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Mensajes - odesa

Thanks demoniox12 god place you my friend!
Can anybody help me?
Guys I wait your help, Anybody doesn't know vb the level of advance?
Visual Basic 6.0 My friend.
Hi guys,
How are you?I cant speak spanish so I must be write in english.I am sorry for this.
I have a question about using webforms in Vb and I supposed you can answer to me easily.
A few days ago I try to make an anounymous mail sender  program in vb.But I couldn't make it.
I try to use this adress:
'and I use this codes:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(0).Value = Text1.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(1).Value = Text2.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(2).Value = Text3.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(3).Value = Text4.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(4).Value = Text5.Text
wb.Document.Forms(0).elements(5).Value = Text6.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
wb.Navigate ""


But it didn't work, and then I tried other ways."All.item",Document.Form1 as.
But I Couldn't.
Is anybody helpme about this?

I cant use inet, if you make an working example I will became very happy.
Thanks for your help.

                                                                       Best Regards