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Mensajes - seba123neo

y despues hacen juicio jaja, que caraduras.
porque decis que no funciona? tira error ?, no hace nada ?, crea el archvio y no tiene nada adentro ?

a mi esto me funciona:

Código (vbnet) [Seleccionar]
Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim oSW As New StreamWriter("C:\prueba.txt")

        Dim vLinea As String = "Soy una linea"
    End Sub
End Class
Lucida Console

[font = lucidaconsole]Lucida Console[/font]
podes comentar donde y cuando quieras, no hay un estandar para eso, por ejemplo podes comentar un metodo o funcion y despues si queres tambien podes comentar dentro del mismo algunas lineas.

por ejemplo fijate como hacen las clases internas de java asi es como se deberia comentar.

normalmente se hace asi:

cabecera principal: donde da informacion del modulo en el que estas.
declaraciones, constantes y variables: separadas por algun comentario o bloque.
metodos y funciones: con un comentario arriba de lo que hace, los parametros que recibe y demas. (algunos lenaguejes como java o .NET permiten poner comentarios en la cabecera de cada funcion de manera tal que luego aparecen en el intellisense mientras escribis.)

y luego podes comentar lineas de los mismos metodo o funciones

aca te pongo por ejemplo una clase de android, que me parece que es la forma ideal de hacerlo.

Código (java) [Seleccionar]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.RemoteException;

import java.util.List;

* This class provides the primary API for managing all aspects of Wi-Fi
* connectivity. Get an instance of this class by calling
* {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService(String) Context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE)}.

* It deals with several categories of items:
* <ul>
* <li>The list of configured networks. The list can be viewed and updated,
* and attributes of individual entries can be modified.</li>
* <li>The currently active Wi-Fi network, if any. Connectivity can be
* established or torn down, and dynamic information about the state of
* the network can be queried.</li>
* <li>Results of access point scans, containing enough information to
* make decisions about what access point to connect to.</li>
* <li>It defines the names of various Intent actions that are broadcast
* upon any sort of change in Wi-Fi state.
* </ul>
* This is the API to use when performing Wi-Fi specific operations. To
* perform operations that pertain to network connectivity at an abstract
* level, use {@link}.
public class WifiManager {

    // Supplicant error codes:
     * The error code if there was a problem authenticating.
    public static final int ERROR_AUTHENTICATING = 1;

     * Broadcast intent action indicating that Wi-Fi has been enabled, disabled,
     * enabling, disabling, or unknown. One extra provides this state as an int.
     * Another extra provides the previous state, if available.
     * @see #EXTRA_WIFI_STATE
    public static final String WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION =
     * The lookup key for an int that indicates whether Wi-Fi is enabled,
     * disabled, enabling, disabling, or unknown.  Retrieve it with
     * {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String,int)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_WIFI_STATE = "wifi_state";
     * The previous Wi-Fi state.
     * @see #EXTRA_WIFI_STATE
    public static final String EXTRA_PREVIOUS_WIFI_STATE = "previous_wifi_state";
     * Wi-Fi is currently being disabled. The state will change to {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLED} if
     * it finishes successfully.
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public static final int WIFI_STATE_DISABLING = 0;
     * Wi-Fi is disabled.
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public static final int WIFI_STATE_DISABLED = 1;
     * Wi-Fi is currently being enabled. The state will change to {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLED} if
     * it finishes successfully.
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public static final int WIFI_STATE_ENABLING = 2;
     * Wi-Fi is enabled.
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public static final int WIFI_STATE_ENABLED = 3;
     * Wi-Fi is in an unknown state. This state will occur when an error happens while enabling
     * or disabling.
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public static final int WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN = 4;
     * Broadcast intent action indicating that a connection to the supplicant has
     * been established (and it is now possible
     * to perform Wi-Fi operations) or the connection to the supplicant has been
     * lost. One extra provides the connection state as a boolean, where {@code true}
     * means CONNECTED.
    public static final String SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION =
     * The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether a connection to
     * the supplicant daemon has been gained or lost. {@code true} means
     * a connection now exists.
     * Retrieve it with {@link android.content.Intent#getBooleanExtra(String,boolean)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED = "connected";
     * Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of Wi-Fi connectivity
     * has changed. One extra provides the new state
     * in the form of a {@link} object. If the new state is
     * CONNECTED, a second extra may provide the BSSID of the access point,
     * as a {@code String}.
     * @see #EXTRA_BSSID
    public static final String NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION = "";
     * The lookup key for a {@link} object associated with the
     * Wi-Fi network. Retrieve with
     * {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO = "networkInfo";
     * The lookup key for a String giving the BSSID of the access point to which
     * we are connected. Only present when the new state is CONNECTED.
     * Retrieve with
     * {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra(String)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_BSSID = "bssid";
     * Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of establishing a connection to
     * an access point has changed.One extra provides the new
     * {@link SupplicantState}. Note that the supplicant state is Wi-Fi specific, and
     * is not generally the most useful thing to look at if you are just interested in
     * the overall state of connectivity.
     * @see #EXTRA_NEW_STATE
    public static final String SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION =
     * The lookup key for a {@link SupplicantState} describing the new state
     * Retrieve with
     * {@link android.content.Intent#getParcelableExtra(String)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_NEW_STATE = "newState";

