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MySQL Tuning Primer



Optimizar MySQL

MySQL Tuning Primer

Descargar el shell script:

chmod 755 y ejecutar

Citar[root@ns58 ~]# ./

            - By: Matthew Montgomery -

MySQL Version 5.1.52-log i686

Uptime = 7 days 18 hrs 23 min 56 sec
Avg. qps = 100
Total Questions = 67734325
Threads Connected = 157

Server has been running for over 48hrs.
It should be safe to follow these recommendations

To find out more information on how each of these
runtime variables effects performance visit:
for info about MySQL's Enterprise Monitoring and Advisory Service

The slow query log is enabled.
Current long_query_time = 3.000000 sec.
You have 1158 out of 67734355 that take longer than 3.000000 sec. to complete
Your long_query_time seems to be fine

The binary update log is NOT enabled.
You will not be able to do point in time recovery

Current thread_cache_size = 8
Current threads_cached = 6
Current threads_per_sec = 0
Historic threads_per_sec = 0
Your thread_cache_size is fine

Current max_connections = 600
Current threads_connected = 156
Historic max_used_connections = 289
The number of used connections is 48% of the configured maximum.
Your max_connections variable seems to be fine.

Current InnoDB index space = 75 M
Current InnoDB data space = 147 M
Current InnoDB buffer pool free = 30 %
Current innodb_buffer_pool_size = 250 M
Depending on how much space your innodb indexes take up it may be safe
to increase this value to up to 2 / 3 of total system memory

Max Memory Ever Allocated : 4.42 G
Configured Max Per-thread Buffers : 7.21 G
Configured Max Global Buffers : 978 M
Configured Max Memory Limit : 4.16 G
Physical Memory : 5.21 G

Current MyISAM index space = 416 M
Current key_buffer_size = 600 M
Key cache miss rate is 1 : 6013
Key buffer free ratio = 38 %
Your key_buffer_size seems to be too high.
Perhaps you can use these resources elsewhere

Query cache is enabled
Current query_cache_size = 100 M
Current query_cache_used = 31 M
Current query_cache_limit = 20 M
Current Query cache Memory fill ratio = 31.97 %
Current query_cache_min_res_unit = 4 K
Query Cache is 32 % fragmented
Run "FLUSH QUERY CACHE" periodically to defragment the query cache memory
If you have many small queries lower 'query_cache_min_res_unit' to reduce fragme                                 ntation.
MySQL won't cache query results that are larger than query_cache_limit in size

Current sort_buffer_size = 2 M
Current read_rnd_buffer_size = 8 M
Sort buffer seems to be fine

Current join_buffer_size = 132.00 K
You have had 1433 queries where a join could not use an index properly
You should enable "log-queries-not-using-indexes"
Then look for non indexed joins in the slow query log.
If you are unable to optimize your queries you may want to increase your
join_buffer_size to accommodate larger joins in one pass.

Note! This script will still suggest raising the join_buffer_size when
ANY joins not using indexes are found.

Current open_files_limit = 3000 files
The open_files_limit should typically be set to at least 2x-3x
that of table_cache if you have heavy MyISAM usage.
Your open_files_limit value seems to be fine

Current table_open_cache = 512 tables
Current table_definition_cache = 256 tables
You have a total of 72 tables
You have 427 open tables.
The table_cache value seems to be fine

Current max_heap_table_size = 64 M
Current tmp_table_size = 64 M
Of 131907 temp tables, 29% were created on disk
Perhaps you should increase your tmp_table_size and/or max_heap_table_size
to reduce the number of disk-based temporary tables
Note! BLOB and TEXT columns are not allow in memory tables.
If you are using these columns raising these values might not impact your
ratio of on disk temp tables.

Current read_buffer_size = 2 M
Current table scan ratio = 84 : 1
read_buffer_size seems to be fine

Current Lock Wait ratio = 1 : 1407
You may benefit from selective use of InnoDB.


CitarMySQLTuner is a high-performance MySQL tuning script written in perl that will provide you with a snapshot of a MySQL server's health. Based on the statistics gathered, specific recommendations will be provided that will increase a MySQL server's efficiency and performance. The script gives you automated MySQL tuning that is on the level of what you would receive from a MySQL DBA.

