

case 2: //IGMP Protocol

case 6: //TCP Protocol

case 17: //UDP Protocol

default: //Some Other Protocol like ARP etc.
printf("TCP : %d UDP : %d ICMP : %d IGMP : %d Others : %d Total : %d\r",tcp,udp,icmp,igmp,others,total);

void PrintIpHeader (char* Buffer )
unsigned short iphdrlen;

iphdr = (IPV4_HDR *)Buffer;
iphdrlen = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;

memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
source.sin_addr.s_addr = iphdr->ip_srcaddr;

memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
dest.sin_addr.s_addr = iphdr->ip_destaddr;

fprintf(logfile,"IP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile," |-IP Version : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_version);
fprintf(logfile," |-IP Header Length : %d DWORDS or %d Bytes\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_header_len,((unsigned int)(iphdr->ip_header_len))*4);
fprintf(logfile," |-Type Of Service : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_tos);
fprintf(logfile," |-IP Total Length : %d Bytes(Size of Packet)\n",ntohs(iphdr->ip_total_length));
fprintf(logfile," |-Identification : %d\n",ntohs(iphdr->ip_id));
fprintf(logfile," |-Reserved ZERO Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_reserved_zero);
fprintf(logfile," |-Dont Fragment Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_dont_fragment);
fprintf(logfile," |-More Fragment Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_more_fragment);
fprintf(logfile," |-TTL : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_ttl);
fprintf(logfile," |-Protocol : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_protocol);
fprintf(logfile," |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(iphdr->ip_checksum));
fprintf(logfile," |-Source IP : %s\n",inet_ntoa(source.sin_addr));
fprintf(logfile," |-Destination IP : %s\n",inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr));

//Prints all the sniffed DATA(TCP,UDP,ICMP)

void PrintTcpPacket(char* Buffer, int Size)
unsigned short iphdrlen;

iphdr = (IPV4_HDR *)Buffer;
iphdrlen = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;


fprintf(logfile,"\n\n***********************TCP Packet*************************\n");

PrintIpHeader( Buffer );

fprintf(logfile,"TCP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile," |-Source Port : %u\n",ntohs(tcpheader->source_port));
fprintf(logfile," |-Destination Port : %u\n",ntohs(tcpheader->dest_port));
fprintf(logfile," |-Sequence Number : %u\n",ntohl(tcpheader->sequence));
fprintf(logfile," |-Acknowledge Number : %u\n",ntohl(tcpheader->acknowledge));
fprintf(logfile," |-Header Length : %d DWORDS or %d BYTES\n"
,(unsigned int)tcpheader->data_offset,(unsigned int)tcpheader->data_offset*4);
fprintf(logfile," |-CWR Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->cwr);
fprintf(logfile," |-ECN Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->ecn);
fprintf(logfile," |-Urgent Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->urg);
fprintf(logfile," |-Acknowledgement Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->ack);
fprintf(logfile," |-Push Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->psh);
fprintf(logfile," |-Reset Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->rst);
fprintf(logfile," |-Synchronise Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->syn);
fprintf(logfile," |-Finish Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcpheader->fin);
fprintf(logfile," |-Window : %d\n",ntohs(tcpheader->window));
fprintf(logfile," |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(tcpheader->checksum));
fprintf(logfile," |-Urgent Pointer : %d\n",tcpheader->urgent_pointer);
fprintf(logfile," DATA Dump ");

fprintf(logfile,"IP Header\n");

fprintf(logfile,"TCP Header\n");

fprintf(logfile,"Data Payload\n");


void PrintUdpPacket(char *Buffer,int Size)
unsigned short iphdrlen;

iphdr = (IPV4_HDR *)Buffer;
iphdrlen = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;

udpheader = (UDP_HDR *)(Buffer + iphdrlen);

fprintf(logfile,"\n\n***********************UDP Packet*************************\n");


fprintf(logfile,"\nUDP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile," |-Source Port : %d\n",ntohs(udpheader->source_port));
fprintf(logfile," |-Destination Port : %d\n",ntohs(udpheader->dest_port));
fprintf(logfile," |-UDP Length : %d\n",ntohs(udpheader->udp_length));
fprintf(logfile," |-UDP Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(udpheader->udp_checksum));

fprintf(logfile,"IP Header\n");


fprintf(logfile,"UDP Header\n");


fprintf(logfile,"Data Payload\n");

