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Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: Psyke1 en 21 Octubre 2011, 10:18 AM
Vale todo el más rápido gana.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal pDst As Any, ByVal pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)
Private Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Long)
Private Declare Sub PutMem2 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Integer)
Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal RetVal As Long)
Public Function DeleteString_BZX(ByVal sString As String, ByVal lPosIni As Long, ByVal lSize As Long) As String
Dim lLnb As Long
Dim lpStr As Long
If ((lSize Or lPosIni) And &H80000000) Then Exit Function
lLnb = LenB(sString)
if (lLnb = &H0) then exit function
lSize = (lSize + lSize)
lPosIni = (lPosIni + lPosIni)
If (lPosIni >= lLnb) Then Exit Function
lpStr = (lPosIni + lSize)
If (lpStr > lLnb) Then
lSize = (lLnb - lPosIni)
End If
GetMem4 VarPtr(sString), VarPtr(lpStr)
If (lSize > &H0) Then
lLnb = (lLnb - lSize)
If (lLnb > lPosIni) Then
RtlMoveMemory (lPosIni + lpStr), ((lPosIni + lpStr) + lSize), (lLnb - lPosIni)
'MidB$(sString, (lPosIni + 1), (lLnb - lPosIni)) = MidB$(sString, (lPosIni + lSize + 1), (lLnb - lPosIni))
End If
End If
PutMem2 ByVal (lpStr + lLnb), &H0
PutMem4 ByVal (lpStr - &H4), lLnb
PutMem4 VarPtr(DeleteString_BZX), lpStr
PutMem4 VarPtr(sString), &H0
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", -1, 4), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", -1, 4))
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 9, 4), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 9, 4))
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, -4), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, -4))
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 1, 4), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 1, 4))
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, 4), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, 4))
Debug.Print DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, 400), Len(DeleteString_BZX("BlackZeroX", 0, 400))
End Sub
Call Recortar(s, 4, 4)
Holy estoy cansado
Cita de: Raul100 en 21 Octubre 2011, 07:09 AM
pero si inserto un valor tipo byte o integer siempre me devuelve un long
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Long)
Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal RetVal As Long)
' DWORD = LONG... ?
Function hlDWORD(ByVal DWord As Long) As Long
hlDWORD = MakeDWord(hlWORD(hWord(DWord)), hlWORD(lWord(DWord)))
End Function
Function hlWORD(ByVal Word As Integer) As Integer
hlWORD = MakeWord(Rot8Bits(hByte(Word)), Rot8Bits(lByte(Word)))
End Function
Function hWord(ByVal DWord As Long) As Integer
hWord = (DWord \ &H10000)
End Function
Function lWord(ByVal DWord As Long) As Integer
lWord = DWord And &HFFFF&
End Function
Function hByte(ByVal iWord As Integer) As Byte
hByte = (iWord \ &H100) And &HFF
End Function
Function lByte(ByVal Word As Integer) As Byte
lByte = (Word And &HFF)
End Function
' Makers...
' HWord & LWord = 8 bits
Function MakeDWord(ByVal hWord As Integer, ByVal lWord As Integer) As Long
MakeDWord = (hWord * &H10000) Or (lWord And &HFFFF&)
End Function
' hByte & Lbyte = 4 bits
Function MakeWord(ByVal hByte As Byte, ByVal lByte As Byte) As Integer
MakeWord = (((hByte And &H7F) * &H100&) Or lByte)
If hByte And &H80 Then MakeWord = MakeWord Or &H8000
End Function
' 1 byte, Rot8Bits
Function Rot8Bits(ByVal xByte As Byte) As Byte
Dim BytesTmp As Byte
BytesTmp = (xByte And &H1) * &H80
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H2) * &H20
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H4) * &H8
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H8) * &H2
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H10) / &H2
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H20) / &H8
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H40) / &H20
BytesTmp = BytesTmp Or (xByte And &H80) / &H80
Rot8Bits = BytesTmp
End Function
' By Raul100 @
' no quitar este texto
Public Function Rot16Bits(ByVal iWord As Integer) As Integer
' // Rota los bits de un integer (DWord)
Rot16Bits = ((Rot8Bits(lByte(iWord)) And &H7F) * &H100)
If (iWord And &H1) Then Rot16Bits = Rot16Bits Or &H8000
Rot16Bits = Rot16Bits Or (Rot8Bits(hByte(iWord)))
End Function
Public Function Rot32Bits(ByVal lLong As Long) As Long
' // Rota los bits de un Long (DWord)
' // Manda el 1er bit al final el segundo al antepenultimo, el tercero uno antes del antepenultimo, etc...
