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Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: sirdarckcat en 7 Agosto 2009, 12:54 PM
Si son moderadores o STAFF, ese boton les da super poderes de super heroe.
function hmac (key, message)
opad = [0x5c * blocksize] // Where blocksize is that of the underlying hash function
ipad = [0x36 * blocksize]
if (length(key) > blocksize) then
key = hash(key) // keys longer than blocksize are shortened
end if
for i from 0 to length(key) - 1 step 1
ipad[i] = ipad[i] ⊕ key[i] // Where ⊕ is exclusive or (XOR)
opad[i] = opad[i] ⊕ key[i]
end for
return hash(opad ++ hash(ipad ++ message)) // Where ++ is concatenation
end function
Function hmac(cadena As String, llave() As String)
Dim key As String
key = ""
For j = 0 To UBound(llave())
key = key & llave(I)
Next j
Dim a As New clsSHA
Dim opad(&H5C * &H200), ipad(&H36 * &H200)
'opad = (&H5C * &H200)
'ipad = (&H36 * &H200)
If Len(key) > &H200 Then
key = a.SHA1(key)
End If
For I = 0 To Len(key)
ipad(I) = ipad(I) Xor llave(I)
opad(I) = opad(I) Xor llave(I)
Next I
hmac = a.SHA1(opad & a.SHA1(ipad & cadena))
End Function
opad = [0x5c * blocksize] // Where blocksize is that of the underlying hash function
ipad = [0x36 * blocksize]
function hmac (key, message)
opad = [0x5c * blocksize] // Where blocksize is that of the underlying hash function
ipad = [0x36 * blocksize]
if (length(key) > blocksize) then
key = hash(key) // keys longer than blocksize are shortened
end if
for i from 0 to length(key) - 1 step 1
ipad[i] = ipad[i] ⊕ key[i] // Where ⊕ is exclusive or (XOR)
opad[i] = opad[i] ⊕ key[i]
end for
return hash(opad ++ hash(ipad ++ message)) // Where ++ is concatenation
end function
Cita de: WHK en 29 Junio 2009, 00:04 AM
\\\WHK/// dice:
Bueno, se que te gustan las mascotas y en especial los gatos , que raza te gusta mas?
sirdarckcat dice:
Nunca he tenido un gato de mascota. jajajaja