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Mensajes - scod

ya lo hiciste? como?

xD y ps si ya no queremos depender de esta dll,. porque mejor no unsar otro lenguaje? xD :p

el funcionamiento de un proxy es bastante sencillo, y es sencillo igual hacerlo incluso con el winsock, lo unico que tienes que hacer es redirigir todo el trafico entrante hacia una nueva direccion,. y ya :p,.. el prosy siempre esta a la escucha y mandando el trafico a determinadas direcicones,..

por otro lado no te entiendo bienq ue es lo que quieres hacer,.. lo unico que quieres que es que cuando abra el kazaa te mande la ip a ti? tambien quieres que se autoreprodusca por todos los usuarios dela red??

salutes :D
bajate el apiguide de ;)

y aqui un poco mas de info
Citar· lpszAgent
Address of a string that contains the name of the application or entity calling the Internet functions (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer). This name is used as the user agent in the HTTP protocol.

· dwAccessType
Type of access required. Can be one of these values:
Resolve all host names locally.
Pass requests to the proxy unless a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name to be resolved bypasses the proxy. In this case, the function proceeds as for INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT.
Retrieve the proxy or direct configuration from the registry.

· lpszProxyName
Address of a string that contains the name of the proxy server (or servers) to use if proxy access was specified. If this parameter is NULL, the function reads proxy information from the registry. For more information about this parameter, see the comments below.

· lpszProxyBypass
Address of an optional list of host names or IP addresses, or both, that are known locally. Requests to these names are not routed through the proxy. The list can contain wildcards, such as "157.55.* *int*", meaning any IP address starting with 157.55, or any name containing the substring "int", will bypass the proxy.
If this parameter specifies the "<local>" macro as the only entry, the function bypasses any host name that does not contain a period. For example, "" would be routed to the proxy, whereas "internet" would not.
If this parameter is NULL, the function reads the bypass list from the registry.

· dwFlags
Flag that indicates various options affecting the behavior of the function. Can be a combination of these values:
Satisfy download operations on this handle through the persistent cache only. If the item does not exist in the cache, the function returns an appropriate error code.
Future operations on this handle may fail with ERROR_IO_PENDING. A status callback will be made with INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE. This callback will be on a thread other than the one for the original request. A status callback routine must be registered or the functions will be completed synchronously.

salutes :D
no se puede

a menos que el codigo en vb este dentro del exe en forma de recursos y que el compilador del vb6 este intalado en la maquina, porque necesitas linkear directametne con el compilador

hendrix, lo que probablemente hayas visto que lo peude hacer igualmente un ejecutable compilado en cualqueir lenguaje que soporte integracio de recursos, son esos, recuros dentro del exe, que facilmente se peuden extraer del mismo ejecutable.

con getasynkeystate peudes como ya te dijeron, pero siempre vas a usar muchos recursos del sistema, ya que o utilizas timers o un for infinito

mejor con hooks ;)

saluts :D
la funcion shell no abre archivos, solo ejecutables,..

para abrir la imagen tienes que utilizar la api shellexecute ;)

saludos :D
no te entendi,.. quieres hacer una consulta de busqueda??

select * from tabla where campo like ''dato'' ???

no llama a la funcion porque nunca encuentra la llamada,...

private sub otra_funcion()
on error goto error
if t=0 then

end if
exit sub
call checarerror ''''''''aqui hablo a mi otra funcion
end sub

el problema es que pones el exit sub antes de llamar a la otra funcion, lo que hace entons es salirse de la funcion y nunca llega a la linea de call,...

no deberira estar el call en el else? no entiendo porque pones el goto :s

 no puedes conocer la ip publica de tu red desde el winsock u otra clase que emule a este control por medio del .localip, tendrias que usar el winsock, y conectarte a una pagina  de esas que te dicen la ip, osea todo por medio de http, capturas los priemros datos que te mandan,.. me explico,..

por ejemplo en la pagina te da tu ip publica, lo que tendrias que hacer es conectarte a esta page y buscar entre el code html las palabras "Your IP Address is" y luego sacar la infoq ue sigue, que seria tu ip,.. me explique? :p

y bue, pa sacar la ip local sin el winsock puedes usar este code que encontre hace mucho,...

