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Mensajes - cristian89

una duda comose q una web es sqlblind??????????????'''' espero respuesta!
Nivel Web / Re: SQL Injection Tool
31 Marzo 2009, 20:30 PM
edu porfavor podrias subir d nuevo el programa ese porfavor!
hola puse la rev q tiene el señor sacri22 pero no me funca!! directamente ni me termina de abrir y puff se cierra sola che por cierto esa web q sacaste sacri ta copada!! q es para mango o acent?
Hola gentusa quisiera saber como ago para actulizar a la mas ultima versión del wow !! gracias!! se lo agradecería!
Gente ahora como se ae para actualizar un server antrix a la versión mas nueva ya dejo de ser la mas nuva la 2.0.3 ahora es otra como se actualiza!?
Hola tengo una gran duda bueno queria saber para q sirven los script o como se lo puede activar gracias
Buenas!! gente aca les dejo la base mile stone 2 La mejor la mas estable q conozco anda la intancia todo aca las dejo!!

Milestone 0.2 - Drums of Salvation

NCDB Milestone 0.2 gives you a way better DB, more quests, creatures, spawns & ALOT of fixed bugs, balanced creatures, DB stability has been improved, all this couldn't be done without ascent & NCDB community that have been become one united with the same goal, we have decided to give the name "Drums of Salvation" to Milestone 0.2, because this is hard time to Ascent community but NCDB kept standing.

What's new?
-- The Black Temple
Next-Chapter dataase brings you a playable Black Temple Raid! Starting from challenging Pre-questline that you need to do before you will be able to reach black temple, Which require you to visit in Hyjal, Serpentshrine Cavern & most of outland instances!.

Next-Chapter also brings you blizzlike health stats for all the creatures inside The Black Temple, better spawns & Fully Supported M4ksiu Illidan Fight!

-- Druid Epic Flight Form questline
In Next-Chapter Milestone 0.2 players will be able to get The Druid Epic flight form will be available through a series of quests, This quest series will also open up a new boss in Sethekk Halls, and ultimately lead to the epic flight form

-- GMScripts!
In NCDB 0.2 We've decided to add GMScripts from their project, You'll find more then 100 scripts! Black-Temple, Serpent Shrine, Blackrock Spire, Ring of blood and much much more!(As we said More then 100 scripts!).

-- World Spawns!.
In NCDB 0.2 Alot of new areas have been adjusted/spawned:
* Skettis Camp.
* Druid questline for flight form related mobs.
* Paladin Mount Questline related mobs.
* Blades Edge Mountains - Crystal zones.
* Hyjal Summit.(New & better spawns)
* Black-Temple entrance spawns.
* Caverns of Time - Durnholde.
* Tempest Keep - The Mechanar.
* Scarlet Monastery - All wings.
* Dragonmaw camp in Netherwing Ledge.
* Blackrock Spire.
* Fixed spawns for outland instances!.(I Haven't logged everything!)
* Random missing spawns that have been reported/found & fixed.
Aswell the tables have been re-counted, which means server will run much more faster.

-- Ever more!
# Support in Ascent core 1436 or Higher!.
# Added/Fixed all instance Attunements quests(Karazhan, Hyjal, BlackMorass, Black temple, Onyxia & others).
# Fixed most classes quests.
# Added druid epic flight form quests.
# Added around 50 new quests.
# Around 800 quests have been fixed & adjusted.
# Pets now have default skills on training!(For example if you catch some spider you get with him Poison rank 5 for example).
# Added new 800 gameobjects!.
# Added around 250 new mobs!.
# Removed all ai_agents table - Will improve server stability. ** Removed because core support for this table is a bad joke **
# Fixed all the mobs without models! (Expect 4).
# Deleted faked/temp/event/beta mobs, quests & items.
# New scripts, which will improve gameplay Smile.
# Parsed creature levels from wow-armory.
# Parsed item information(stats, names, shockets & misc) from wow-armory.
# New trainer structure is Supported!.
# All Transports are now fully working! with no dead-time!.
# Fixed all the un-clickable mobs!.
# M4ksiu Illidan event script is supported!.
# Fixed freewind & thunder-bulf lifts!.

