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Mensajes - Eternal Idol

No se hacen tareas aunque si podes plantear dudas concretas.
Para eso tenes que usar servicios externos si o si (como la API de Windows o la BIOS por ejemplo) o acceder al hardware si escribis tu propio S.O..

Ejemplo elemental:
Código (c++) [Seleccionar]
DWORD written = 0;
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), "HOLA", 4, &written, 0);
0xFF es 255 o -1 segun se lo interprete con o sin signo, en este caso es un signed char asi que es -1 (256 es 0x100 y si necesita dos bytes para ser representado).

Sale de aca: Complemento a dos (o a la base)

~11111111->00000000 + 1 = -1 en complemento a 2
¿Esto que es exactamente? ¿Una orden? No se hacen tareas ajenas.

Ya practicamente nadie usa eso en 2020 y Borland no existe mas. ¿Que es lo que queres hacer? Si es interfaces graficas rapidamente hay otras opciones como C# ...
Cita de: clay2332xd en  2 Junio 2020, 18:39 PMTeniendo eso claro, como es posible que en el for se use el ++ "de incremento" y este me imprima los valores del array?, es decir... Si uno se fija, ahí se esta usando el *, por lo que debería incrementar en uno dicho valor (1++) "porque la dirección que almaceno es la del primer elemento del array, por eso el 1".

A cout se le pasa como argumento *dir_numeros y despues se incrementa dir_numeros.

Distinto seria si hicieras:
Código (c++) [Seleccionar]

Cita de: clay2332xd en  2 Junio 2020, 18:39 PM¿Porque el for hace lo mismo que lo que esta comentado, si este lo que incrementa es el valor del arreglo y no su dirección de memoria?

El for tambien incrementa el puntero.

Cita de: RayR en  2 Junio 2020, 18:59 PM
El operador ++ tiene mayor precedencia que el *, por lo que primero se incrementa el puntero y luego se "desreferencia".

Si eso fuera cierto el primer numero en salir seria 5 y el ultimo vaya uno a saber. que es lo que pasa con este codigo:

Código (c++) [Seleccionar]
for(int i=0; i < 6; i++){

El codigo original es en realidad de este estilo:
Código (asm) [Seleccionar]
00007ff7`a615358a 488b442428      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+28h] ;rax=dir_numeros
00007ff7`a615358f 8b00            mov     eax,dword ptr [rax] ds:000000f1`867cfa40=00000001 ;eax=*dir_numeros
00007ff7`a6153591 89442424        mov     dword ptr [rsp+24h],eax
00007ff7`a6153595 8b542424        mov     edx,dword ptr [rsp+24h] ;p2
00007ff7`a6153599 488d0d70930e00  lea     rcx,[merr!std::cout (00007ff7`a623c910)] ;p1
00007ff7`a61535a0 e8dce0feff      call    merr!ILT+1660(??6?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstdstdQEAAAEAV01HZ) (00007ff7`a6141681)
00007ff7`a61535a5 488b442428      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+28h] ;rax=dir_numeros
00007ff7`a61535aa 4883c004        add     rax,4 ;rax += 4 (es un int, 4 bytes)
00007ff7`a61535ae 4889442428      mov     qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax ;dir_numeros=rax
00007ff7`a61535b3 ebc3            jmp     merr!main+0x68 (00007ff7`a6153578)
Código (c++) [Seleccionar]
cout<<"Numero: "<<*dirMemory_number<<endl;
cout<<"Direccion de la variable: "<<&dirMemory_number<<endl;
cout<<"Direccion a la que apunta: "<<dirMemory_number<<endl;
Cita de: Doña Matilde Villalobos en  2 Junio 2020, 02:21 AM
Por más que los izquierdosos infiltrados intenten alborotar el avispero fracasaran como fracasaron en otros países el año pasado, el señor Floyd murió porque consumió drogas y sufría de las arterias y del corazón, el policía no es primera vez que hacia eso de la rodilla de hecho es una práctica común entre ellos, lo que tuvieron fue mala suerte tanto el policía como el señor Floyd.

Como siempre (shitoman, doctorman, el mismo que intento hackear mi cuenta, no se crea que como vidrio) repugnante lo suyo, nos quiere hacer creer que murio por problemas de salud pre-existentes y no por tener a un energumeno apretandole el cuello durante varios minutos. Esta logica solo la aplican seres despreciables y ud. es un ejemplo emblematico.

Medical examiner and family-commissioned autopsy agree: George Floyd's death was a homicide
Lorenzo Reyes, Trevor Hughes and Mark Emmert USA TODAY
Published 8:46 PM EDT Jun 1, 2020

MINNEAPOLIS  Both the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office and an autopsy commissioned by George Floyd's family have ruled that the death of Floyd – in an incident that has triggered nationwide unrest – was a homicide and the 46-year-old's heart stopped beating while police restrained him and compressed his neck.

The medical examiner's report released Monday listed "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression" as the cause of death. It came hours after Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump held a press conference to announce the findings of a family-commissioned autopsy.

The family autopsy stated "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of Floyd's death.

Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson performed the autopsy and said there was "neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain," Crump said Monday.

They added that "weight on the back, handcuffs and positioning were contributory factors because they impaired the ability of Mr. Floyd's diaphragm to function."

Floyd died May 25 after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes while he was handcuffed on the ground, crying that he couldn't breathe and pleading for help. The incident has galvanized outrage, sparking protests and violence throughout the U.S.

Monday's medical examiner's report indicates that its finding "is not a legal determination of culpability or intent, and should not be used to usurp the judicial process."

That autopsy found "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation," according to the document, which suggests Floyd's existing health conditions – coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease – combined with being restrained by police and any "potential intoxicants in his system" contributed to his death.

Baden and Wilson said it appeared that Floyd died at the scene.

"What we found is consistent with what people saw," Baden said. "There is no other health issue that could cause or contribute to the death. Police have this false impression that if you can talk, you can breathe. That's not true."

Crump had strong words on Floyd's death.

"For George Floyd, the ambulance was his hearse," he said. "Beyond question, he would be alive today if not for the pressure applied to his neck by fired officer Derek Chauvin and the strain on his body from two additional officers kneeling on him. Mr. Floyd's death was a homicide by officers who taunted him while holding him down for more than eight minutes. And the officer who stood by doing nothing was a physical blue shield – a living symbol of the code of silence."

Bystanders, who begged officers on the scene to intervene, recorded Floyd's death on video and shared the images on social media. After they went viral, Floyd's death sparked a week of protests in Minneapolis and most major U.S. cities.

Floyd was arrested on suspicion of trying to use a forged $20 bill.
Como paso el tiempo  ::)
ASM / Re: Algunas dudas sobre ensambladores.
19 Mayo 2020, 22:41 PM
Cita de: marax en 19 Mayo 2020, 18:14 PM
Por cierto... ¿como TLINK reconoce que se declaro ORG 100h si es una pseudo-instruccion?

El .asm se ensambla en .obj y ahi en su formato interno se pasan esa informacion entre el ensamblador y el enlazador.