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Mensajes - pepehabana

P4 gracias por tus consejos y ayuda....
hoy en la mañana vi el reaver darme contraseña y pin, perfectamente con la RALINK RT61 2561 turbo wireless, asi que sumenla al listado de tarjetas mas o menos recomendadas jajaja, a lo mejor no con todas las redes pero con WLAN_XXXX, en 35500 segundos....
Uso un live cd con Wifiway 3.4
Reaver v1.4 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
tendria que actualizar ??
como se actualiza el reaver en un live CD jajaja ???
Hola Uso el WIFIWAY3.4 Tengo la Ralink RT61 (chipset 2561) turbo wireless pci y solo he seleccionado la red al estilo que lei......

reaver - i mon0 -b bssid -c canal -e nombre de red -d 15 -vv

no he usado nada de diccionarios.... :-(
Wireless en Windows / Re: SWifi Keygen 0.6.2
4 Noviembre 2012, 21:12 PM
Jajaja es cierto lo de JAZZTEL_XXXX el programa no lo soporta asi que MAL ASUNTO......

4to milenio con ella !!!
  • Trying pin 91065674
  • Sending EAPOL START request
  • Sending identity response
  • Sending identity response
  • Sending identity response
  • Sending identity response
  • Sending identity response
  • Sending M2 message
    [!] WARNING: Last message not processed properly, reverting state to previous message
    [!] WARNING: Out of order packet received, re-trasmitting last message
  • Sending M2D message
    [!] WARNING: Last message not processed properly, reverting state to previous message
    [!] WARNING: Out of order packet received, re-trasmitting last message
    [!] WARNING: Last message not processed properly, reverting state to previous message
    [!] WARNING: Out of order packet received, re-trasmitting last message
  • Sending WSC ACK
    [!] WARNING: Last message not processed properly, reverting state to previous message
    [!] WARNING: Got packet type 21 (0x15), but haven't broken the first half of the pin yet!
  • Sending WSC NACK
    [!] WPS transaction failed, re-trying last pin
  • 2.60% complete @ 2012-11-04 20:02:19 (82 seconds/attempt)
  • Trying pin 91065674
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 2C:B0:xx:FF:xx:xx (ESSID: ONOxxxx)
    HOLA con el permiso de todos tengo una gran duda, todos estos warnings son normales o esta red no es hackeable ? Gracias....
    Saludos a todos