¿Cómo manipular imágenes GIF animadas?
La librería de clases de .NET Framework no expone ningún tipo para representar de forma específica una imagen GIF. Tenemos el tipo Bitmap, Icon, e Image para representar de forma global cualquier tipo de imagen (incluyendo un GIF). Pero... ¿y si queremos representar de forma específica una imagen GIF con todos sus frames?, pues esta clase que he desarrollado sería un buen comienzo para llevarlo a cabo:
Ejemplos de uso:
Nótese que el método GIF.GetFrames() devuelve una colección de Bitmaps con todos los frames de la imagen GIF. Las posibilidades son infinitas con esta colección, podemos añadir, editar o eliminar frames para crear un nuevo GIF, o simplemente mostrar la secuencia de frames...
La librería de clases de .NET Framework no expone ningún tipo para representar de forma específica una imagen GIF. Tenemos el tipo Bitmap, Icon, e Image para representar de forma global cualquier tipo de imagen (incluyendo un GIF). Pero... ¿y si queremos representar de forma específica una imagen GIF con todos sus frames?, pues esta clase que he desarrollado sería un buen comienzo para llevarlo a cabo:
Código (vbnet) [Seleccionar]
' ***********************************************************************
' Author : Elektro
' Modified : 02-April-2017
' ***********************************************************************
#Region " Public Members Summary "
#Region " Constructors "
' New(String)
' New(FileInfo)
' New(Image)
#End Region
#Region " Properties "
' Image As Image
' FrameCount As Integer
' Frames(Integer) As Bitmap
' ActiveFrame As Bitmap
' ActiveFrameIndex As Integer
' EndOfFrames As Boolean
#End Region
#Region " Functions "
' NextFrame() As Bitmap
' GetFrames() As List(Of Bitmap)
#End Region
#End Region
#Region " Option Statements "
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
#End Region
#Region " Imports "
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.IO
#End Region
#Region " GIF "
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Represents a GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Class GIF
#Region " Properties "
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' The GIF image.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public ReadOnly Property Image As Image
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the frame count of the GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' The frame count of the GIF image.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public ReadOnly Property FrameCount As Integer
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the frame at the specified index.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' The frame index.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Frames(ByVal index As Integer) As Bitmap
Using img As Image = DirectCast(Me.Image.Clone(), Image)
img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, index)
Return New Bitmap(img) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame).
End Using
End Get
End Property
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the active frame.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' The active frame.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property ActiveFrame As Bitmap
Return New Bitmap(Me.Image) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame).
End Get
End Property
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the index in the frame count of the current active frame.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' The index in the frame count of the current active frame.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property ActiveFrameIndex As Integer
Return Me.activeFrameIndexB
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If (value <> Me.activeFrameIndexB) Then
Me.Image.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, value)
Me.activeFrameIndexB = value
Me.eof = (value = Me.FrameCount)
End If
End Set
End Property
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' ( Backing Field )
''' The index in the frame count of the current active frame.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private activeFrameIndexB As Integer
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets a value indicating whether the frame count is at EOF,
''' this means there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <value>
''' <see langword="True"/> if there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>.
''' </value>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public ReadOnly Property EndOfFrames As Boolean
Return Me.eof
End Get
End Property
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' ( Backing Field )
''' A value indicating whether the frame count is at EOF,
''' this means there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private eof As Boolean
#End Region
#Region " Constructors "
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class from being created.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub New()
End Sub
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="filepath">
''' The filepath.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub New(ByVal filepath As String)
End Sub
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="file">
''' The image file.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub New(ByVal file As FileInfo)
End Sub
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="img">
''' The image.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub New(ByVal img As Image)
Me.Image = img
Me.FrameCount = Me.Image.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Time)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region " Public Methods "
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Advances one position in the frame count and returns the next frame.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' The next frame.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Overridable Function NextFrame() As Bitmap
If (Me.eof) Then
Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException()
Dim frame As Bitmap = Me.Frames(Me.activeFrameIndexB)
Me.activeFrameIndexB += 1
Me.eof = (Me.activeFrameIndexB >= Me.FrameCount)
Return frame
End If
End Function
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets a <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' A <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the image.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Overridable Function GetFrames() As List(Of Bitmap)
Using img As Image = DirectCast(Me.Image.Clone(), Image)
Return GetFramesFromImage(img)
End Using
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Private Methods "
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets a <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the source GIF image.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="img">
''' The source <see cref="Image"/>.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' The resulting percentage difference value between the two specified images.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Shared Function GetFramesFromImage(ByVal img As Image) As List(Of Bitmap)
Dim imgs As New List(Of Bitmap)
Dim frameCount As Integer = img.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Time)
For i As Integer = 0 To (frameCount - 1)
img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, i)
imgs.Add(New Bitmap(img)) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame).
Return imgs
End Function
#End Region
End Class
#End Region
Ejemplos de uso:
Código (vbnet) [Seleccionar]
Dim pcb As PictureBox = Me.PictureBox1
Dim gif As New GIF("C:\File.gif")
Do Until gif.EndOfFrames ' Iterate frames until the end of frame count.
' Free previous Bitmap object.
If (pcb.Image IsNot Nothing) Then
pcb.Image = Nothing
End If
pcb.Image = gif.NextFrame()
Thread.Sleep(60) ' Simulate a FPS thingy.
If (gif.EndOfFrames) Then
' Set active frame to 0 for infinite loop:
gif.ActiveFrameIndex = 0
End If
Nótese que el método GIF.GetFrames() devuelve una colección de Bitmaps con todos los frames de la imagen GIF. Las posibilidades son infinitas con esta colección, podemos añadir, editar o eliminar frames para crear un nuevo GIF, o simplemente mostrar la secuencia de frames...