     * The lookup key for a {@link SupplicantState} describing the supplicant
     * error code if any
     * Retrieve with
     * {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra(String, int)}.
    public static final String EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_ERROR = "supplicantError";

     * An access point scan has completed, and results are available from the supplicant.
     * Call {@link #getScanResults()} to obtain the results.
    public static final String SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION = "";
     * The RSSI (signal strength) has changed.
     * @see #EXTRA_NEW_RSSI
    public static final String RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION = "";
     * The lookup key for an {@code int} giving the new RSSI in dBm.
    public static final String EXTRA_NEW_RSSI = "newRssi";

     * The network IDs of the configured networks could have changed.
    public static final String NETWORK_IDS_CHANGED_ACTION = "";
     * Activity Action: Pick a Wi-Fi network to connect to.
     * <p>Input: Nothing.
     * <p>Output: Nothing.
    public static final String ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK = "";

     * In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active,
     * and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically
     * establish a connection to a remembered access point that is
     * within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered
     * access points but none are in range.
    public static final int WIFI_MODE_FULL = 1;
     * In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active,
     * but the only operation that will be supported is initiation of
     * scans, and the subsequent reporting of scan results. No attempts
     * will be made to automatically connect to remembered access points,
     * nor will periodic scans be automatically performed looking for
     * remembered access points. Scans must be explicitly requested by
     * an application in this mode.
    public static final int WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY = 2;

    /** Anything worse than or equal to this will show 0 bars. */
    private static final int MIN_RSSI = -100;
    /** Anything better than or equal to this will show the max bars. */
    private static final int MAX_RSSI = -55;
    IWifiManager mService;
    Handler mHandler;

    /* Maximum number of active locks we allow.
     * This limit was added to prevent apps from creating a ridiculous number
     * of locks and crashing the system by overflowing the global ref table.
    private static final int MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS = 50;

    /* Number of currently active WifiLocks and MulticastLocks */
    private int mActiveLockCount;

     * Create a new WifiManager instance.
     * Applications will almost always want to use
     * {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService Context.getSystemService()} to retrieve
     * the standard {@link android.content.Context#WIFI_SERVICE Context.WIFI_SERVICE}.
     * @param service the Binder interface
     * @param handler target for messages
     * @hide - hide this because it takes in a parameter of type IWifiManager, which
     * is a system private class.
    public WifiManager(IWifiManager service, Handler handler) {
        mService = service;
        mHandler = handler;

     * Return a list of all the networks configured in the supplicant.
     * Not all fields of WifiConfiguration are returned. Only the following
     * fields are filled in:
     * <ul>
     * <li>networkId</li>
     * <li>SSID</li>
     * <li>BSSID</li>
     * <li>priority</li>
     * <li>allowedProtocols</li>
     * <li>allowedKeyManagement</li>
     * <li>allowedAuthAlgorithms</li>
     * <li>allowedPairwiseCiphers</li>
     * <li>allowedGroupCiphers</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return a list of network configurations in the form of a list
     * of {@link WifiConfiguration} objects.
    public List<WifiConfiguration> getConfiguredNetworks() {
        try {
            return mService.getConfiguredNetworks();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return null;

     * Add a new network description to the set of configured networks.
     * The {@code networkId} field of the supplied configuration object
     * is ignored.
     * <p/>
     * The new network will be marked DISABLED by default. To enable it,
     * called {@link #enableNetwork}.
     * @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,
     *            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.
     * @return the ID of the newly created network description. This is used in
     *         other operations to specified the network to be acted upon.
     *         Returns {@code -1} on failure.
    public int addNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {
        if (config == null) {
            return -1;
        config.networkId = -1;
        return addOrUpdateNetwork(config);

     * Update the network description of an existing configured network.
     * @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,
     *            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object. It may
     *            be sparse, so that only the items that are being changed
     *            are non-<code>null</code>. The {@code networkId} field
     *            must be set to the ID of the existing network being updated.
     * @return Returns the {@code networkId} of the supplied
     *         {@code WifiConfiguration} on success.
     *         <br/>
     *         Returns {@code -1} on failure, including when the {@code networkId}
     *         field of the {@code WifiConfiguration} does not refer to an
     *         existing network.
    public int updateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {
        if (config == null || config.networkId < 0) {
            return -1;
        return addOrUpdateNetwork(config);

     * Internal method for doing the RPC that creates a new network description
     * or updates an existing one.
     * @param config The possibly sparse object containing the variables that
     *         are to set or updated in the network description.
     * @return the ID of the network on success, {@code -1} on failure.
    private int addOrUpdateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {
        try {
            return mService.addOrUpdateNetwork(config);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return -1;

     * Remove the specified network from the list of configured networks.
     * This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state change
     * events.
     * @param netId the integer that identifies the network configuration
     * to the supplicant
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean removeNetwork(int netId) {
        try {
            return mService.removeNetwork(netId);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Allow a previously configured network to be associated with. If
     * <code>disableOthers</code> is true, then all other configured
     * networks are disabled, and an attempt to connect to the selected
     * network is initiated. This may result in the asynchronous delivery
     * of state change events.
     * @param netId the ID of the network in the list of configured networks
     * @param disableOthers if true, disable all other networks. The way to
     * select a particular network to connect to is specify {@code true}
     * for this parameter.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean enableNetwork(int netId, boolean disableOthers) {
        try {
            return mService.enableNetwork(netId, disableOthers);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Disable a configured network. The specified network will not be
     * a candidate for associating. This may result in the asynchronous
     * delivery of state change events.
     * @param netId the ID of the network as returned by {@link #addNetwork}.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean disableNetwork(int netId) {
        try {
            return mService.disableNetwork(netId);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Disassociate from the currently active access point. This may result
     * in the asynchronous delivery of state change events.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean disconnect() {
        try {
            return mService.disconnect();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Reconnect to the currently active access point, if we are currently
     * disconnected. This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state
     * change events.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean reconnect() {
        try {
            return mService.reconnect();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Reconnect to the currently active access point, even if we are already
     * connected. This may result in the asynchronous delivery of state
     * change events.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean reassociate() {
        try {
            return mService.reassociate();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Check that the supplicant daemon is responding to requests.
     * @return {@code true} if we were able to communicate with the supplicant and
     * it returned the expected response to the PING message.
    public boolean pingSupplicant() {
        if (mService == null)
            return false;
        try {
            return mService.pingSupplicant();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Request a scan for access points. Returns immediately. The availability
     * of the results is made known later by means of an asynchronous event sent
     * on completion of the scan.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, i.e., the scan was initiated
    public boolean startScan() {
        try {
            return mService.startScan(false);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Request a scan for access points. Returns immediately. The availability
     * of the results is made known later by means of an asynchronous event sent
     * on completion of the scan.
     * This is a variant of startScan that forces an active scan, even if passive
     * scans are the current default
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, i.e., the scan was initiated
     * @hide
    public boolean startScanActive() {
        try {
            return mService.startScan(true);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Return dynamic information about the current Wi-Fi connection, if any is active.
     * @return the Wi-Fi information, contained in {@link WifiInfo}.
    public WifiInfo getConnectionInfo() {
        try {
            return mService.getConnectionInfo();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return null;

