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Desarrollo Web / Re: Crowdfunding (Laravel)
14 Febrero 2017, 02:09 AM
¿Cuánto pagas dices?
Abril negro / Re: Quien más se apunta?
11 Febrero 2017, 23:30 PM
Esto le da mucha vida al foro y atrae a muchos usuarios, mucha suerte a todos los que participeis seguro que es de calidad lo que traéis

Un saludo
GNU/Linux / Re: Micrófono en skype de linux
10 Febrero 2017, 18:36 PM
Cita de: dato000 en  6 Febrero 2017, 16:14 PM
Aja e instalaste el driver apropiado del micro para tu versión x64???

Instale tantas cosas que no se ya ni lo que instale Y.Y cambia drivers de gráfica etc etc..
GNU/Linux / Micrófono en skype de linux
5 Febrero 2017, 19:05 PM
Hola chicos

Alguien sabe por que no puedo hablar por el micro en skype de linux?? He probado varias cosas pero nada escuchar si que escucho pero no puedo hablar por el micro ni por el panel frontal ni el trasero. En la configuracion de sonido de skype solo me deja seleccionar pulseaudio. Mi distro es Xubuntu la última versión actual de 64Bits
Hola chicos;

Ayer instale ubuntu en mi equipo, pero cuando me dispuse a cambiar la resolución de la pantalla no había manera porque no aparecía mi resolución 1366x768, mire varios tutoriales de esto de el xorg.conf y nada no resulto, también instale los drivers de la tarjeta nvidia que en este casi es una GT 620 probé con estos comandos y con el centro de actualizaciones de ubuntu. También probe si la gráfica estaba correctamente no recuerdo el comando que escribí pero me salía Yes asi que estaba trabajando bien, también debo añadir que está conectado a través de un cable HDMI al "monitor" lo pongo entre comillas por que es una televisión pequeña que la estoy usando como monitor para hacer el apaño mientras.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings

Un saludo y gracias!!
Cita de: engel lex en  5 Enero 2017, 16:14 PM
para ver tu configuración de my.cnf

He probado ya muchas cosas xd

# MySQL Server Instance Configuration File
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generated by the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard
# Installation Instructions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# On Linux you can copy this file to /etc/my.cnf to set global options,
# mysql-data-dir/my.cnf to set server-specific options
# (@localstatedir@ for this installation) or to
# ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.
# On Windows you should keep this file in the installation directory
# of your server (e.g. C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.Y). To
# make sure the server reads the config file use the startup option
# "--defaults-file".
# To run run the server from the command line, execute this in a
# command line shell, e.g.
# mysqld --defaults-file="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.Y\my.ini"
# To install the server as a Windows service manually, execute this in a
# command line shell, e.g.
# mysqld --install MySQLXY --defaults-file="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.Y\my.ini"
# And then execute this in a command line shell to start the server, e.g.
# net start MySQLXY
# Guildlines for editing this file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# In this file, you can use all long options that the program supports.
# If you want to know the options a program supports, start the program
# with the "--help" option.
# More detailed information about the individual options can also be
# found in the manual.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following options will be read by MySQL client applications.
# Note that only client applications shipped by MySQL are guaranteed
# to read this section. If you want your own MySQL client program to
# honor these values, you need to specify it as an option during the
# MySQL client library initialization.




# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that
# you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this
# file.

# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on

#Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this.
basedir="C:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/"

#Path to the database root
datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/Data/"

# The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is
# created and no character set is defined

# The default storage engine that will be used when create new tables when

# Set the SQL mode to strict

# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will
# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with
# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the
# connection limit has been reached.

# Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them
# without actual executing the same query once again. Having the query
# cache enabled may result in significant speed improvements, if your
# have a lot of identical queries and rarely changing tables. See the
# "Qcache_lowmem_prunes" status variable to check if the current value
# is high enough for your load.
# Note: In case your tables change very often or if your queries are
# textually different every time, the query cache may result in a
# slowdown instead of a performance improvement.

# The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value
# increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
# Therefore you have to make sure to set the amount of open files
# allowed to at least 4096 in the variable "open-files-limit" in
# section [mysqld_safe]

# Maximum size for internal (in-memory) temporary tables. If a table
# grows larger than this value, it is automatically converted to disk
# based table This limitation is for a single table. There can be many
# of them.

# How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse. When a client
# disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there aren't
# more than thread_cache_size threads from before.  This greatly reduces
# the amount of thread creations needed if you have a lot of new
# connections. (Normally this doesn't give a notable performance
# improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)
thread_cache_size = 50

#*** MyISAM Specific options

# The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while
# recreating the index (during REPAIR, ALTER TABLE or LOAD DATA INFILE.
# If the file-size would be bigger than this, the index will be created
# through the key cache (which is slower).

