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Temas - juanfernandoperez

Windows / bootmgr is missing (auxilio)
14 Mayo 2016, 10:25 AM
Hola gente, les paso a comentar el problema:
Cuando inicio windows aparece el bootmgr is missing ctrl+alt+del to restart. Anteriormente tuve otro problema llamado windows cannot repair y para solucionarlo intente lo siguiente y de ahi surgio el problema bootmgr
No poseo el cd windows 7 pero si tengo un pendrive a ver si ayuda...

Estoy desesperado, tengo mucho miedo de perder todos los recuerdos, las fotos que tengo de mi familia, mascotas.
El unico tecnico de mi pueblo me quiere cobrar $USD150 por arreglarmelo y no puedo pagar eso(creo que se aprovecha porque sabe lo valiosa que es mi informacion y lo mal que estoy), tengo que mantener a mi familia y no puedo pagarlo.

Neceistaba desahogarme, disculpen si resulto algo molesto.


Command #1 – diskpart

This command will start disk part utility in your command prompt. When diskpart will starts you'll able to see "DISKPART>" on the left side.

Command #2 – list disk

This will list all of your connected drives in your computer.

Command #3 – select disk 0

In this step we're selecting our main hard drive where your window is installed. In my case I'm selecting disk 0 because that's the only drive shown in my cmd and that's the also one where my OS is installed.

Command #4 – list partition

This command will show you all the partitions created in that disk what you've selected.

Command #5 – select partition 2

Normally we are selecting partition 2 because that's our windows partition but that not prove we will always need to select the 2nd one because sometimes partition 1 can be our windows partition too. So, select the partition where your windows is installed.

Note: Never Select 100 MB, 350 MB And 500 MB Partitions.

Command #6 – active

That will make your partition active.
Command #7 – exit

Now restart your computer and open the system recovery options again to see the changes in it.