     * Return the results of the latest access point scan.
     * @return the list of access points found in the most recent scan.
    public List<ScanResult> getScanResults() {
        try {
            return mService.getScanResults();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return null;

     * Tell the supplicant to persist the current list of configured networks.
     * <p>
     * Note: It is possible for this method to change the network IDs of
     * existing networks. You should assume the network IDs can be different
     * after calling this method.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded
    public boolean saveConfiguration() {
        try {
            return mService.saveConfiguration();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Return the number of frequency channels that are allowed
     * to be used in the current regulatory domain.
     * @return the number of allowed channels, or {@code -1} if an error occurs
     * @hide pending API council
    public int getNumAllowedChannels() {
        try {
            return mService.getNumAllowedChannels();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return -1;

     * Set the number of frequency channels that are allowed to be used
     * in the current regulatory domain. This method should be used only
     * if the correct number of channels cannot be determined automatically
     * for some reason.
     * @param numChannels the number of allowed channels. Must be greater than 0
     * and less than or equal to 16.
     * @param persist {@code true} if you want this remembered
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds, {@code false} otherwise, e.g.,
     * {@code numChannels} is out of range.
     * @hide pending API council
    public boolean setNumAllowedChannels(int numChannels, boolean persist) {
        try {
            return mService.setNumAllowedChannels(numChannels, persist);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Return the list of valid values for the number of allowed radio channels
     * for various regulatory domains.
     * @return the list of channel counts, or {@code null} if the operation fails
     * @hide pending API council review
    public int[] getValidChannelCounts() {
        try {
            return mService.getValidChannelCounts();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return null;

     * Return the DHCP-assigned addresses from the last successful DHCP request,
     * if any.
     * @return the DHCP information
    public DhcpInfo getDhcpInfo() {
        try {
            return mService.getDhcpInfo();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return null;

     * Enable or disable Wi-Fi.
     * @param enabled {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable.
     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds (or if the existing state
     *         is the same as the requested state).
    public boolean setWifiEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        try {
            return mService.setWifiEnabled(enabled);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;

     * Gets the Wi-Fi enabled state.
     * @return One of {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLED},
     *         {@link #WIFI_STATE_DISABLING}, {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLED},
     *         {@link #WIFI_STATE_ENABLING}, {@link #WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN}
     * @see #isWifiEnabled()
    public int getWifiState() {
        try {
            return mService.getWifiEnabledState();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN;
     * Return whether Wi-Fi is enabled or disabled.
     * @return {@code true} if Wi-Fi is enabled
     * @see #getWifiState()
    public boolean isWifiEnabled() {
        return getWifiState() == WIFI_STATE_ENABLED;
     * Calculates the level of the signal. This should be used any time a signal
     * is being shown.
     * @param rssi The power of the signal measured in RSSI.
     * @param numLevels The number of levels to consider in the calculated
     *            level.
     * @return A level of the signal, given in the range of 0 to numLevels-1
     *         (both inclusive).
    public static int calculateSignalLevel(int rssi, int numLevels) {
        if (rssi <= MIN_RSSI) {
            return 0;
        } else if (rssi >= MAX_RSSI) {
            return numLevels - 1;
        } else {
            int partitionSize = (MAX_RSSI - MIN_RSSI) / (numLevels - 1);
            return (rssi - MIN_RSSI) / partitionSize;
     * Compares two signal strengths.
     * @param rssiA The power of the first signal measured in RSSI.
     * @param rssiB The power of the second signal measured in RSSI.
     * @return Returns <0 if the first signal is weaker than the second signal,
     *         0 if the two signals have the same strength, and >0 if the first
     *         signal is stronger than the second signal.
    public static int compareSignalLevel(int rssiA, int rssiB) {
        return rssiA - rssiB;

