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Temas - carlostelevida

hey bros, i need big help with a program that i´m trying to crack, it uses a senselock el dongle key ver2.

well i´m a newbie, with a little experience cracking dongles sentinel,

but this piece of art its driving me nuts, well i ve manage to know the file where the protection is, the soft works in that way, if the key is conected the software run normal, but if the key its disconected the software run in demo mode, so the soft uses 2 diferent files to recognizes the mode, one for the demo and another for the registered. the demo mode limite the size of the files to 1200 dpi and add a watermark, i know how to reverse this type of protection, the problem begin with:

these files are not loaded by the soft itself it uses javaw launcher that loads the files and identify wich one to use, well thats not a big of a problem, but what really the problem its that 2 fucking .dll are coded, encrypted cyphered, and cannot be reversed, at least with my little knowledge in the materia, so i´m looking to know how to aproach this, so a common disasembler could read the files and i make the modifications.

i´m going to attach the files,
excuse me for my bad english

the link below