# If the temporary file used for fast index creation would be bigger
# than using the key cache by the amount specified here, then prefer the
# key cache method.  This is mainly used to force long character keys in
# large tables to use the slower key cache method to create the index.

# Size of the Key Buffer, used to cache index blocks for MyISAM tables.
# Do not set it larger than 30% of your available memory, as some memory
# is also required by the OS to cache rows. Even if you're not using
# MyISAM tables, you should still set it to 8-64M as it will also be
# used for internal temporary disk tables.

# Size of the buffer used for doing full table scans of MyISAM tables.
# Allocated per thread, if a full scan is needed.

# This buffer is allocated when MySQL needs to rebuild the index in
# REPAIR, OPTIMZE, ALTER table statements as well as in LOAD DATA INFILE
# into an empty table. It is allocated per thread so be careful with
# large settings.

#*** INNODB Specific options ***

# Use this option if you have a MySQL server with InnoDB support enabled
# but you do not plan to use it. This will save memory and disk space
# and speed up some things.

# Additional memory pool that is used by InnoDB to store metadata
# information.  If InnoDB requires more memory for this purpose it will
# start to allocate it from the OS.  As this is fast enough on most
# recent operating systems, you normally do not need to change this
# value. SHOW INNODB STATUS will display the current amount used.

# If set to 1, InnoDB will flush (fsync) the transaction logs to the
# disk at each commit, which offers full ACID behavior. If you are
# willing to compromise this safety, and you are running small
# transactions, you may set this to 0 or 2 to reduce disk I/O to the
# logs. Value 0 means that the log is only written to the log file and
# the log file flushed to disk approximately once per second. Value 2
# means the log is written to the log file at each commit, but the log
# file is only flushed to disk approximately once per second.

# The size of the buffer InnoDB uses for buffering log data. As soon as
# it is full, InnoDB will have to flush it to disk. As it is flushed
# once per second anyway, it does not make sense to have it very large
# (even with long transactions).

# InnoDB, unlike MyISAM, uses a buffer pool to cache both indexes and
# row data. The bigger you set this the less disk I/O is needed to
# access data in tables. On a dedicated database server you may set this
# parameter up to 80% of the machine physical memory size. Do not set it
# too large, though, because competition of the physical memory may
# cause paging in the operating system.  Note that on 32bit systems you
# might be limited to 2-3.5G of user level memory per process, so do not
# set it too high.

# Size of each log file in a log group. You should set the combined size
# of log files to about 25%-100% of your buffer pool size to avoid
# unneeded buffer pool flush activity on log file overwrite. However,
# note that a larger logfile size will increase the time needed for the
# recovery process.

# Number of threads allowed inside the InnoDB kernel. The optimal value
# depends highly on the application, hardware as well as the OS
# scheduler properties. A too high value may lead to thread thrashing.

thread_concurrency = 500

No para de subir

Hola chicos tengo 2 servidores, en el segundo tengo un servidor mysql que conecta con mi primer servidor pero al tener un poco de "ajetreo" la web me tira el siguiente error

Código (sql) [Seleccionar]
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't create a new thread (errno -1); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /home/u460628185/public_html/miconexioncondb.php on line 33

Warning: mysql_select_db() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u460628185/public_html/miconexioncondb.php on line 34

Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user 'usuario'@'ip' (using password: NO) in /home/u460628185/public_html/miconexioncondb.php on line 35

Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/u460628185/public_html/miconexioncondb.php on line 35
Cita de: warcry. en  4 Enero 2017, 16:09 PM

en Add Deny Entry pones

y en Add Allow Entry la única ip permitida

Muchas gracias al final lo que hice fue escribir la ip que quiero que pase y luego decirle que todas las que no estén añadidas las rechace, pero no a sido efectivo por que uso cloudflare y me dio error, he probado añadiendo el dominio, la ip e incluso la ip de cloudflare
Hola chicos!

Como puedo bloquear todas las ip's de internet excepto 1, uso IIS y tengo agregada la extensión IP Address and domain restrictions, quiero bloquear todos los accesos excepto  una ip determinada que la pondría en Allow
Foro Libre / Re: ¿Qué os parece Hetzner?
3 Enero 2017, 23:35 PM
Cita de: #!drvy en  3 Enero 2017, 23:20 PM
Hasta donde se, es el proveedor que usa el servidor del foro. También puedes probar Kimsufi.. baratos y detras de la red de OVH.


Pf que buenos precios, si Hetzner me lo recomendó @el-brujo y esa web que has pasado tiene una pinta muy buena pero ahora le pregunta,

Kimsufi o Hetzner

Lo malo de todo esto es que el dedicado lleva windows entonces para mitigar los ataques necesito que por lo menos la infraestructura me ofrezca algo medio decente kimsufi pone que no tiene firewall de red es lo malo, no se si hetzner tiene

* Descarto Kimsufi no me da windows, solo me ofrece linux

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