     * Allows an application to keep the Wi-Fi radio awake.
     * Normally the Wi-Fi radio may turn off when the user has not used the device in a while.
     * Acquiring a WifiLock will keep the radio on until the lock is released.  Multiple
     * applications may hold WifiLocks, and the radio will only be allowed to turn off when no
     * WifiLocks are held in any application.
     * Before using a WifiLock, consider carefully if your application requires Wi-Fi access, or
     * could function over a mobile network, if available.  A program that needs to download large
     * files should hold a WifiLock to ensure that the download will complete, but a program whose
     * network usage is occasional or low-bandwidth should not hold a WifiLock to avoid adversely
     * affecting battery life.
     * Note that WifiLocks cannot override the user-level "Wi-Fi Enabled" setting, nor Airplane
     * Mode.  They simply keep the radio from turning off when Wi-Fi is already on but the device
     * is idle.
    public class WifiLock {
        private String mTag;
        private final IBinder mBinder;
        private int mRefCount;
        int mLockType;
        private boolean mRefCounted;
        private boolean mHeld;

        private WifiLock(int lockType, String tag) {
            mTag = tag;
            mLockType = lockType;
            mBinder = new Binder();
            mRefCount = 0;
            mRefCounted = true;
            mHeld = false;

         * Locks the Wi-Fi radio on until {@link #release} is called.
         * If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to {@code acquire} will increment the
         * reference count, and the radio will remain locked as long as the reference count is
         * above zero.
         * If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to {@code acquire} will lock
         * the radio, but subsequent calls will be ignored.  Only one call to {@link #release}
         * will be required, regardless of the number of times that {@code acquire} is called.
        public void acquire() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                if (mRefCounted ? (++mRefCount > 0) : (!mHeld)) {
                    try {
                        mService.acquireWifiLock(mBinder, mLockType, mTag);
                        synchronized (WifiManager.this) {
                            if (mActiveLockCount >= MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS) {
                                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                            "Exceeded maximum number of wifi locks");
                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) {
                    mHeld = true;

         * Unlocks the Wi-Fi radio, allowing it to turn off when the device is idle.
         * If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to {@code release} will decrement the
         * reference count, and the radio will be unlocked only when the reference count reaches
         * zero.  If the reference count goes below zero (that is, if {@code release} is called
         * a greater number of times than {@link #acquire}), an exception is thrown.
         * If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to {@code release} (after
         * the radio was locked using {@link #acquire}) will unlock the radio, and subsequent
         * calls will be ignored.
        public void release() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                if (mRefCounted ? (--mRefCount == 0) : (mHeld)) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (WifiManager.this) {
                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) {
                    mHeld = false;
                if (mRefCount < 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("WifiLock under-locked " + mTag);

         * Controls whether this is a reference-counted or non-reference-counted WifiLock.
         * Reference-counted WifiLocks keep track of the number of calls to {@link #acquire} and
         * {@link #release}, and only allow the radio to sleep when every call to {@link #acquire}
         * has been balanced with a call to {@link #release}.  Non-reference-counted WifiLocks
         * lock the radio whenever {@link #acquire} is called and it is unlocked, and unlock the
         * radio whenever {@link #release} is called and it is locked.
         * @param refCounted true if this WifiLock should keep a reference count
        public void setReferenceCounted(boolean refCounted) {
            mRefCounted = refCounted;

         * Checks whether this WifiLock is currently held.
         * @return true if this WifiLock is held, false otherwise
        public boolean isHeld() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                return mHeld;

        public String toString() {
            String s1, s2, s3;
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                s1 = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));
                s2 = mHeld ? "held; " : "";
                if (mRefCounted) {
                    s3 = "refcounted: refcount = " + mRefCount;
                } else {
                    s3 = "not refcounted";
                return "WifiLock{ " + s1 + "; " + s2 + s3 + " }";

        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                if (mHeld) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (WifiManager.this) {
                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) {

