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Mensajes - TinKode

==[ Author  : TinKode
==[ WebSite : InSecurity.Ro
==[ Date    : 31.10.2010
==[ Hour    : 13:37 PM
==[ Target  :
==[ Document: weather.gov_disclosure.txt
==[ Method  : unkn0wn.priv

| [0] (About) |
| [1] /etc/passwd |
| [2] /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf |
| [3] /etc/hosts |
| [4] /etc/fstab |
| [5] index.php |
| [6] config.php |
| [7] databases_access_accounts (all) |

Mirror: TinKode 27 – Security Blog  Blog Archive  National Weather Service ( Full Disclosure
==[ Author  : TinKode
==[ WebSite : InSecurity.Ro
==[ Date    : 31.10.2010
==[ Hour    : 10:44 PM
==[ Target  :
==[ Document: US_Army_Disclosure(2).txt
==[ Method  : unkn0wn.priv
==[ Hacked  :

Link to article:
==[ Author  : TinKode
==[ WebSite : InSecurity.Ro
==[ Date    : 30.10.2010
==[ Hour    : 23.52 PM
==[ Target  :
==[ Document: US_Army_Disclosure(1).txt
==[ Method  : unkn0wn.priv
==[ Hacked  :

Link to article:
Nivel Web / Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
19 Julio 2010, 11:47 AM
Cita de: Debci en 18 Julio 2010, 22:41 PM
Im trying it but does not work :(
I tested with test php and it work but doesnt catch any password :(


Maybe you have the option ON to don't save the passwd on your browser.
Nivel Web / Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
18 Julio 2010, 02:48 AM
Cita de: SOMBRIO en 18 Julio 2010, 00:27 AM
I am a stupid guy

Me equivoque y ejecute el servidor sin querer. la pagina que trae por default no trae cargado los archivos o si?

Respondanme rapido para empezar a cambiar las contraseñas.

Your accounts are sented to the FTP account what you added when you created the server, not to others.
Don't worry!
Nivel Web / ISR Stealer v 0.2
17 Julio 2010, 01:13 AM

Acesta al 2-lea release al ISR Stealer, vor urma noi updateuri.
Va asteptam cu propuneri pentru a face aceasta aplicatie mai complexa.
This is #2 release of ISR Stealer, there will be new updates.
We wait your request list, for make this application more advanced.

Current Options:
+Send logs to my sql data base(php)
+Bind one file(any extension)
+Change server icon
+Pack server with upx
+Steal options:
Internet Explorer 4/5/6/7/8
Mozilla Firefox 3.x.x
Google Chrome
Opera 8/9/10
Yahoo Messenger 8/9/10 Password
Yahoo ETS
Msn Messenger
Windows Cd key

Nivel Web / Re: ISR Stealer 0.1
15 Julio 2010, 09:50 AM
Cita de: Debci en 14 Julio 2010, 23:36 PM
Alguien me dice que hace exactamente con una cd key de windows?
No me coincide con el concepto de stealer que tengo xD


Steal the CD-KEY of Win.

Citara mi tampoco este idioma no lo entiendo que es? TinKode.

LOL, just read:

Acesta este primul release al ISR Stealer, vor urma noi updateuri.
Va asteptam cu propuneri pentru a face aceasta aplicatie mai complexa.
This is the first release of ISR Stealer, there will be new updates.
We wait your request list, for make this application more advanced.

CitarVale si, ya entiendo estaba espeso xD
Pero que tipo de archivo PHP hay que indicarle? Porque normalmente los stealers van con mail, asi que no se..

Yeah exist 2 methods: Mails & Hosts
This version it's only with host, because if you steal 50k logs, i don't know if your email can receive so many.

Just create a free hosting account, put the files up, run install.php, follow the steps, and after put your link to your "website" in app. create the server (isn't FUD - for that exist so many crypters), and spread it.

That's all!
Nivel Web / ISR Stealer 0.1
14 Julio 2010, 16:01 PM

Acesta este primul release al ISR Stealer, vor urma noi updateuri.
Va asteptam cu propuneri pentru a face aceasta aplicatie mai complexa.
This is the first release of ISR Stealer, there will be new updates.
We wait your request list, for make this application more advanced.

Current Options:
+Send logs to my sql data base(php)
+Bind one file(any extension)
+Change server icon
+Pack server with upx
+Steal options:
Internet Explorer 4/5/6/7/8
Mozilla Firefox 3.x.x
Google Chrome
Yahoo Messenger 8/9/10 Password
Yahoo ETS
Msn Messenger
Windows Cd key

Cita de: sirdarckcat en  5 Julio 2010, 05:15 AM
Tinkode, thanks for finding this vulnerability. Next time please send an email to so Google can track it and fix it faster.

Ok, I don't know if will exist a next time.

And official about the author, etc here:
