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Mensajes - codespr

hey karman ! now i install FX2 and change my error number.

Karman 8.0 wallhack.dll offset:00001658 error
Hi EveryBody I have problem with sxe 8.0 karman fix 3 wall hack.

My Computer nvdia 8800gt SP 3 cs 1.6_v7 & V23 Patch.

Cita de: codespr en 27 Septiembre 2009, 22:02 PM
@Karman thank you for hack.but i have a problem

1-)Open Loader.exe
2-)Open sxe injected ( fix 3 )
3-)open cs 1.6 with patch v26
4-)wait 5 sec and hl.exe error message.
I See Loader.exe Write This sentence :
Wall-Hack SXE 8.0 (All Fixes) Starded!!! .
Press Enter Exit
Launch SXE 8.0 Now!!!

SXE 8.0 Detected!!! (Don't Exit This Program While SXE is Runing!) xP
Waiting for Game...
Half-Life Detected!!!
Half-Life Found!>Injecting
Cheat -> D:\Software\Sxe Injected\wallhack.dll Injected !!
PS: I dont have Sxe error.Half Life Launcher will be closed. Error message.After i wait 5 seconds.
I Need your help.Sorry for my bad english..

@Karman thank you for hack.but i have a problem

1-)Open Loader.exe
2-)Open sxe injected ( fix 3 )
3-)open cs 1.6 with patch v26
4-)wait 5 sec and hl.exe error message.
I See Loader.exe Write This sentence :
Wall-Hack SXE 8.0 (All Fixes) Starded!!! .
Press Enter Exit
Launch SXE 8.0 Now!!!

SXE 8.0 Detected!!! (Don't Exit This Program While SXE is Runing!) xP
Waiting for Game...
Half-Life Detected!!!
Half-Life Found!>Injecting
Cheat -> C:\Program Files\Sxe Injected\wallhack.dll Injected !!
PS: I dont have Sxe error.Half Life Launcher will be closed. Error message.After i wait 5 seconds.
I Need your help.Sorry for my bad english..