-- Fixed bugs!
More then 100 bugs have been fixed in NCDB milestone 0.2
Next Chapter Community Forums


    * All community patches.
    * Leech - wowhead ripping bot - By rev087
    * WDB to SQL - By PoRt & TazzMan.
bye gente!!
bueno tengo otro problema!!  me carga todo pero esto me aparece mira

2007-09-21 02:21:59 >> Loaded 37 spell learn spells + found in DBC 5930
2007-09-21 02:21:59 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
2007-09-21 02:21:59
2007-09-21 02:21:59 >> Loaded 810 spell proc event conditions
2007-09-21 02:21:59 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
2007-09-21 02:21:59 >> Loaded 56 aggro generating spells
2007-09-21 02:21:59
2007-09-21 02:21:59 Loading NPC Texts...
2007-09-21 02:22:00
2007-09-21 02:22:00 >> Loaded 3741 npc texts
2007-09-21 02:22:00 Loading Items...
2007-09-21 02:22:04 >> Loaded 22222 item prototypes
2007-09-21 02:22:04
2007-09-21 02:22:04 Loading Page Texts...
2007-09-21 02:22:04 >> Loaded 1277 page texts
2007-09-21 02:22:04
2007-09-21 02:22:04 Loading Item Texts...
2007-09-21 02:22:04
2007-09-21 02:22:04 >> Loaded 5 item texts
2007-09-21 02:22:04 Loading Creature templates...
2007-09-21 02:22:05 ERROR:Error in `creature_template` table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 66 fields in sql).

q es?????????? by eespero tu respuesta!
hola che tengo un problema me tira este error
07-09-21 01:59:07 Realm running as realm ID 1
2007-09-21 01:59:07 Using DataDir ./
2007-09-21 01:59:07 Initialize data stores...
2007-09-21 01:59:07 ERROR:
Some required *.dbc files (17 from 31) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/AreaTable.dbc (exist, but have 35 fields instead 27) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/BattlemasterList.dbc (exist, but have 32 fields instead 24) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ChrClasses.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 18) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ChrRaces.dbc (exist, but have 35 fields instead 27) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/CreatureFamily.dbc (exist, but have 26 fields instead 18) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Faction.dbc (exist, but have 53 fields instead 37) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemRandomProperties.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 16) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemSet.dbc (exist, but have 53 fields instead 45) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Map.dbc (exist, but have 123 fields instead 75) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SkillLine.dbc (exist, but have 38 fields instead 22) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 211 fields instead 179) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SpellItemEnchantment.dbc (exist, but have 34 fields instead 26) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SpellRange.dbc (exist, but have 38 fields instead 22) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TalentTab.dbc (exist, but have 23 fields instead 15) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TaxiNodes.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 16) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TaxiPathNode.dbc (exist, but have 11 fields instead 9) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/WorldSafeLocs.dbc (exist, but have 22 fields instead 14) Wrong client version DBC file?

nose q es!! espero tu ayuda gracias!
Buenas gente aca les dejo un tutorial de como agregar armas apenan comiensa sus pj osea q sus pj apena se crean y ten con una tier arma etc.....
bueno asi seria el codigo para poder meterlo en el sqlyog
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items ('indexid', 'protoid', 'slotid', 'ammount') values
bueno en la parte esta indexid ira la parte de los id de los pj osea de las clases oseaa warrior,pala estc....... estos son aca les dejo
bueno en la parte de protoid tendra q ir el id de la arma tier etc..... e la parte de slotid tendra  qir  si va hacer homrera cabesa etc estros son id tambien aca les dejo

0. Head
1. Neck
2. Shoulder
3. Shirt
4. Chest
5. Belt
6. Pants
7. Boots
8. Bracer
9. Gloves
15. Weapon
17. Ranged
19. Ammo pouch
23. Food/Water etc
24. Food/Water etc
25. Healthstone
y bue en la otra la final pongalen 1 y ya
aca les dejo de como maumeno tendria q tar o quedar

INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('1', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('2', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('3', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('4', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('5', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('6', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('7', '16965', '7', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16963', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16961', '2', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16966', '4', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16959', '8', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16964', '9', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16960', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16962', '6', '1');
INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_items VALUES ('8', '16965', '7', '1');
bueno este q le di es para q sus pj comiensen con la tier 2 bueno espero q le funque bye gente!