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Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: skapunky en 8 Octubre 2010, 18:22 PM
Muchos os estais liando...dejaros de IP...Cualquier persona puede ir a un ad e insertar un numero de telefono mobil y joder vivo al otro y ya os digo que no guardan las IP's. Es el caso por ejemplo de Blinko, que manda sms sin que tu te hayas registrado, solo porque alguien ha introducido tu numero por internet en cualquier ad de publicidad.
Le paso a un compañero mio y en 6 dias consegui yo el numero para darse de baja, eso si por internet y sudando sangre.
CitarSecure Origin Of The MASM32 SDK Content
The MASM32 SDK is built in a completely isolated environment from its own source code and is completely free of any trojan/rootkit/viral transmission code. It has been successfully installed on millions of development computers over a period in excess of 10 years and the only problems that have ever occurred come from false positives in downmarket AV software. The contents of the MASM32 SDK are DEP SAFE and were re-written when Microsoft introduced the new security modification to the Portable Executable specifications to protect computers from a variety of stack based exploits.