Código (vb) [Seleccionar]
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'This will Create a ShortCut of Notepad in our desktop, its name is "Notepad", minimize windows when run, use the 2nd icon as the Shortcut icon.
Create_ShortCut "d:\carpeta", "Desktop", "carpeta", , 7, 1
End Sub
Sub Create_ShortCut(ByVal TargetPath As String, ByVal ShortCutPath As String, ByVal ShortCutname As String, Optional ByVal WorkPath As String, Optional ByVal Window_Style As Integer, Optional ByVal IconNum As Integer)
Dim VbsObj As Object
Set VbsObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim MyShortcut As Object
ShortCutPath = VbsObj.SpecialFolders(ShortCutPath)
Set MyShortcut = VbsObj.CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutname & ".lnk")
MyShortcut.TargetPath = TargetPath
MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = WorkPath
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = Window_Style
MyShortcut.IconLocation = "d:\carpeta.ico"
End Sub