Una pequeña aportacion, a ver que tal resulta (a mí me va bien con un pequeño foro de TV sat)
Ofrece para hosting gratis:
Free FTP, PHP 5 scripting support, My-SQL and our very popular feature:
The Automatic Script Installer (Like Fantastico) You can install many popular scripts such as PHPbb2 and PHPbb3, Wordpress, Zen-Cart, osCommerce, MyBB, UseBB, MyLittle Forum, 4images, Coppermine, SMF, Joomla, e107, XOOPS, PHP Wind, CuteNews, Mambo, WikiWig and many more! No need to wait a long time uploading files, Our Automatic Script Installer deploys your files in seconds
350 MB disk space
15 GB monthly transfer
5 addon domains
5 parked domains
5 sub domains
5 MySQL databases
Slow MySQL query stats
1 FTP account
Online file manager
Free FTP software
All file types allowed
Unlimited POP email accounts
Web mail
PHP sendmail enabled
Custom MX records
Fantastico type installer
Instant PHPbb forum
Instant SMF forum
Instant Media Wiki
Zend encoder supported
Ion Cube support
No forum posting required
creo que merece la pena echar un vistazo.
SALE UN ANUNCIO AL PIÉ pero.... tiene solución >>aqui<< para IE o
>>para mozilla firefox<<
Un saludo
Una pequeña aportacion, a ver que tal resulta (a mí me va bien con un pequeño foro de TV sat)
Ofrece para hosting gratis:
Free FTP, PHP 5 scripting support, My-SQL and our very popular feature:
The Automatic Script Installer (Like Fantastico) You can install many popular scripts such as PHPbb2 and PHPbb3, Wordpress, Zen-Cart, osCommerce, MyBB, UseBB, MyLittle Forum, 4images, Coppermine, SMF, Joomla, e107, XOOPS, PHP Wind, CuteNews, Mambo, WikiWig and many more! No need to wait a long time uploading files, Our Automatic Script Installer deploys your files in seconds
350 MB disk space
15 GB monthly transfer
5 addon domains
5 parked domains
5 sub domains
5 MySQL databases
Slow MySQL query stats
1 FTP account
Online file manager
Free FTP software
All file types allowed
Unlimited POP email accounts
Web mail
PHP sendmail enabled
Custom MX records
Fantastico type installer
Instant PHPbb forum
Instant SMF forum
Instant Media Wiki
Zend encoder supported
Ion Cube support
No forum posting required
creo que merece la pena echar un vistazo.
SALE UN ANUNCIO AL PIÉ pero.... tiene solución >>aqui<< para IE o
>>para mozilla firefox<<
Un saludo