Perl Script


   * Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory footprint. Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated separately for an accurate snapshot of the server's configuration.
   * Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the total queries. Slow query time limits are also analyzed and recommendations are made.
   * Connections: Current and historical connection counts are reviewed.
   * Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual indexes found in MyISAM tables. Key cache hit rates are calculated and variable adjustments are suggested.
   * Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used to make recommendations for the query cache configuration variables.
   * Sorting & Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run against the server.
   * Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce temporary tables that are written to the disk.
   * Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open tables. Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make suggestions.
   * Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server itself.
   * Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait.
   * Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new thread to respond to a query.
   * Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing connections to MySQL properly.
   * Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write operations on your MySQL installation.


# ./ --help

  MySQLTuner 0.9.0 - MySQL High Performance Tuning Script
  Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at
  Maintained by Major Hayden (

  Important Usage Guidelines:
     To run the script with the default options, run the script without arguments
     Allow MySQL server to run for at least 24-48 hours before trusting suggestions
     Some routines may require root level privileges (script will provide warnings)

  Performance and Reporting Options
     --skipsize       Don't enumerate tables and their types/sizes
                      (Recommended for servers with many tables)
     --skipversion    Don't check for updates to MySQLTuner

  Output Options:
     --nogood         Remove OK responses
     --nobad          Remove negative/suggestion responses
     --noinfo         Remove informational responses
     --nocolor        Don't print output in color

Here is a sample of the script's output on a well optimized server:

>>  MySQLTuner 0.9.0 - Major Hayden
>>  Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at
>>  Run with '–help' for additional options and output filtering

——– General Statistics ————————————————–
[OK] You have the latest version of MySQLTuner
[OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.0.51a-log
[OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

——– Storage Engine Statistics ——————————————-
[--] Status: +Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster
[--] Data in MyISAM tables: 491M (Tables: 1424)
[--] Data in InnoDB tables: 9M (Tables: 151)

——– Performance Metrics ————————————————-
[--] Up for: 19d 16h 14m 3s (57M q [33.636 qps], 5M conn, TX: 185B, RX: 5B)
[--] Reads / Writes: 77% / 23%
[--] Total buffers: 2.7M per thread and 606.0M global
[OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 743.5M (37% of installed RAM)
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (81/57M)
[!!] Highest connection usage: 100%  (51/50)
[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 256.0M/210.9M
[OK] Key buffer hit rate: 99.3%
[OK] Query cache efficiency: 71.4%
[!!] Query cache prunes per day: 2752
[OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0%
[OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 2%
[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99%
[!!] Table cache hit rate: 2%
[OK] Open file limit used: 4%
[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99%
[OK] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 9.8M/50.0M

——– Recommendations —————————————————–
General recommendations:
   Reduce or eliminate persistent connections to reduce connection usage
   Increase table_cache gradually to avoid file descriptor limits
Variables to adjust:
   max_connections (> 50)
   wait_timeout (< 15)
   interactive_timeout (< 15)
   query_cache_size (> 256M)
   table_cache (> 4096)


Citarmysqlreport makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values. mysqlreport transforms the values from SHOW STATUS into an easy-to-read report that provides an in-depth understanding of how well MySQL is running. mysqlreport is a better alternative (and practically the only alternative) to manually interpreting SHOW STATUS.

Descargar Perl Script

Código (bash) [Seleccionar]
# Written by James Crow crow.jamesm <at> google email domain name <dot> com
# 2010-09-16
# This script connects to the MythTV mythconverg database to pull
# the two most important tuning parameters. This script only works
# for MyISAM tables at the moment. The only part that needs to be
# configured is the variables at the top of the script
# ver 0.1

# *** Change these to match you environment ***
# *** You should not need to change anything after this line ***

# determine if we are using MyISAM tables
$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass $mythconverg -e 'show
create table record' | grep -q MyISAM

if [ $myisam -ne 0 ]; then
echo "You do not appear to be using MyISAM tables for the myth database"
#echo $myisam