Option Explicit
Private Const MAX_WSADescription = 256
Private Const MAX_WSASYSStatus = 128
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Private Const WS_VERSION_REQD As Long = &H101
Private Const WS_VERSION_MAJOR As Long = WS_VERSION_REQD  &H100 And &HFF&
Private Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD As Long = 1
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR As Long = -1
Private Type HOSTENT
    hName As Long
    hAliases As Long
    hAddrType As Integer
    hLen As Integer
    hAddrList As Long
    End Type
Private Type WSADATA
    wVersion As Integer
    wHighVersion As Integer
    szDescription(0 To MAX_WSADescription) As Byte
    szSystemStatus(0 To MAX_WSASYSStatus) As Byte
    wMaxSockets As Integer
    wMaxUDPDG As Integer
    dwVendorInfo As Long
    End Type
Private Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _
    (ByVal wVersionRequired As Long, lpWSADATA As WSADATA) As Long
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetHostName Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _
    Alias "gethostname" (ByVal szHost As String, ByVal dwHostLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _
    (ByVal szHost As String) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
    (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Public Function GetLocalHost() As String
    Dim sHostName As String * 256
    If Not SocketsInitialize() Then
        GetLocalHost = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    If GetHostName(sHostName, 256) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
        GetLocalHost = ""
''        MsgBox "Windows Sockets Error " & str$(WSAGetLastError()) & _
''        " has occurred. Unable To successfully Get Host Name."
        Exit Function
    End If
    GetLocalHost = Left$(sHostName, InStr(sHostName, Chr(0)) - 1)
End Function

Public Function GetLocalIP() As String
    Dim sHostName As String * 256
    Dim lpHost As Long
    Dim dwIPAddr As Long
    Dim tmpIPAddr() As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim sIPAddr As String
    If Not SocketsInitialize() Then
        GetLocalIP = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    If GetHostName(sHostName, 256) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
        GetLocalIP = ""
''        MsgBox "Windows Sockets Error " & Str$(WSAGetLastError()) & _
''        " has occurred. Unable To successfully Get Host Name."
        Exit Function
    End If
    sHostName = Trim$(sHostName)
    lpHost = gethostbyname(sHostName)
    If lpHost = 0 Then
        GetLocalIP = ""
''        MsgBox "Windows Sockets are Not responding. " & _
''        "Unable To successfully Get Host Name."
        Exit Function
    End If
    CopyMemory HOST, lpHost, Len(HOST)
    CopyMemory dwIPAddr, HOST.hAddrList, 4
    ReDim tmpIPAddr(1 To HOST.hLen)
    CopyMemory tmpIPAddr(1), dwIPAddr, HOST.hLen
    For i = 1 To HOST.hLen
        sIPAddr = sIPAddr & tmpIPAddr(i) & "."
    GetLocalIP = Mid$(sIPAddr, 1, Len(sIPAddr) - 1)
End Function
Private Function HiByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
    HiByte = wParam  &H100 And &HFF&
End Function
Private Function LoByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
    LoByte = wParam And &HFF&
End Function
Private Sub SocketsCleanup()
    If WSACleanup() <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        MsgBox "Socket Error occurred In Cleanup."
    End If
End Sub
Private Function SocketsInitialize() As Boolean
    Dim sLoByte As String
    Dim sHiByte As String
        MsgBox "The 32-bit Windows Socket is Not responding."
        SocketsInitialize = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If WSAD.wMaxSockets < MIN_SOCKETS_REQD Then
        MsgBox "This application requires a minimum of " & _
        CStr(MIN_SOCKETS_REQD) & " supported sockets."
        SocketsInitialize = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MAJOR Or _
    (LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) = WS_VERSION_MAJOR And _
    HiByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MINOR) Then
    sHiByte = CStr(HiByte(WSAD.wVersion))
    sLoByte = CStr(LoByte(WSAD.wVersion))
    MsgBox "Sockets version " & sLoByte & "." & sHiByte & _
    " is Not supported by 32-bit Windows Sockets."
    SocketsInitialize = False
    Exit Function
End If
SocketsInitialize = True
End Function

que como puedes ver hay dos funciones que rtetornan la ip local y el nombre del host local o nombre de red

comparte la carpeta donde tengas el archivo mdb y luego lo llamas desde la otra pc ccon la ruta,. \PC1carpetaarchivo.mdb

CREO que deberia de funcar xDD no lo he probado pero es lo primero que se me ocurre  :p