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' Loop through all the command line arguments given.
For I As Integer = 0 To My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count - 1
' If an argument equals "/m"
If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Item(I).ToLower = "/m" Then
MsgBox("You have used /m")
Else ' If it doesn't equal "/m"
MsgBox("Incorrect CMD Argument.")
End If
Declare Function AttachConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwProcessId As Int32) As Boolean
Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Boolean
AttachConsole(-1) ' Attach the console
System.Console.Writeline("I am writing from a WinForm to the console!")
FreeConsole() ' Desattach the console
#Region " App Is Launched From CMD? "
' [ App Is Launched From CMD? Function ]
' // By Elektro H@cker
' Examples:
' MsgBox(App_Is_Launched_From_CMD)
' If App_Is_Launched_From_CMD() Then Console.WriteLine("Help for this application: ...")
Declare Function AttachConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwProcessId As Int32) As Boolean
Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Boolean
Private Function App_Is_Launched_From_CMD() As Boolean
If AttachConsole(-1) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
#End Region
Cita de: Doddy en 27 Julio 2013, 21:39 PM
creo que electro ya hizo "algo asi" , cuanto tenga en tiempo hago lo mismo en delphi.
Cita de: Ikillnukes en 27 Julio 2013, 17:21 PMSi me dieseis algún ejemplo o Snippet de como hacerlo os lo agradecería.
#Region " Is Registry File "
' [ Is Registry File Function ]
' // By Elektro H@cker
' Examples :
' MsgBox(IsRegFile("C:\RegistryFile.reg"))
' IsRegistryFile
Private Function IsRegFile(ByVal RegistryFile As String) As Boolean
Dim Regedit_Signature As String = "windows registry editor version 5.00"
Return IO.File.ReadAllText(RegistryFile).ToLower.Trim.StartsWith(Regedit_Signature)
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Reg2Bat "
' [ Reg2Bat Function ]
' // By Elektro H@cker
' Examples :
' MsgBox(Reg2Bat("C:\Registry.reg"))
Public Enum REG2BAT_Format As Int16
REG_SZ = 0
End Enum
' Reg2Bat
Private Function Reg2Bat(ByVal Reg_File As String) As String
' Source Input
' Join he lines, delete the Regedit linebreaks characters: "\ ", and then split the lines.
Dim RegFile() As String = Split( _
String.Join("@@@Reg2Bat@@@", IO.File.ReadAllLines(Reg_File)) _
.Replace("\@@@Reg2Bat@@@ ", "") _
.Replace("@@@Reg2Bat@@@", Environment.NewLine), _
Dim RegLine As String = String.Empty ' Where the Regedit Line will be stored.
Dim RegKey As String = String.Empty ' Where the Regedit Key will be stored.
Dim RegVal As String = String.Empty ' Where the Regedit Value will be stored.
Dim RegData As String = String.Empty ' Where the Regedit Data will be stored.
Dim Batch_Commands As String = String.Empty ' Where the decoded Regedit strings will be stored.
Batch_Commands &= ":: Converted with REG2BAT by Elektro H@cker"
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine
Batch_Commands &= "@Echo OFF"
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine
' Start reading the Regedit File
For X As Int64 = 0 To RegFile.LongLength - 1
RegLine = RegFile(X).Trim
Select Case True
Case RegLine.StartsWith(";") ' Comment line
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REM {0}", RegLine.Substring(1, RegLine.Length - 1).Trim)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case RegLine.StartsWith("[-") ' Key to delete
RegKey = RegLine.Substring(2, RegLine.Length - 3).Trim
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG DELETE ""{0}"" /F", RegKey)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case RegLine.StartsWith("[") ' Key to add
RegKey = RegLine.Substring(1, RegLine.Length - 2).Trim
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /F", RegKey)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case RegLine.StartsWith("@=") ' Default Value to add
RegData = Split(RegLine, "@=", , CompareMethod.Text).Last
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V """" /D {1} /F", RegKey, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case RegLine.StartsWith("""") _
AndAlso RegLine.Split("=").Last = "-" ' Value to delete
RegVal = RegLine.Substring(1, RegLine.Length - 4)
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG DELETE ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case RegLine.StartsWith("""") ' Value to add
' Check data type:
Select Case RegLine.Split("=")(1).Split(":")(0).ToLower
Case "hex" ' Binary
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.BINARY))
RegData = Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.BINARY)
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_BINARY"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case "dword" ' DWORD (32 bit)
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.DWORD))
RegData = Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.DWORD)
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_DWORD"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case "hex(b)" ' QWORD (64 bIT)
