Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: Ikillnukes en 12 Junio 2013, 14:49 PM
Pregunta sobre el Unistall Tool.... Que más funcionalidades añade si ya existe el panel de Control?
@Echo OFF
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "File=kk.txt"
Set /A "Cut=14" & REM Las lineas que queremos conservar, desde abajo.
FOR /F %%@ IN ('Type "%File%" ^| Find /v /c ""') DO (Set /A "Length=%%@-%Cut%")
for /f "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('Type "%File%" ^| Find /n /v ""') do (
Set /A "Line+=1"
If !Line! GTR %length% (Echo %%B)
Tail.exe --lines=14 "kk.txt"
@Echo OFF
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /F "Usebackq Tokens=*" %%@ IN ("1.txt") DO (
Set /A "Line+=1"
If not !Line! GTR 14 (Echo %%@)
TextMan.bat SR 1 14 "kk.txt"
@Echo OFF
:: by Elektro H@cker
:: * [LINE(S)] parameter is Optional for some actions
:: * [TEXT] parameter is Optional for some actions
:: AB = ADD_BEGINNING * Add text to the beginning of a line.
:: AE = ADD_ENDING * Add text to the end of a line.
:: E = ERASE * Delete a line.
:: I = INSERT * Add a empty line (Or a line with text).
:: RL = REPLACE_LINE * Replace a entire line.
:: RS = REPLACE_STRING * Replace word from line.
:: RSA = REPLACE_STRING_ALL * Replace word from all lines.
:: C+ = CHARACTER_PLUS * Delete the first "X" characters from all lines.
:: C- = CHARACTER_LESS * Delete the last "X" characters from all lines.
:: L+ = LINE_PLUS * Cut the first "X" amount of lines.
:: L- = LINE_LESS * Cut the last "X" amount of lines.
:: GL = GET_LINE * Delete all except "X" line.
:: GR = GET_RANGE * Delete all except "X" range of lines.
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
:: ::
:: Delete the line 3 ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN E 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Add a string to the beginning of line 3 ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN AL 3 "Test.txt" "Elektro H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Add a string to the end of line 3. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN AR 3 "Test.txt" "Elektro H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Add a empty line at line 3. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN I 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Add a line with a word at line 3. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN I 3 "Test.txt" "Elektro H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Replace the line 3 with "Elektro H@cker". ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN RL 3 "Test.txt" "Elektro H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Replace the words "Elektro" to "H@cker" in line 3. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN RS 3 "Test.txt" "Elektro" "H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Replace the words "Elektro" to "H@cker" in all lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN RSA "Test.txt" "Elektro" "H@cker" ::
:: ::
:: Delete the first 3 characters in all lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN C+ 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Delete the last 3 characters in all lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN C- 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Delete the first 3 lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN L+ 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Delete the last 3 lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN L- 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Delete all except the line number 3. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN SL 3 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: Delete all except the 3 to 9 range of lines. ::
:: Call :TEXTMAN SR 3 9 "Test.txt" ::
:: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
(SET /A "A=0", "LINE=0", "TOTAL_LINES=0") & (CALL :%~1 %* || (ECHO Invalid parameter & Exit /B 1)) & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF NOT "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~3.NEW")) ELSE (if "%%B" EQU "" ((Echo %~4)>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %~4%%B)>> "%~3.NEW"))"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF NOT "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~3.NEW")) ELSE ((Echo %%B%~4)>> "%~3.NEW")"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF NOT "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B) >> "%~3.NEW"))"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (IF NOT "%~4" EQU "" ((Echo %~4) >> "%~3.NEW") ELSE (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW"))" & (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~3.NEW"))))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF NOT "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~3.NEW")) ELSE ((Echo %~4)>> "%~3.NEW")"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "IF NOT "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~2" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~3.NEW")) ELSE (CALL SET "STRING=%%B" && (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((CALL ECHO %%STRING:%~4=%~5%%)>> "%~3.NEW")))"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~2" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (CALL SET "STRING=%%B" && (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~2.NEW") ELSE ((CALL ECHO %%STRING:%~3=%~4%%)>>"%~2.NEW")))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~2") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%@ in ("%~3") DO (Call Set "LINE=%%@" && (CALL ECHO %%LINE:~%~2%% >> "%~3.NEW"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%@ in ("%~3") DO (Call Set "LINE=%%@" && (CALL ECHO %%LINE:~0,-%~2%% >> "%~3.NEW"))) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(Call SET /A "A=%~2") && (Call TYPE "%~3" |@MORE +%%A%% > "%~3.NEW") && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (CALL SET /A "TOTAL_LINES+=1")) & (CALL SET /A "TOTAL_LINES-=%~2-1") & (For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~3" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" & Call echo "%%LINE%%"|@FIND "%%TOTAL_LINES%%" >NUL) && (CALL :RENAMER "%~3" && GOTO:EOF) || (Echo %%B >> "%~3.NEW"))
(Call SET /A "A=%~2" && Call SET /A "A-=1") && (Call TYPE "%~3" |@MORE +%%A%% > "%temp%\getline.tmp") && (For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%temp%\getline.tmp" ^| find /n /v ""') DO ((if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~3.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)> "%~3.NEW"))) && ((CALL :RENAMER "%~3") & (GOTO:EOF)))
(For /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A in ('type "%~4" ^| find /n /v ""') DO (Call Set /A "LINE+=1" && (CMD /C "(IF "%%LINE%%" GEQ "%~2" IF "%%LINE%%" LEQ "%~3" (if "%%B" EQU "" (Echo+>> "%~4.NEW") ELSE ((Echo %%B)>> "%~4.NEW"))) && (IF "%%LINE%%" EQU "%~3" Exit /B 1)" || ((CALL :RENAMER "%~4") & (GOTO:EOF)))))
(REN "%~1" "%~nx1.BAK") & (MOVE /Y "%~1.BAK" "%TEMP%\" >NUL) & (REN "%~1.NEW" "%~nx1") & (GOTO:EOF)
FOR %%@ IN ("%userprofile%\Desktop\6 documento Mayo\*%Pattern%*.%FileExt%")
Cita de: Ikillnukes en 11 Junio 2013, 21:06 PMEntonces este IniReader usa Secciones?No, no lee secciones ni tampoco guarda secciones, no me gustan las secciones ni tampoco las considero útiles, menos para aplicaciones grandes como CCleaner.
