reconozco que me zarpe pero el chabon tb tiene lo suyo, esta desprestigiando lo que hice eso me molesta, si me kisiera ayudar lo habria hecho a lo sumo no hubiera posteado nada, pero para criticar mi codigo no le pedi opinion
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúOption Explicit
Const Nulo = 0 '' Posicion NO Valida de la Lista
Dim L As New Listas
Dim P As New Pilas
Dim C As New Colas
Dim G As New Grafos
Private Sub cmd_apilar_Click()
Dim X As Variant
While Not P.EstaLlena
X = Int(Rnd(100) * 100)
P.Apilar X
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_eliminar_Click()
Dim Q As Long
Dim X As Variant
X = CLng(InputBox("Ingresar Dato a Eliminar", "Ingresar Datos", ""))
Q = L.Buscar(X)
If Q <> Nulo Then
L.Eliminar (Q)
MsgBox "Elemento No Encontrado"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_encolar_Click()
Dim X As Variant
While Not C.EstaLlena
X = Int(Rnd(100) * 100)
C.Encolar X
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_listar_Click()
Dim Q As Long
Dim X As Variant
Q = L.Inicio
While Q <> Nulo
X = L.Recuperar(Q)
List1.AddItem X
Q = L.Siguiente(Q)
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_mostrar_cola_Click()
Dim X As Variant
Dim li As Integer
li = 0
While Not C.EstaVacia
X = C.Recuperar
li = li + 1
List1.AddItem "Pos(" & li & ") = " & X
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_mostrar_pila_Click()
Dim X As Variant
While Not P.EstaVacia
X = P.Recuperar
List1.AddItem X
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_test_Click()
Dim X As Variant
X = Int(Rnd(100) * 100)
If L.Agregar(X) = False Then
MsgBox "Error al Agregar en la Lista"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdcreargrafo_Click()
Dim V As Variant
Dim V2 As Variant
Dim Varco As Variant
V = "A"
G.AgregarVertice (V)
V = "B"
G.AgregarVertice (V)
V = "C"
G.AgregarVertice (V)
V = "D"
G.AgregarVertice (V)
Varco = 1
V = "A"
V2 = "B"
If G.AgregarArco(V, V2, Varco) = False Then
End If
V = "B"
V2 = "D"
If G.AgregarArco(V, V2, Varco) = False Then
End If
V = "D"
V2 = "C"
If G.AgregarArco(V, V2, Varco) = False Then
End If
List1.AddItem G.RetornarVertices
List1.AddItem G.RetornarArcos
End Sub
Private Sub cmdrecorridoanchura_Click()
List1.AddItem G.RecorridoAnchura("A")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdrecorridoprof_Click()
List1.AddItem G.RecorridoProfundidad("A")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Option Explicit '' Obliga a definir todos las variables
Option Base 1 '' Para obligar a que los array funcionen de 1-N
Const MIN = 1 '' Elemento Minimo del Array
Const MAX = 100 '' Elemento Maximo del Array
Const Nulo = 0 '' Posicion NO Valida de la Lista
Dim Vertices(MAX) As Variant '' Array donde se guardan los elementos
Dim Arcos(MAX, MAX) As Integer
Public NroVertices As Integer '' Maneja la Cantidad de Vertices que hay al momento en el grafo. maximo MAX = 100
Public Sub CrearVacio()
Dim i, j As Integer
NroVertices = 0 '' Indica que NO hay vertices
'' Instancio cada casillero de la Matriz en Vacio
For i = 1 To MAX
For j = 1 To MAX
Arcos(i, j) = vbEmpty
End Sub
Public Function EsVacio() As Boolean
EsVacio = IIf(NroVertices = 0, True, False)
End Function
Public Function EsLleno() As Boolean
EsLleno = IIf(NroVertices = MAX, True, False)
End Function
Public Function BuscarVertice(V As Variant) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