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.QWORD))
RegData = Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.QWORD)
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_QWORD"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case "hex(2)" ' EXPAND SZ
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.EXPAND_SZ))
RegData = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.EXPAND_SZ))
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_EXPAND_SZ"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case "hex(7)" ' MULTI SZ
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.MULTI_SZ))
RegData = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.MULTI_SZ))
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_MULTI_SZ"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
Case Else ' REG SZ
RegVal = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Value(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.REG_SZ))
RegData = Format_Regedit_String(Get_Regedit_Data(RegLine, REG2BAT_Format.REG_SZ))
Batch_Commands &= String.Format("REG ADD ""{0}"" /V ""{1}"" /T ""REG_SZ"" /D ""{2}"" /F", RegKey, RegVal, RegData)
Batch_Commands &= Environment.NewLine
End Select
End Select
Return Batch_Commands
End Function
' Get Regedit Value
Private Function Get_Regedit_Value(ByVal Line As String, ByVal REG2BAT_Format As REG2BAT_Format) As String
Dim str As String = Nothing
Select Case REG2BAT_Format
Case REG2BAT_Format.BINARY : str = Split(Line, "=hex:", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case REG2BAT_Format.DWORD : str = Split(Line, "=dword:", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case REG2BAT_Format.QWORD : str = Split(Line, "=hex(b):", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case REG2BAT_Format.EXPAND_SZ : str = Split(Line, "=Hex(2):", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case REG2BAT_Format.MULTI_SZ : str = Split(Line, "=Hex(7):", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case REG2BAT_Format.REG_SZ : str = Split(Line, """=""", , CompareMethod.Text).First
Case Else : Return Nothing
End Select
If str.StartsWith("""") Then str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 1)
If str.EndsWith("""") Then str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1)
Return str
End Function
' Get Regedit Data
Private Function Get_Regedit_Data(ByVal Line As String, ByVal REG2BAT_Format As REG2BAT_Format) As String
Dim Data As String = Nothing
Select Case REG2BAT_Format
Return Split(Line, (Split(Line, "=hex:", , CompareMethod.Text).First & "=hex:"), , CompareMethod.Text).Last.Replace(",", "")
Return "0x" & Split(Line, (Split(Line, "=dword:", , CompareMethod.Text).First & "=dword:"), , CompareMethod.Text).Last.Replace(",", "")
Line = StrReverse(Split(Line, (Split(Line, "=hex(b):", , CompareMethod.Text).First & "=hex(b):"), , CompareMethod.Text).Last.Replace(",", ""))
For Each [byte] In Line.Split(",") : Data &= StrReverse([byte]) : Next
Return Data
Line = Split(Line, (Split(Line, "=Hex(2):", , CompareMethod.Text).First & "=hex(2):"), , CompareMethod.Text).Last.Replace(",00", "").Replace("00,", "")
For Each [byte] In Line.Split(",") : Data &= Chr(Val("&H" & [byte])) : Next
Return Data.Replace("""", "\""")
Line = Split(Line, (Split(Line, "=Hex(7):", , CompareMethod.Text)(0) & "=hex(7):"), , CompareMethod.Text).Last.Replace(",00,00,00", ",\0").Replace(",00", "").Replace("00,", "")
For Each [byte] In Line.Split(",")
If [byte] = "\0" Then
Data &= "\0" ' Line separator for multiline.
Data &= Chr(Val("&H" & [byte]))
End If
Return Data.Replace("""", "\""")
Case REG2BAT_Format.REG_SZ
Data = Split(Line, (Split(Line, """=""", , CompareMethod.Text)(0) & """="""), , CompareMethod.Text).Last
Data = Data.Substring(0, Data.Length - 1)
Return Data
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
End Function
' Format Regedit String
Private Function Format_Regedit_String(ByVal str As String) As String
str = str.Replace("%", "%%")
If Not str.Contains("""") Then Return str
str = str.Replace("\""", """")
Dim strArray() As String = str.Split("""")
For num As Long = 1 To strArray.Length - 1 Step 2
strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace("^", "^^") ' This replace need to be THE FIRST.
strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace("<", "^<")
strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace(">", "^>")
strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace("|", "^|")
strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace("&", "^&")
' strArray(num) = strArray(num).Replace("\", "\\")
Return String.Join("\""", strArray)
End Function
#End Region
Cita de: Ikillnukes en 25 Julio 2013, 22:35 PMtengo pensado hacer que cada 200 contactos la app se renicie y libere la memoria acumulada y siga con el proceso.
wmic os get name | More 1+
Cita de: ConradBCN en 25 Julio 2013, 18:06 PM
Gracias EleKtro, però cual es de los 400 que listas???
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