CitarY para shadowndark, cualquier programa.................
prueba con la calculadora.
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Mostrar Mensajes MenúCitarY para shadowndark, cualquier programa.................
CitarTurbo Assembler Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borland Internation
Syntax: TASM [options] source [,object] [,listing] [,xref]
/a,/s Alphabetic or Source-code segment ordering
/c Generate cross-reference in listing
/dSYM[=VAL] Define symbol SYM = 0, or = value VAL
/e,/r Emulated or Real floating-point instructions
/h,/? Display this help screen
/iPATH Search PATH for include files
/jCMD Jam in an assembler directive CMD (eg. /jIDEAL)
/kh# Hash table capacity # symbols
/l,/la Generate listing: l=normal listing, la=expanded listing
/ml,/mx,/mu Case sensitivity on symbols: ml=all, mx=globals, mu=none
/mv# Set maximum valid length for symbols
/m# Allow # multiple passes to resolve forward references
/n Suppress symbol tables in listing
/os,/o,/op,/oi Object code: standard, standard w/overlays, Phar Lap, IBM
/p Check for code segment overrides in protected mode
/q Suppress OBJ records not needed for linking
/t Suppress messages if successful assembly
/uxxxx Set version emulation, version xxxx
/w0,/w1,/w2 Set warning level: w0=none, w1=w2=warnings on
/w-xxx,/w+xxx Disable (-) or enable (+) warning xxx
/x Include false conditionals in listing
/z Display source line with error message
/zi,/zd,/zn Debug info: zi=full, zd=line numbers only, zn=none
CitarTurbo Link Version Copyright (c) 1993,1996 Borland International
Syntax: TLINK32 objfiles, exefile, mapfile, libfiles, deffile, resfiles
@xxxx indicates use response file xxxx
-m Map file with publics -x No map
-s Detailed segment map -L Specify library search paths
-M Map with mangled names -j Specify object search paths
-c Case sensitive link -v Full symbolic debug information
-Enn Max number of errors -n No default libraries
-P- Disable code packing -H:xxxx Specify app heap reserve size
-B:xxxx Specify image base addr -Hc:xxxx Specify app heap commit size
-wxxx Warning control -S:xxxx Specify app stack reserve size
-Txx Specify output file type -Sc:xxxx Specify app stack commit size
-Tpx PE image -Af:nnnn Specify file alignment
(x: e=EXE, d=DLL) -Ao:nnnn Specify object alignment
-ax Specify application type -o Import by ordinals
-ap Windowing Compatible -Vd.d Specify Windows version
-aa Uses Windowing API -r Verbose link
Citarhace falta conertar un cable rs232, y mi portatil no lo tiene. Podemos hacer algo?