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Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúNeuralNetwork redNeuronal = new NeuralNetwork();
NeuralNetwork redNeuronal.CreateMadaline(new int[] {2, 3, 1);
public struct STRUCT_InputOutputValuePairs
public string Id;
public float[] InputValues;
public float[] OutputValues;
AutoSaveFile | string | File name and path for the auto save file. |
BatchSize | Int32 | Training values evaluated before weights change. |
LearningReason | float | Increment at which neural network learns. |
MaxAge | Int32 | Max age every generation should reach if the neural network doesn't reach the NetworkErrorMargin value. |
MaxGeneration | Int32 | Max generation the training process will reach if the neural network doesn't reach the NetworkErrorMargin value. |
NetworkErrorMargin | float | The error that the neural network must reach before the training process stops. |
RandomWeights | bool | Tells if the weights must be randomized. If the training is continuing with a previous training this should be set to false, otherwise training progress will be erased. |
SaveEveryNAges | Int32 | Interval between every autosave the training process made of the neural network if is > 0. |
TestCasesInputsAndOuputs | STRUCT_InputOutputValuePairs[] | Data sets to test training progress between ages. |
TestOutputMargin | float | Margin at the output neurons value. |
TrainingInputsAndOutputs | STRUCT_InputOutputValuePairs[] | Training values array. |
UseGPU | bool | Use GPU device for training. If is true and there is no GPU device training wont start. |
// Training.
NeuralNetworkTrainer trainer = new NeuralNetworkTrainer();
STRUCT_TrainingParameters trainingParameters = new STRUCT_TrainingParameters {
BatchSize = Convert.ToInt32(Txt_BatchSize.Text),
TrainingInputsAndOutputs = Inputs,
LearningReason = learnningReazon,
MaxAge = maxAges,
SaveEveryNAges = 0,
AutoSaveFile = "",
MaxGeneration = maxGeneration,
NetworkErrorMargin = 0.01f,
RandomWeights = true,
TestCasesInputsAndOuputs = testInputs,
TestOutputMargin = 0.1f,
UseGPU = false
// Write the results.
Neftis.ENUM_StartTrainingResult result = trainer.StartTraining(RedNeuronal, trainingParameters);
CitarIgual te faltó responder algo:
¿Cualquier relación puede expresarse sin necesidad de paréntesis, y se interpretaría bien?
public partial class MainForm : Form
// Lista de picture box.
List<PictureBox> listaPictureBox = new List<PictureBox>();
public MainForm()
// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.
// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
void MainFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
PictureBox newPicture = new PictureBox();
// Agregar controlador de evento.
listaPictureBox.Add(newPicture); // Agrego el picturebox a la lista.