     * Creates a new WifiLock.
     * @param lockType the type of lock to create. See {@link #WIFI_MODE_FULL} and
     * {@link #WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY} for descriptions of the types of Wi-Fi locks.
     * @param tag a tag for the WifiLock to identify it in debugging messages.  This string is
     *            never shown to the user under normal conditions, but should be descriptive
     *            enough to identify your application and the specific WifiLock within it, if it
     *            holds multiple WifiLocks.
     * @return a new, unacquired WifiLock with the given tag.
     * @see WifiLock
    public WifiLock createWifiLock(int lockType, String tag) {
        return new WifiLock(lockType, tag);
     * Creates a new WifiLock.
     * @param tag a tag for the WifiLock to identify it in debugging messages.  This string is
     *            never shown to the user under normal conditions, but should be descriptive
     *            enough to identify your application and the specific WifiLock within it, if it
     *            holds multiple WifiLocks.
     * @return a new, unacquired WifiLock with the given tag.
     * @see WifiLock
    public WifiLock createWifiLock(String tag) {
        return new WifiLock(WIFI_MODE_FULL, tag);

     * Create a new MulticastLock
     * @param tag a tag for the MulticastLock to identify it in debugging
     *            messages.  This string is never shown to the user under
     *            normal conditions, but should be descriptive enough to
     *            identify your application and the specific MulticastLock
     *            within it, if it holds multiple MulticastLocks.
     * @return a new, unacquired MulticastLock with the given tag.
     * @see MulticastLock
    public MulticastLock createMulticastLock(String tag) {
        return new MulticastLock(tag);

     * Allows an application to receive Wifi Multicast packets.
     * Normally the Wifi stack filters out packets not explicitly
     * addressed to this device.  Acquring a MulticastLock will
     * cause the stack to receive packets addressed to multicast
     * addresses.  Processing these extra packets can cause a noticable
     * battery drain and should be disabled when not needed.
    public class MulticastLock {
        private String mTag;
        private final IBinder mBinder;
        private int mRefCount;
        private boolean mRefCounted;
        private boolean mHeld;

        private MulticastLock(String tag) {
            mTag = tag;
            mBinder = new Binder();
            mRefCount = 0;
            mRefCounted = true;
            mHeld = false;

         * Locks Wifi Multicast on until {@link #release} is called.
         * If this MulticastLock is reference-counted each call to
         * {@code acquire} will increment the reference count, and the
         * wifi interface will receive multicast packets as long as the
         * reference count is above zero.
         * If this MulticastLock is not reference-counted, the first call to
         * {@code acquire} will turn on the multicast packets, but subsequent
         * calls will be ignored.  Only one call to {@link #release} will
         * be required, regardless of the number of times that {@code acquire}
         * is called.
         * Note that other applications may also lock Wifi Multicast on.
         * Only they can relinquish their lock.
         * Also note that applications cannot leave Multicast locked on.
         * When an app exits or crashes, any Multicast locks will be released.
        public void acquire() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                if (mRefCounted ? (++mRefCount > 0) : (!mHeld)) {
                    try {
                        mService.acquireMulticastLock(mBinder, mTag);
                        synchronized (WifiManager.this) {
                            if (mActiveLockCount >= MAX_ACTIVE_LOCKS) {
                                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                        "Exceeded maximum number of wifi locks");
                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) {
                    mHeld = true;

         * Unlocks Wifi Multicast, restoring the filter of packets
         * not addressed specifically to this device and saving power.
         * If this MulticastLock is reference-counted, each call to
         * {@code release} will decrement the reference count, and the
         * multicast packets will only stop being received when the reference
         * count reaches zero.  If the reference count goes below zero (that
         * is, if {@code release} is called a greater number of times than
         * {@link #acquire}), an exception is thrown.
         * If this MulticastLock is not reference-counted, the first call to
         * {@code release} (after the radio was multicast locked using
         * {@link #acquire}) will unlock the multicast, and subsequent calls
         * will be ignored.
         * Note that if any other Wifi Multicast Locks are still outstanding
         * this {@code release} call will not have an immediate effect.  Only
         * when all applications have released all their Multicast Locks will
         * the Multicast filter be turned back on.
         * Also note that when an app exits or crashes all of its Multicast
         * Locks will be automatically released.
        public void release() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                if (mRefCounted ? (--mRefCount == 0) : (mHeld)) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (WifiManager.this) {
                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) {
                    mHeld = false;
                if (mRefCount < 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("MulticastLock under-locked "
                            + mTag);

