Hola, ¿Como están? Mi problema es el siguiente: Estoy desarrollando un virus en ASM y necesito llamar las APIs de Windows sin usar import tables en mi ejecutable, para mejorar la portabilidad del virus. Conseguí un código que busca la direccion del kernel32 y llama a unas APIs en esta pagina, pero no entiendo partes del codigo: http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/topic/38717-quick-tutorial-finding-kernel32-base-and-walking-its-export-table/
Me he encargado de comentar las lineas que entiendo en ingles, pero aún así hay partes que no comprendo. Si pudieran ayudarme indicandome que hacen las partes sin comentar estaría muy agradecido. Tengo algunos conocimientos sobre las estructuras internas de Windows, así que no piensen que estoy haciendo preguntas de novatos o fuera de lugar, espero no haberme equivocado en postear esta pregunta. Gracias por sus respuestas de antemano.
Aquí está el codigo fuente:
Me he encargado de comentar las lineas que entiendo en ingles, pero aún así hay partes que no comprendo. Si pudieran ayudarme indicandome que hacen las partes sin comentar estaría muy agradecido. Tengo algunos conocimientos sobre las estructuras internas de Windows, así que no piensen que estoy haciendo preguntas de novatos o fuera de lugar, espero no haberme equivocado en postear esta pregunta. Gracias por sus respuestas de antemano.
Aquí está el codigo fuente:
Código (asm) [Seleccionar]
;This is a fragment of code that could be used to make malware that use API dynamicly without
;tells to the assembler which API we want to use. This is very useful to generate malware that
;no uses import table in the executable, provided a better way to perform actions without
;modify the host import table, like a virus, trojan. The original code was written by
;SIGSEV, but I added comments to the code to clarify its actions. I can't understand all, I need help
format pe console 4.0
call CodeStart
pop ebp
sub ebp,CodeStart ; delta offset shit
mov ebx, [FS : 0x30] ;FS:0x30 points to the address of Process Environment Block (PEB)
;Now the Base Pointer (BX) points to the address of PEB in memory
mov ebx, [ebx + 0x0C] ;Now we move 0x0C (12 bytes) from the address of PEB
;We get the value of ebx+0x0c, in other words, the address that has the PEB->Ldr pointer
;Now we are in Ldr structure. We move the ebx pointer following the address in the
;PEB->Ldr pointer.
mov ebx, [ebx + 0x14] ; get PEB->Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink (1st entry)
mov ebx, [ebx] ;2nd Entry
mov ebx, [ebx] ;3rd Entry
mov ebx, [ebx + 0x10] ; Get Kernel32 Base
mov [ebp+dwKernelBase] , ebx
add ebx, [ebx+0x3C] ; Start of PE header
mov ebx, [ebx+0x78] ; RVA of export dir
add ebx, [ebp+dwKernelBase] ; VA of export dir
mov [ebp+dwExportDirectory] , ebx
lea edx,[ebp+api_GetProcAddress] ;Load in ebp the address of the API function name.
mov ecx,[ebp+len_GetProcAddress] ;Load in ecx the size of the API function name
call GetFunctionAddress ;Call GetFunctionAddress
mov [ebp+AGetProcAddressA] , eax ;The API function address in memory was stored by the
;GetFunctionAddress function in eax, now we save the address
;of the GetProcAddress in a variable for later use.
lea edx,[ebp+api_LoadLibrary] ;Load in edx the API function name of LoadLibrary
push edx ;Save edx in the stack
push dword [ebp+dwKernelBase]
call eax
mov [ebp+ALoadLibraryA] , eax
lea edx , [ebp+szUser32]
push edx
call eax
lea edx , [ebp+api_MessageBoxA]
push edx
push eax
mov ebx,[ebp+AGetProcAddressA]
call ebx
mov [ebp+AMessageBoxAA] , eax
push 0
lea edx,[ebp+szTitle]
push edx
lea edx,[ebp+szMsg]
push edx
push 0
call eax
; <<<<< GetFunctionAddress >>>>>> ;
; Extracts Function Address From Export Directory and returns it in eax ;
; Parameters : Function name in edx , Length in ecx ;
push ebx ;Save status of registers before execute the subroutine
push esi ;to preserve its content. It could make some errors to the
push edi ;caller function if modify the values that are common of the whole
mov esi, [ebp+dwExportDirectory]
mov esi, [esi+0x20] ;RVA of ENT
add esi, [ebp+dwKernelBase] ;VA of ENT
xor ebx,ebx
inc ebx
lodsd ;Load a byte from the string pointed by SI into al register
add eax , [ebp+dwKernelBase] ;eax now points to the string of a function
push esi ;preserve it for the outer loop
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx
push ecx
repe cmpsb
pop ecx
pop esi
jne looper
dec ebx
mov eax,[ebp+dwExportDirectory]
mov eax,[eax+0x24] ;RVA of EOT
add eax,[ebp+dwKernelBase] ;VA of EOT
movzx eax , word [ebx*2+eax] ;eax now holds the ordinal of our function
mov ebx,[ebp+dwExportDirectory]
mov ebx,[ebx+0x1C] ;RVA of EAT
add ebx,[ebp+dwKernelBase] ;VA of EAT
mov ebx,[eax*4+ebx]
add ebx,[ebp+dwKernelBase]
mov eax,ebx
pop edi ;Restore the registers to avoid generate a problem
pop esi ;in the caller function.
pop ebx
; Data Shit ;
szTitle: db "Yo !",0
szMsg: db "GreeTz From SIGSEGV",0
szUser32 db "User32.dll",0
AGetProcAddressA: dd 0
api_GetProcAddress: db "GetProcAddress"
len_GetProcAddress: dd $-api_GetProcAddress
ALoadLibraryA: dd 0
api_LoadLibrary: db "LoadLibraryA",0
AMessageBoxAA: dd 0
api_MessageBoxA: db "MessageBoxA",0
dwKernelBase: dd 0
dwExportDirectory: dd 0