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Mensajes - CrashSomeMore

1. Hmmm.... I don't see for myself any reason to upgrade to Windows 8.1 but I said that about Windows XP too.
2. I guess I'll just have to go through your code again line by line, and comment out anything I'm not sure about. I tried remming out anything to do with US-Eng but something's wrong. It's exciting stuff really.
3. So, maybe its time to give Windows 8.1 a good try and test out your code.
4. Canada here, so this should keep me busy for the rest of the Winter.

I do not speak Spanish, sorry. Have you updated this batch since 2012? I have tried it and it crashed 2 machines. (That's OK as that is what backups are for.) You have put a great deal of hard work into this and it deserves to be finished IMHO. I have found nothing similar to it on the Internet except maybe WinsxsLite, and thats not really the same thing. Thanks.
