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Mensajes - ntaryl

Thanks  for the replys 
Deside and Use Createobject and  load the gif from dll in  listview
Very nice Bro 
Happy new Year
Good  afternoon   
My friend i try but i cant.
Search around but find only the way with to add the dll as referense .Not like me this way .

This is the code i writte .i dont know if is correct  ?

Dim hLibrary As Long, hFind As Long
Dim hGif As Long
hLibrary = LoadLibrary(App.Path + "\Flags.dll")
If hLibrary = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Failed to load the specified library with error code " & Err.LastDllError
      Exit Sub
   End If
hFind = FindResource(hLibrary, "#111", "CUSTOM")
If hFind = 0 Then
     MsgBox "Failed to find Resource with error code " & Err.LastDllError
    Exit Sub
  End If
hGif = LoadResource(hLibrary, hFind)
If hGif = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Failed to load the specified resource with error code " & Err.LastDllError
      Exit Sub
      End If

this Files(Gifs) in Dll are Flags and add at runtime in imagelist and from there put in a listview .
I saw many ways how to load bmp from dll in another project .
if add the Flags in dll like Bmp then the dll Grow up  .

thanks for the time   

Thanks  from the Reply 
But  i cant  solve  it   sorry   
If store res gif  in executable  work  fine   
from  dll   no   
Have a good  night 
Programación Visual Basic / Resourse From Dll(gif)
25 Diciembre 2010, 12:52 PM
Good  morning   

I play a litle with Resource File last night
Add a resource(gif) in a small project and is easy to load it from there in the form and show in listview.
Try to add the resourse(gif)in Dll and  call it from there but i cant 
Please can someone   help me with this   .or give me some tips 

thanks for the time
Conrtaulation my Friend   
Very nice Project    ...Keep it  up 
Nice  nice   
Depense what u like....
U can inject in a trust process and just  walk silently  in the  PC.....

check this   small example  make  long  time  ago (dll  injection)
there  is  out  and  process  injection 

Thanks man 
no  problem  with the  way for  pinging   
My problem is   have a  a timer   with  internal 1000ms 
when  timer  start refresh  the  data  in  item  and  give  to  all of  them   the  same item   
and  some times  is  difrent   
attach my  example
Hi  man  thanks  for  ur Reply  .
I have a  listview and add a ip  and  want  to ping  this  ip.
I ping  it  only  one time the  first time but  sometimes  i saw the  (ms) change..Want  to  can see  the  change  and  not ping all items  in  listview (like a  dos attack)
Want  only  to  refresh  the row with  ping (miliseconds)
thanks  for the time 

p.s  sorry  for   my  english  my  english  is  also  bad 

Programación Visual Basic / how to refresh the ping
18 Noviembre 2010, 01:32 AM
Good  evening   
Lot  of  rain  outside  and  sit here and  play  a  litle   
i  make a  small example with alistview  and use  a ping  module  to ping  any item(ip)from the list 
My  question is  how  to  make  the item from(ping)refresh it 
when  add  a  new ip  and  try  to ping again the first ping  items be  the same  with the last   .
thanks  for  the time   
have a good  night 

p.s  no  want to  ping  all  time  .any ideas  welcome