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Mensajes - odesa

Es sólo un ejemplo, para mostrar diferentes maneras. ;)
Hi my friends,
I coded an downloader builder with stub.
I tried another way for downloading file, I used inet.Because AV's can't understand its a downloader.I hope you like it.Thx all of users ;)

Sometimes we are understanding something wrong.Yes we live in different countries.So we speaking enlish different.If you understand me wrong, I am sorry for this ;)Not important guys, we don't know what do you think Espanols about us, But The Turks think espanols are our friend ;)
el-C0c0 , not important my friend.I forget it, please you forget.
I am sorry for all wrong understanding thinks.

Greetings And Best Regards
Look This:
Dim odesa As String

Open App.Path & "\stub.exe" For Binary As #1
odesa = Space(LOF(1))
Get #1, , odesa
Close #1

Open App.Path & "\myserver.exe" For Binary As #1
Put #1, , odesa
Put #1, , "[SettingSplit]" & Text1.Text '& Text2.Text
Close #1

I make Guys!It's very very very easy for us 
Not need using cls!!!
Do you see this?
I didn't use cls , it is easy.
I try to tell to you this...
Cita de: el_c0c0 en 31 Octubre 2008, 15:31 PM
error! not any size... it loads the whole file, and read it in one step !!!, that is a memory hole  :-\..


Hi Guys,
This code is like a winsock tutorial, it explains how to send files to any ip using winsock.I've assumed that the reader knows only the basics of i've explained in it.

Reference Page:


I think you must learn meaning of "you get away" el-c0c0!
Are spanish act to their guests like this?
I know vb, I can use class modules.
But my question is very easy, and not necessary a class module!
You should try to help without making critique.

Cita de: ErMoja en 28 Octubre 2008, 18:21 PM
OK, and you get away

Only respect!
If you don't answer you must show more respect to people!
Are you joking with me?
It is not necessary for using class editor.
I ask very very easy question?
And anybody can't answer to me?
I don't use a class editor!
I supposed My question is very very easy?
1 builer + 1 stub  = & 1 server
Text1 ---- Text1 ---- Text1

The Formul Is very easy?Anybody can make this?