Código (vb) [Seleccionar]
'Author: STARZ!
'Now: 2012/08/23 10:11:51 a.m.
'Purpose: Get the AntiVirus & Firewall installed
'Note: Tested on Win7x64 but should work on XP too
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function RtlGetVersion Lib "NTDLL.DLL" (ByRef lpVersionInformation As Long) As Long
Private Function sGetAnti(sAnti As String) As String
'Thx Karcrack for the GetNuber/WinVersion
Dim oObj As Object
Dim sWmgmts As String
Dim tOSVw(&H54) As Long
tOSVw(0) = &H54 * &H4
Call RtlGetVersion(tOSVw(0))
sWmgmts = "winmgmts:\\.\root\SecurityCenter"
If Join(Array(tOSVw(4), tOSVw(1), tOSVw(2)), ".") >= "2.6.0" Then sWmgmts = sWmgmts & "2"
For Each oObj In GetObject(sWmgmts).ExecQuery("Select * from " & sAnti & "Product"): sGetAnti = oObj.DisplayName: Next
End Function
Sub Main()
MsgBox "AV: " & sGetAnti("AntiVirus")
MsgBox "FW: " & sGetAnti("FireWall")
End Sub
Use una funcion de karcrack que obtiene la version del windows.