Cita de: Ikillnukes en 11 Junio 2013, 21:06 PMexplicame, como hago para llamar a 2 pcbs desde el mismo .INI
#Region " INI Manager "
' [ INI Manager Functions ]
' // By Elektro H@cker
' Examples :
' INI_Manager.Set_Value(".\Test.ini", "TextValue", TextBox1.Text) ' Save
' TextBox1.Text = INI_Manager.Load_Value(".\Test.ini", "TextValue") ' Load
' INI_Manager.Delete_Value(".\Test.ini", "TextValue") ' Delete
' INI_Manager.Sort_Values(".\Test.ini") ' Sort INI File
Public Class INI_Manager
''' <summary>
''' The INI File Location.
''' </summary>
Public Shared INI_File As String = IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName & ".ini")
''' <summary>
''' Set a value.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="File">The INI file location</param>
''' <param name="ValueName">The value name</param>
''' <param name="Value">The value data</param>
Public Shared Sub Set_Value(ByVal File As String, ByVal ValueName As String, ByVal Value As String)
If Not IO.File.Exists(File) Then ' Create a new INI File with "Key=Value""
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(File, ValueName & "=" & Value, False)
Exit Sub
Else ' Search line by line in the INI file for the "Key"
Dim Line_Number As Int64 = 0
Dim strArray() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(File)
For Each line In strArray
If line.ToLower.StartsWith(ValueName.ToLower & "=") Then
strArray(Line_Number) = ValueName & "=" & Value
IO.File.WriteAllLines(File, strArray) ' Replace "value"
Exit Sub
End If
Line_Number += 1
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(File, vbNewLine & ValueName & "=" & Value, True) ' Key don't exist, then create the new "Key=Value"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Load a value.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="File">The INI file location</param>
''' <param name="ValueName">The value name</param>
''' <returns>The value itself</returns>
Public Shared Function Load_Value(ByVal File As String, ByVal ValueName As String) As Object
If Not IO.File.Exists(File) Then
Throw New Exception(File & " not found.") ' INI File not found.
Return Nothing
For Each line In IO.File.ReadAllLines(File)
If line.ToLower.StartsWith(ValueName.ToLower & "=") Then Return line.Split("=").Last
Throw New Exception("Key: " & """" & ValueName & """" & " not found.") ' Key not found.
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Delete a key.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="File">The INI file location</param>
''' <param name="ValueName">The value name</param>
Public Shared Sub Delete_Value(ByVal File As String, ByVal ValueName As String)
If Not IO.File.Exists(File) Then
Throw New Exception(File & " not found.") ' INI File not found.
Exit Sub
Dim Line_Number As Int64 = 0
Dim strArray() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(File)
For Each line In strArray
If line.ToLower.StartsWith(ValueName.ToLower & "=") Then
strArray(Line_Number) = Nothing
Exit For
End If
Line_Number += 1
Array.Copy(strArray, Line_Number + 1, strArray, Line_Number, UBound(strArray) - Line_Number)
ReDim Preserve strArray(UBound(strArray) - 1)
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(File, String.Join(vbNewLine, strArray), False)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Sorts the entire INI File.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="File">The INI file location</param>
Public Shared Sub Sort_Values(ByVal File As String)
If Not IO.File.Exists(File) Then
Throw New Exception(File & " not found.") ' INI File not found.
Exit Sub
Dim Line_Number As Int64 = 0
Dim strArray() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(File)
Dim TempList As New List(Of String)
For Each line As String In strArray
If line <> "" Then TempList.Add(strArray(Line_Number))
Line_Number += 1
IO.File.WriteAllLines(File, TempList)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
End Class
#End Region