BuscarVertice = Nulo
For i = 1 To NroVertices
If Vertices(i) = V Then
BuscarVertice = i
Exit For
End If
End Function
Public Function AgregarVertice(V As Variant) As Boolean
If BuscarVertice(V) <> Nulo Then
AgregarVertice = False
NroVertices = NroVertices + 1
Vertices(NroVertices) = V
AgregarVertice = True
End If
End Function
Public Function AgregarArco(V1, V2 As Variant, Varco As Variant, Optional ArcoBidireccional As Boolean = True) As Boolean
Dim i, j As Integer
AgregarArco = False
If V1 <> V2 Then
i = BuscarVertice(V1)
j = BuscarVertice(V2)
If (i <> Nulo) And (j <> Nulo) Then
Arcos(i, j) = Varco
If ArcoBidireccional = True Then
Arcos(j, i) = Varco
End If
AgregarArco = True
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function EliminarArco(V1, V2 As Variant, Optional ArcoBidireccional As Boolean = True) As Boolean
Dim i, j As Integer
EliminarArco = False
If V1 <> V2 Then
i = BuscarVertice(V1)
j = BuscarVertice(V2)
If (i <> Nulo) And (j <> Nulo) Then
Arcos(i, j) = vbEmpty
If ArcoBidireccional = True Then
Arcos(j, i) = vbEmpty
End If
EliminarArco = True
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function EliminarVertice(V As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i, j, k As Integer
EliminarVertice = False
i = BuscarVertice(V)
If V <> Nulo Then
'' Primero Saco la Columna de la Matriz
For j = 1 To NroVertices
For k = i To NroVertices - 1
Arcos(j, k) = Arcos(j, k + 1)
'' Segundo saco la Fila de la matriz
For j = i To NroVertices - 1
For k = 1 To NroVertices - 1
Arcos(j, k) = Arcos(j + 1, k)
'' Saco el Vertice del vector de vertices
For j = i To NroVertices - 1
Vertices(j) = Vertices(j + 1)
'' Por ultimo descuento 1 en la variable nrovertices
NroVertices = NroVertices - 1
EliminarVertice = True
End If
End Function
Public Function RetornarVertices() As String
Dim ll_i As Integer
Dim S As String
RetornarVertices = ""
For ll_i = 1 To NroVertices
S = S & Vertices(ll_i) & ", "
RetornarVertices = S
End Function
Public Function RetornarArcos() As String
Dim ll_i As Integer
Dim ll_j As Integer
Dim S As String
RetornarArcos = ""
For ll_i = 1 To NroVertices
For ll_j = 1 To NroVertices
S = S & Arcos(ll_i, ll_j) & ", "
S = S & " | "
RetornarArcos = S
End Function
Public Function RecorridoProfundidad(V As Variant) As String
Dim ll_i As Integer
Dim ll_j As Integer
Dim P As New Pilas
Dim L As New Listas
Dim S As String
ll_i = BuscarVertice(V)
If ll_i = Nulo Then
RecorridoProfundidad = ""
Exit Function
End If
'' Si esta el Vertice se comienza el recorrido en profundidad
P.Apilar (ll_i)
While Not P.EstaVacia
ll_i = P.Recuperar
L.Agregar (ll_i)
S = S & Vertices(ll_i)
For ll_j = 1 To NroVertices
If Arcos(ll_i, ll_j) <> vbEmpty Then
If L.Buscar(ll_j) = Nulo Then
P.Apilar (ll_j)
End If
End If
RecorridoProfundidad = S
End Function
Public Function RecorridoAnchura(V As Variant) As String
Dim ll_i As Integer
Dim ll_j As Integer
Dim C As New Colas
Dim L As New Listas
Dim S As String
ll_i = BuscarVertice(V)
If ll_i = Nulo Then
RecorridoAnchura = ""
Exit Function
End If
'' Si esta el Vertice se comienza el recorrido en profundidad
C.Encolar (ll_i)
While Not C.EstaVacia
ll_i = C.Recuperar
L.Agregar (ll_i)
S = S & Vertices(ll_i)
For ll_j = 1 To NroVertices
If Arcos(ll_i, ll_j) <> vbEmpty Then
If L.Buscar(ll_j) = Nulo Then
C.Encolar (ll_j)
End If
End If
RecorridoAnchura = S
End Function