# The most important tuning parameters are the key_buffer_size and
# find the key_buffer_size and % in use first
key_blocks_unused=`$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass -e
'show status like "key_blocks_unused"' | grep "[Kk]ey_blocks_unused" |
sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
key_cache_block_size=`$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass -e
'show variables like "key_cache_block_size"' | grep
key_cache_block_size | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
key_buffer_size=`$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass -e 'show
variables like "key_buffer_size"' | grep key_buffer_size | sed

# using a simple formula from the MySQL doc we get the key_buffer_cache in use
key_buffer_cache_in_use=`echo "scale=2; 1-(($key_blocks_unused *
$key_cache_block_size)/$key_buffer_size)" | bc`
# this next line rounds each value to an even integer, but that is the
best way to display the result
key_buffer_use_pct=`echo "scale=0; $key_buffer_cache_in_use*100" | bc`
key_buffer_use_pct=`echo "($key_buffer_use_pct+0.5)/1" | bc`
#echo "scale=0; $key_buffer_cache_in_use*100"
echo ""
echo "**** key_buffer_cache section *****************************"
if [ $key_buffer_use_pct -eq 100 ]; then
echo "!!!!!! WARNING: You are using 100% of your key_buffer_cache."
echo "                You should raise the value!"
elif [ $key_buffer_use_pct -gt 80 ]; then
echo "NOTE: You are using more than 80% of your key_buffer_cache."
echo "      You may may want to raise the value."
echo "key_buffer_size: $key_buffer_size, $(($key_buffer_size/1024))
kb, $(($key_buffer_size/(1024*1024))) mb"
echo "key_buffer_cache in use: $key_buffer_use_pct%"
echo "***********************************************************"

# the second of two most important variables is the table_open_cache
open_tables=`$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass -e 'show
status like "open_tables"' | grep Open_tables | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
open_table_cache=`$mysql -h $sql_host -u $sql_user -p$sql_pass -e
'show variables like "table_open_cache"' | grep table_open_cache | sed
open_tables_free_pct=`echo "scale=2; $free_tables/$open_table_cache*100" | bc`
open_tables_free_pct=`echo "($open_tables_free_pct+0.5)/1" | bc`
#echo "scale=0; $free_tables/$open_table_cache*100"
echo ""
echo "**** table_open_cache section *****************************"
if [ $free_tables -eq 0 ]; then
echo "!!!!!! WARNING: You have no free tables."
echo "                You should raise the value."
elif [ $open_tables_free_pct -lt 10 ]; then
echo "NOTE: You have less than 10% free in the table_open_cache."
echo "      You may want to raise the value."
echo "table_open_cache: $free_tables free out of $open_table_cache,
$open_tables used"
echo "table_open_cache used pct: $((100-$open_tables_free_pct))%"
echo "***********************************************************"
Citarcreo que imageshack esta restringido en el foro

Ya se quitó la restricción.
El tema ha sido movido a Juegos y Consolas.

Juegos y Consolas ya sale con el enlace correcto:

Míralo aquí:

Si es cierto que  no carga correctamente, pero si,19.0.html

Tampoco funcionan los enlaces del tipo:;action=display;threadid=16664

Aunque ya quedan pocos de esos jeje
Para comprobar una descarga se mira si el servidor web responde con un código 200 (ok, encontrado) o un 404 (no encontrado).
Cita de: Freeze. en  7 Mayo 2008, 17:32 PM
Aca trae "Instrucciones" debo hacer todo eso?

Allí explica la instalación manual, cosa que no te recomiendo, es mejor instalarlo como un mod (administrador de paquetes) que se instala solo y realiza los cambios automáticamente.
Sí, es la modificación de un mod llamado seo4smf.

Aunque te recomiendo:

Pretty URLs (SEO)

De hecho el seo4smf  lo han quitado de la lista de mods;basic_search=SEO

Porque sdc lo reportó como inseguro xDDD     * Report this mod as unsafe
Scripting / Re: Nuevo comando INUSE ¡¡
6 Mayo 2008, 20:20 PM
Ayuda: Borrar archivo en uso Año 2005

Copiar fichero en uso Año 2006

jeje, si que es viejo, pero gracias de todas maneras por el aporte.