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Mensajes - philipjfry99

Good work :), for my part i use a non-native LV which can includes directly native progressbar lol
Programación Visual Basic / VB6 Hook Api
19 Marzo 2011, 23:51 PM
I have resolved on how to inject a vb6 app in a already vb6 one........and all works good
For this i have to rebase image, i set it according a japan paper but i don't understand why this number !!!! cause when i debug it address of for exemple msgbox is not same of image i set to properly hook !!!!!!!!

Can someone explain me all this, thx :)
Me too :D, abronsius released is fourth edition of his ACO and it really good, with ur one all vb6 coder will just be king of the world lol
i'm always impressed about the professional of ur controls...
Good work m8, u're a really skilled designer.
lol this simple trick call works!!!! good work as amways....When will u be back in english scenes dude ;)
Hi Karcrack, love ur work :), this one works except for 7 64bit, do u know why ?