Muy buen tutorial, muy completo y detallado.
Felicidades y gracias por el aporte
Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
Felicidades y gracias por el aporte
Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes Menúsudo apt-get install ruby curl git
git clone
echo "alias betty=\"~/betty/main.rb\"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
betty how many words are in this directory
betty how many characters are in
betty count lines in this folder
(Note that there's many ways to say more or less the same thing.)
betty change your name to Joe
betty speak to me
betty stop speaking to me
betty what time is it
betty what is todays date
betty what month is it
betty whats today
betty find me all files that contain california
betty download to something.tar.gz
betty uncompress something.tar.gz
betty unarchive something.tar.gz to somedir
(You can use unzip, unarchive, untar, uncompress, and expand interchangeably.)
betty compress /path/to/dir
betty mute itunes
betty unmute itunes
betty pause the music
betty resume itunes
betty stop my music
betty next song
betty prev track
betty what song is playing
(Note that the words song, track, music, etc. are interchangeable)
betty go crazy
betty whats the meaning of life
...and more that are left for you to discover!
betty show me a map of mountain view
betty what version are you (or just betty version)
betty whats your github again
betty give me permission to this directory
betty give anotheruser ownership of myfile.txt
betty show me all processes by root containing grep
betty show me all my processes containing netbio
betty show size for myfile.txt
betty play spotify
betty pause spotify
betty next spotify
betty previous spotify
betty whats my username
betty whats my real name
betty whats my ip address
betty who else is logged in
betty whats my version of ruby
Web queries
betty turn web on
betty please tell me what is the weather like in London
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl