Pon el enlace hacia la imagen, lo que has puesto es la miniatura y no se ve nada.
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes Menúdeny from all
allow from
allow from
allow from pepe.com
Denegar acceso de rango de IP (CIDR):
Deny from
Deny from 80.0.0/8
Permitir acceso de rango de IP (CIDR):
Allow from
Allow from 80.0.0/8
Denegar rango de IP:
Recuerda que se lee de izquierda, "Cualquier IP que comience con":
Deny from
Deny from 99.88.77
Deny from 99.88
Deny from 99
Permitir rango de IP
Allow from
Allow from 99.88.77
Allow from 99.88
Allow from 99
always_direct dominio1 dominio2
CitarSquid can be used a reverse proxy to load balance several web servers, instead of using a hardware load balancer. This is useful because Squid can cache a lot of the content coming from the source web servers, thereby reducing their load. However, it isn't clear how to do an Apache style direct where all hostnames other than www.hostname.com get redirected to www.hostname.com. But using a director program it can be straight-forward.
Edit Steps
1.) In Perl write a simple redirector program like this one:#!/usr/bin/env perl
while (<>) {
$url = m/^([^ ]*)/;
if ($url !~ /^http:\/\/www\.hostname\.com/) {
$url =~ s@^http://www\.hostname\.com/(.*)@http://www.hostname.com/\1@;
print "301:$url\n";
} else {
print "$url\n";
2.) In your squid.conf file change the redirect_program variable, it's probably commented out, and specify where your redirector_program is, ex: /usr/sbin/redirect.pl
3.) Make sure that the variable httpd_accel_uses_host_header is set to on, otherwise nothing will be redirected.
CitarIn Windows Server 2008, you can mount the backup image and then load it using the DSAMIN command line utility to browse the data offline. This is how you do to browse the Active Directory data offline:
Type the following commands in a sequence
Ntdsutil snapshot at command prompt
List All
Mount 1
Open another command prompt, type:
dsamin -dbpath C:\$SNAP__VOLUMEC$\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit -ldapport 5000
Launch LDP.exe
Click Connection > Connect
Change the Port to 5000 and Click Ok
Click View > Tree