PrintData(Buffer+iphdrlen+sizeof(UDP_HDR) ,(Size - sizeof(UDP_HDR) - iphdr->ip_header_len*4));


void PrintIcmpPacket(char* Buffer , int Size)
unsigned short iphdrlen;

iphdr = (IPV4_HDR *)Buffer;
iphdrlen = iphdr->ip_header_len*4;


fprintf(logfile,"\n\n***********************ICMP Packet*************************\n");


fprintf(logfile,"ICMP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile," |-Type : %d",(unsigned int)(icmpheader->type));

if((unsigned int)(icmpheader->type)==11)
fprintf(logfile," (TTL Expired)\n");
else if((unsigned int)(icmpheader->type)==0)
fprintf(logfile," (ICMP Echo Reply)\n");

fprintf(logfile," |-Code : %d\n",(unsigned int)(icmpheader->code));
fprintf(logfile," |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(icmpheader->checksum));
fprintf(logfile," |-ID : %d\n",ntohs(icmpheader->id));
fprintf(logfile," |-Sequence : %d\n",ntohs(icmpheader->seq));

fprintf(logfile,"IP Header\n");

fprintf(logfile,"UDP Header\n");

fprintf(logfile,"Data Payload\n");
PrintData(Buffer+iphdrlen+sizeof(ICMP_HDR) , (Size - sizeof(ICMP_HDR) - iphdr->ip_header_len*4));


Print the hex values of the data
void PrintData (char* data , int Size)
char a , line[17] , c;
int j;

//loop over each character and print
for(i=0 ; i < Size ; i++)
c = data[i];

//Print the hex value for every character , with a space. Important to make unsigned
fprintf(logfile," %.2x", (unsigned char) c);

//Add the character to data line. Important to make unsigned
a = ( c >=32 && c <=128) ? (unsigned char) c : '.';

line[i%16] = a;

//if last character of a line , then print the line - 16 characters in 1 line
if( (i!=0 && (i+1)%16==0) || i == Size - 1)
line[i%16 + 1] = '\0';

//print a big gap of 10 characters between hex and characters
fprintf(logfile ,"          ");

//Print additional spaces for last lines which might be less than 16 characters in length
for( j = strlen(line) ; j < 16; j++)
fprintf(logfile , "   ");

fprintf(logfile , "%s \n" , line);

fprintf(logfile , "\n");

Aqui esta todo el programa,intente sniffear pero no funciono nada de nada solo recibia UDP.


Colorea el código porque no todos hacen copy&past en visual studio  ;D (GeSHi)
Estas seguro que tu interfaz es correcta?
Yo tuve que cambiar:

Código (cpp) [Seleccionar]
//Sniffing on all of the interfaces
for (i = 0; local->h_addr_list[i] != 0; ++i)
memcpy(&addr, local->h_addr_list[i], sizeof(struct in_addr));
memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
memcpy(&dest.sin_addr.s_addr, local->h_addr_list[4], sizeof(dest.sin_addr.s_addr)); // cambio: h_addr_list[4]
dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
dest.sin_port = 0;
printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(addr)); // Para ver tu ip, la mía es la de ethernet

Luego en el log esta:
Citar***********************TCP Packet*************************

IP Header
|-IP Version : 4
|-IP Header Length : 5 DWORDS or 20 Bytes
|-Type Of Service : 0
|-IP Total Length : 1272 Bytes(Size of Packet)
|-Identification : 15071
|-Reserved ZERO Field : 0
|-Dont Fragment Field : 1
|-More Fragment Field : 0
|-TTL : 128
|-Protocol : 6
|-Checksum : 48770
|-Source IP : // mi ip de ethernet
|-Destination IP :

TCP Header
|-Source Port : 20749
|-Destination Port : 80

IP Header
45 00 04 f8 3a df 40 00 80 06 be 82 c0 a8 01 0a          E...:.@.........
6c a2 ce 49                                              l..I

TCP Header
51 0d 00 50 6f f6 2a a4 b4 63 07 05 50 18 fa f0          Q..Po.*..c..P...
6b 1b 00 00                                              k...

Data Payload
47 45 54 20 2f 20 48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 0d 0a          GET / HTTP/1.1..
48 6f 73 74 3a 20 66 6f 72 6f 2e 65 6c 68 61 63          Host: foro.elhac
6b 65 72 2e 6e 65 74 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74
69 6f 6e 3a 20 6b 65 65 70 2d 61 6c 69 76 65 0d          ion: keep-alive.
0a 41 63 63 65 70 74 3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68 74          .Accept: text/ht

Ahora pon tu filtro fijandote en el Referer y el User-Agent

Un saludo


Gracias,al final fue la interfaz.Muchas gracias por la ayuda :D!