' // (1410872291) -> 0101 0100 0001 1000 0011 0011 1110 0011
' // Invertidos:
' // (-942925782) -> 1100 0111 1100 1100 0001 1000 0010 1010
Rot32Bits = &H10000 * (Rot16Bits(lWord(lLong)) And &H7FFF)
Rot32Bits = Rot32Bits Or Rot16Bits(hWord(lLong))
If (lLong And &H1) Then Rot32Bits = Rot32Bits Or &H80000000
End Function
Public Function Rot64Bits(ByVal lDouble As Double) As Double
' // Rota los bits de un Double (QWord)
' // Manda el 1er bit al final el segundo al antepenultimo, el tercero uno antes del antepenultimo, etc...
Dim lDWord As Long
GetMem4 ByVal VarPtr(lDouble), ByVal VarPtr(lDWord)
PutMem4 ByVal (VarPtr(Rot64Bits) + &H4), Rot32Bits(lDWord)
GetMem4 ByVal (VarPtr(lDouble) + &H4), ByVal VarPtr(lDWord)
PutMem4 ByVal VarPtr(Rot64Bits), Rot32Bits(lDWord)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Const VALOR8BITS As Byte = &H54 ' // MAX &HFF
Const VALOR16BITS As Integer = &H4F3F ' // MAX &HFFFF
Const VALOR32BITS As Long = &H541833E3 ' // MAX &HFFFFFFFF
Const VALOR64BITS As Double = 1.08086391056892E+18 ' // MAX &HFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (En Hex solo llega a 32bits)
Debug.Print Rot8Bits(VALOR8BITS)
Debug.Print Rot16Bits(VALOR16BITS)
Debug.Print Rot32Bits(VALOR32BITS)
Debug.Print Rot64Bits(VALOR64BITS)
Debug.Print hlDWORD(VALOR32BITS)
End Sub
Public Function Rot32Bits(ByVal lLong As Long) As Long
' // Rota los bits de un Long (DWord)
' // Manda el 1er bit al final el segundo al antepenultimo, el tercero uno antes del antepenultimo, etc...
' // (1410872291) -> 0101 0100 0001 1000 0011 0011 1110 0011
' // Invertidos:
' // (-942925782) -> 1100 0111 1100 1100 0001 1000 0010 1010
Dim iLWord As Integer
Dim iHWord As Integer
iLWord = LWord(lLong)
iHWord = HWord(lLong)
If (lLong And &H1) Then
Rot32Bits = ((RotBits(LByte(iLWord)) And &H7F) * &H1000000) Or &H80000000
Rot32Bits = (RotBits(LByte(iLWord)) * &H1000000)
End If
Rot32Bits = Rot32Bits Or _
(RotBits(hByte(iLWord)) * &H10000) Or _
(RotBits(LByte(iHWord)) * &H100) Or _
End Function
hDCMemory = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, lPixelWidth, lPixelHeight)
Call SelectObject(hDCMemory, hBmp)
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdcMemory, hBmp)
hOldhGDIObj = selectObject(hDC, hNewGDIObj)
selectObject hDC, hOldhGDIObj
DeleteObject hNewGDIObj