Cita de: Karcrack en 12 Abril 2010, 15:46 PM
Try this way dude:Código (vb) [Seleccionar]]If Invoke("KERNEL32", &H6E824142, lAddr, Len(sBuff)) <> 0 Then GoTo OUT
Make sure lAddr is long
If I change just this line it works , too bad that I get Type mismatch on every ByVal, so I removed them all but it won't work anymore, I think the problem is on lLib&,lAddr&,lFunc& because I tried changing one line at time and it won't work for CopyBytes and Writeprocessmemory, but not sure. Anyway this line is totally right and working.
Código [Seleccionar]
If Invoke("KERNEL32", &H6E824142, lAddr, Len(sBuff)) <> 0 Then GoTo OUT