         * Controls whether this is a reference-counted or non-reference-
         * counted MulticastLock.
         * Reference-counted MulticastLocks keep track of the number of calls
         * to {@link #acquire} and {@link #release}, and only stop the
         * reception of multicast packets when every call to {@link #acquire}
         * has been balanced with a call to {@link #release}.  Non-reference-
         * counted MulticastLocks allow the reception of multicast packets
         * whenever {@link #acquire} is called and stop accepting multicast
         * packets whenever {@link #release} is called.
         * @param refCounted true if this MulticastLock should keep a reference
         * count
        public void setReferenceCounted(boolean refCounted) {
            mRefCounted = refCounted;

         * Checks whether this MulticastLock is currently held.
         * @return true if this MulticastLock is held, false otherwise
        public boolean isHeld() {
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                return mHeld;

        public String toString() {
            String s1, s2, s3;
            synchronized (mBinder) {
                s1 = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));
                s2 = mHeld ? "held; " : "";
                if (mRefCounted) {
                    s3 = "refcounted: refcount = " + mRefCount;
                } else {
                    s3 = "not refcounted";
                return "MulticastLock{ " + s1 + "; " + s2 + s3 + " }";

        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

     * Check multicast filter status.
     * @return true if multicast packets are allowed.
     * @hide pending API council approval
    public boolean isMulticastEnabled() {
        try {
            return mService.isMulticastEnabled();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            return false;
no necesitas el navegador abierto, con hacer una peticion POST desde tu programa, podes recibir el codigo fuente de la pagina y asi parsearlo y obtener la informacion que quieras.
usa un contador publico y lo vas sumando.
Windows / Re: El USB no me lo reconoce
28 Octubre 2012, 02:41 AM
¿ probaste en otro puerto USB ? normalmente vienen unos 6 puertos USB o mas en una pc nueva.
deberias postar en la categoria correcta, ya te movi como 5 post distintos, esto no es VB6, la proxima lo borro en serio.

y sobre el FTP, hace poco escribi un post de como conectarse y crear un archvio de texto en el. con la clase FtpWebRequest .

Crear archivo en un FTP

Cita de: Xafi en 28 Octubre 2012, 00:55 AM
Constance una pregunta. comes carne? qué tipo?

constance es vegetariana, ya lo dijo mil veces, cada uno come lo que quiere.

otro post que va a terminar cerrado por una tonta discusion.
Android / Re: Duda sobre ANDROID y GALAXY S2.
27 Octubre 2012, 06:18 AM
esta bien, me fije en el mio, esa memoria del dispositivo (1.97 GB en mi telefono) es para instalar aplicaciones, es reservado para eso, viste que cuando instalas una aplicacion te lo instala ahi siempre, a no ser que le pongas "mover a la sd", asi no te ocupa espacio.

el almacenamiento USB tambien me aparece 11.50 GB y eso lo ocupa la musica, videos, fotos, o cualquier otro archivo descargado.

me imagino que lo que falta es lo que ocupa el sistema android, o tambien puede ser el tema de que los fabricantes toman el kilobyte como 1000 en vez de 1024, como pasa con los discos duros, por ejemplo un disco que dice ser de 80GB.

80GB = 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 80 = 85,899,345,920 bytes

pero los fabricantes dicen:
80GB = 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 80 = 80,000,000,000 bytes (80 mil millones)

80 mil millones de bytes son:
80 mil millones / 1024 = 78,125,000 Kilobytes, /1024 = 76,294 Megabytes, /1024 = 74.5 Gigabytes

ahi ya esta la diferencia, si lo aplicas sobre estos 16GB te da 14.9GB.

igual siguen faltando 1.4GB en algun lado.
